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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Korean drama "Choco Bank": Episode's three and four recap

 Air Dates: February 15th to February 19, 2016 on Naver-TV
Series aired five consecutive nights, six shows in total that averaged 15 minutes in length

 There will be a different video at the top for all of these three recaps, one above for today is a short promo one that has some behind the scenes footage.

Main Cast:

 Park Eun-Bin as Ha Cho-Co.... owner of the 'Choco Bank' chocolate cafe, you can see the play with her name. The cafe is really struggling but perhaps with the help of a man she just met she can turn the tide as she's behind on all of her bills.

Kai as Kim Eun-Haeng.... the man Cho-Co met by accident and because of that she forced him to work at her cafe. He's been unemployed for five years though has a degree and in Korean Eun-Haeng means Bank.

Yun Joon-Suk as Bae Dal-Soo.... Cho-Co's childhood friend who also works at the cafe.

Lee Chae-Won as Hong Cherry(!).... reporter who we didn't meet until the fourth show and is doing some features on the cafe.

Lee Ii-Hwa as Mrs. Kim.... Eun-Haeng's mother who had no idea he was unemployed.

 Small cast but a small drama as the running time was just 86 minutes but a very enjoyable show, these mini series are faves of mine and how I wish there were more of them.

 Not really a cliffhanger to end off the previous recap but it was an incident that shocked our heroine Cho-Co. The door to her small cafe opened and who should be standing there but her childhood friend Dal-Su who she hadn't seen for many years. Dal-Su is back in town and needed a place to crash, of course the the first person he looked to for help was Cho-Co. Unfortunately she can't help him out as her cafe is struggling badly and much of that was because of her new partner Eun-Haeng being the cause of her losing five million Won in the first episode.
 But of course Cho-Co is on the lookout for free help, with no other options at the moment her childhood friend has volunteered to stay on and help turn the tide at the cafe. But Dal-Su is really leery about Eun-Haeng, how can such a smart businessman with a degree be unemployed for five years? Dal-Su did cross the line in trying to humiliate Eun-Haeng as he told the group of customers who Eun-Haeng was chatting with about his situation. Eun-Haeng has always been calm and collective up until now but the shame he felt with Dal-Su's words was finally too much for him as Eun-Haeng fled the cafe but luckily Cho-Co was hot on his tail.

 For such a short recap this is taking me eons to finish as I just took a five day break. After dragging Eun-Haeng back to the cafe Cho-Co had a brilliant idea, with his skills at using apps for financial matters and his mastery at business why not combine those talents with her skill at baking? What she proposed was having Eun-Haeng giving free financial advice for customers who visited the shop. Surprisingly Cho-Co may have had the idea of the year as Eun-Haeng thought a strategy like that would work in attracting more customers and it succeeded perfectly.
 Before long the Choco Bank cafe was packed every day and doing more business than ever. Of course the main reason was Eun-Haeng's advice and what a hit he was with the customers. Once again it led me to wonder how could a man with such skills be out of work for five years? Things were going so well a reporter from a business magazine wanted to interview Eun-Haeng to see what was behind the cafe's success. Her name was Cherry(!), while she didn't have a large role in the remaining three shows it did turn out to be an important one.
 Cherry has contacts in the business world as after all she does work as a financial reporter. Along with everyone else in the drama and us viewers she too couldn't believe Eun-Haeng had been unable to find a regular job. So to his surprise a few days later Cherry brought in a friend of hers named Kim who was a director at the prestigious Financial Bank.

 However that meeting got cut short as Eun-Haeng received a call from his mother who happened to be outside the bank she thought he worked at! Of course he didn't as he had kept his unemployment a secret from his mother but in a bit of a spoiler she'll discover Eun-Haeng's deception in the next recap. The director Kim wasn't discouraged that Eun-Haeng had to quickly leave the cafe before they had a chance to talk, he's told Cherry he's interested in the young man.
 He's not the only one interested as Cherry has grown quite fond of Eun-Haeng much to Cho-Co's dismay. It hasn't been any kind of romance story up until now but by the end of the fourth show we've finally seen how much Cho-Co has fallen for Eun-Haeng but if he leaves the cafe will he forget all about her? That's a possibility as the director wanted to have an interview with Eun-Haeng to offer a position at the bank, how that turns out will be in the next recap.

 I can be a bit lazy at times, should have just written these posts up all in a row but kept putting it off. No good reason for that as this was a very enjoyable short series though wish it may have lasted another half hour or so. One more recap to go for the drama which is the next post.

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