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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Korean drama "Choco Bank": Episode's five and six(final) recap

 Air Dates: February 15th to February 19, 2016 on Naver-TV
Series aired five consecutive nights, six shows in total that averaged 15 minutes in length

 There will be a different video at the top for all of these three recaps, one above for today is a short promo one that has some behind the scenes footage.

Main Cast:

 Park Eun-Bin as Ha Cho-Co.... owner of the 'Choco Bank' chocolate cafe, you can see the play with her name. The cafe is really struggling but perhaps with the help of a man she just met she can turn the tide as she's behind on all of her bills.

Kai as Kim Eun-Haeng.... the man Cho-Co met by accident and because of that she forced him to work at her cafe. He's been unemployed for five years though has a degree and in Korean Eun-Haeng means Bank.

Yun Joon-Suk as Bae Dal-Soo.... Cho-Co's childhood friend who also works at the cafe.

Lee Chae-Won as Hong Cherry(!).... reporter who we didn't meet until the fourth show and is doing some features on the cafe.

Lee Ii-Hwa as Mrs. Kim.... Eun-Haeng's mother who had no idea he was unemployed.

 Small cast but a small drama as the running time was just 86 minutes but a very enjoyable show, these mini series are faves of mine and how I wish there were more of them. At the top is a subbed video of the first episode and how are two main characters met.

 Finally hit the conclusion of this mini series and have to admit eight episodes would have been better but this still turned out to be an enjoyable yet fluffy show. Bit of a cliffhanger to end off the previous recap as Eun-Haeng had finally received an interview with a major bank. The main director's name is Kim and though he met Eun-Haeng only briefly he seemed impressed with the young man and after five long years it appears Eun-Haeng may finally land a regular job. When this show began he did go in for the interview but what took place wasn't revealed for a while.
 As you can see in the top screenshot it was also February 14th better known as Valentine's Day. To Cho-Co the day meant nothing but bad memories as once on that day when she was twenty she caught her boyfriend cheating on her. Plus in high school a teacher she had a crush on announced he would be getting married on that day. So though it's a happy day for lovers it's a dreadful one for
Cho-Co who has no sweetie to be with(yet).
 Meanwhile back at the Choco Bank cafe business had been booming but that may come to an end. Hordes of customers had been streaming into the cafe as Eun-Haeng had been giving them free financial guidance but now that he's no longer there it appears Cho-Co will have to end the service. That made so many customers irate so it seems business may go from boom to bust in a matter of hours. Just as it seemed the packed cafe would stream out in fury after being led on about the free advice who should walk in the door but... Eun-Haeng!
 He immediately jumped into action and helped the entire cafe out with any financial problems as Eun-Haeng has saved the day. Of course Cho-Co was curious why he was back so early from the interview and now the romantic side to the story is beginning. Eun-Haeng finally admitted he's had a crush on Cho-Co for so long and of course we know she's had one about him building up too. If he had taken the position at the bank it would have meant no more cafe work for him as Eun-Haeng has really taken a liking to working with regular people.

 Unknown to the new 'couple' who should have heard every word spoken but Eun-Haeng's mother! For five years she had thought her son was working at a bank and what a blow it was to hear that he's been pulling the wool over her eyes for so long. That shock was too much for her to take as the mother passed out on the cafe's floor and had to be rushed to the hospital. Luckily Eun-Haeng's mother recovered fairly quickly but she was still so upset and hurt about the secret her son had kept from her all those years.
 Eun-Haeng thought long and hard about his life, to please his mother he's decided working at a major bank would be the best thing for him at the moment. That bottom screenshot shows Eun-Haeng revealing the heartbreaking news to Cho-Co that he can no longer work a the cafe. Never mind their potential romance but with him leaving does that mean Cho-Co will have to close her Choco Bank cafe as it finally started to become successful?

 Time really zoomed as after Eun-Haeng quit the cafe to work at the bank it's now a year later. Though it's still not a big money maker Cho-Co's cafe is still open and wouldn't you know it's also Valentine's Day again. Her old friend and helper Dal-Su has somehow become a major star as he's a spokesperson for a few financial companies and has done many promo videos for them. That character really didn't play a major role in the show which is why a longer series may have been better. As mentioned it's Valentine's Day a year later, Dal-Su has made a return appearance at the cafe to visit his old friend and as they were chatting the door opened, guess who was there?

 Of course it was Eun-Haeng and it had better have been as there's less than ten minutes to go in the series. For the past year he had been working at the prestigious Financial Bank and all of his superiors thought he was a top notch worker. But deep down Eun-Haeng had been growing more unhappy and his mother had noticed that. He had quit the cafe to please his mother but when she saw how down her son had become she told Eun-Haeng he could do whatever he wanted with his life.
 Wasn't a hard decision for Eun-Haeng as he left the bank job and returned to the cafe to see Cho-Co. Needless to day she was shocked to see her once potential boyfriend enter Choco Bank and he wanted to continue on with where he had ended. That was giving free financial advice to the customers and before you knew it once again business was booming.
 Dal-Su had been there when Eun-Haeng made his triumphant return, speaking of romance he's now very close in a relationship with the reporter Cherry. But what of the budding romance between our two stars Cho-Co and Eun-Haeng? It appears the two are about to become boy/girlfriend much to the glee of Cho-Co, with that scenario about to begin this series came to it's conclusion.

 Did take me a while to write this up only because I kept putting it off. Actually the main reason for that is because I've been on a somewhat drama binge lately, not because I didn't enjoy this series. It was a solid show, nothing overly serious as it was a bit fluffy but it's nice to kick back now and again and watch a fun show like this one. My rating for the drama will be an 8.5/10 and if you're a fan of Eun-Bin would recommend this show. Speaking of her my next Korean series will her latest one which is titled "Stove League", it ends in a few days and will do some recaps for it. The drama is a regular length show at sixteen hours so not sure if the whole thing will be recapped. But if you're a Baseball fan then this show may be one you'd enjoy.

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