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Friday, July 3, 2020

"Born Again" drama: Episode's seven and eight recap

 Air Dates: April 20th to June 9, 2020.... Monday and Tuesday nights at 10:00 pm on KBS2
 Ratings for the two episodes were 3.0 and 3.0%, KBS2 isn't too major of a channel

Main Cast: The characters changed much sooner than I expected, they original three main ones were only in the first four episodes. That action took place in the late 1980's, now it's early March 2020 and the top three have been reincarnated, show what their previous names were. Much bigger cast for this period of time, will be adding to it as characters are introduced or at least the more important ones.

Jin Se-Yeon as Jung Sa-Bin(was Ha-Eun)....~31 year old woman who is a professor of Archaeology at the University of Seoyeon, also an NFS medical examiner. Like her original character had a heart condition but unlike Ha-Eun Sa-Bin has had a heart transplant.

 Lee Seo-Yuk as Kim Soo-Hyeok(was Cha).... In his previous life Kim was a detective and has remained fighting criminals but is now a prosecutor and a very ruthless one. He has a phtotographic memory and remembers everything about a criminal

 Jang Ki-Yong as Chun Jong-Bun(was Ji-Cheol).... He looks so much different than his original character, in present time Chun is a foresenics student and is at the top of his class. He comes from a wealthy family and his stepfather is the head prosecutor for Seoul

The Rest of the cast....

 Choi Kwong-Ii as Chun Seok-Tae.... Jong-Bun's father though not his real one
Kim Jung-Young as Heo Jin-Kyung.... Jong-Bun's mother and quite a snob
Park Sang-Hoon as Chun Jong-Woo.... Jong-Bun's half brother

Han Hae-Rim as Yoo Seo-Young.... Sa-Bin's partner at NFS
Lee Seo-El as Baek Sang-A.... Kim's girlfriend
 Jang Won-Young as Joo In-Do.... Cha's partner in the 80's, is still a detective
Cha Min-Jee as Jay.... Sa-Bin's roommate and a graphic designer

NFS- you'll be seeing these letters quite often which stand for 'National Forensics Service'

Many others in the cast but the majority of them are just in a few episodes but do have a feeling the above will be updated a few times.

Every post will have two episodes and was thinking it may make it much easier to follow a drama if you're interested in it. Most of the time I would do 2-4 recaps a week which means it'd take about five or more weeks to do them all. It's easy to forget what happened in a show if you have to wait a week for a post and perhaps a viewer would lose interest in reading them. So this way you can read what took place from the very first minute until the final one, for now that's the plan. There's also going to be a new video at the top of each post, could be a promo, scene from a show, etc.

 Have suggested just reading a pair of posts at a time so as not to lose interest. Know writing these up can take a while, say forty minutes and bet it only takes about seven to read one. Need to take my advice about doing posts as I've viewed eight half hour episodes and written up these first four recaps in three days which is so far ahead of my normal pace, am getting a tad burnt out. But this should be a shorter post than the first three, not as much seemed to take place until the final twenty minutes and actually more questions have arisen than have been answered.

 In the first six episodes Sa-Bin dominated the screen time, not so for these two shows so will get her events out of the way first and we didn't see much of her past the twenty minute mark. That above was a scene that began off these two episodes, that was with prosecutor Kim visiting Sa-Bin at her NFS autopsy lab. She's been examining the remains of a skeleton recently dug up but the person had been stabbed to death thirty years ago, of course in the above recap we discovered the skeleton was actually Kim's in his previous life! Kim could care less about doing the right thing, he's been having problems convicting a serial killer and wants to use this skeleton to frame the man.

 Sa-Bin was aghast at that notion and wouldn't sign off on the death form though it appears Kim has forced her partner Yoon to do so. Jong-Bum had also been in the room for the autopsy but was asked to leave by Kim who didn't want his secrets known. But as Jong-Bum was departing he left a pen hidden in the lab, as I surmised at the time correctly the pen had a recorder and Jong-Bum has all of Kim's dirty secrets on tape. Above is Sa-Bin with the "Wuthering Heights" novel which was her fave novel in her previous life, that book may have some special powers.

 The skeleton had been holding it when it was discovered, Kim had taken the book for evidence but since then had some very serious headaches. After their confrontation Sa-Bin took the book back, she too then had some problems which were in her chest and we still haven't learned the details of her heart transplant. But we did learn she has a female roommate named Jay who was helping Sa-Bin reconstruct the skeleton's head on her computer. That was the only scene we saw Jay in, she's supposedly a graphic designer but also may work for the NFS. That should cover most of Sa-Bin's main details for these shows, she may be brought up again as we go along.

 Will only talk about the woman in the middle above screenshot for a sentence or two. She went unnamed and Kim had met her after the autopsy, she's an author who wrote a book about the serial killer Gong and his murders from thirty years ago. Kim hated the woman for writing the book and only brought her up because have a feeling we'll be seeing much more of her. Below her pic is the main prosecutor for Seoul who is Chun, he's the stepfather of Jong-Bum. Though the son is doing well at medical school and has a bright future the father can't stand his son. He doesn't want to risk his career by taking his own son down so in a sly way he asked Kim to do it. Kim had been on the present serial killer case and thought the lifetime criminal Byun was responsible for the killings.

 He may be but Chun wanted to put that case on ice for a while and have Kim take a new one, it's for a murder at the Pureun Studio Apartments. A woman in her thirties had been murdered the previous night, it was never said out loud but to me Chun knew his son Jong-Bum had a hand in the killing. More on the woman named Kwa coming up but Jong-Bum had been with her on the night of her death. Above is the veteran detective Joo and he was taken back when he first met Kim. To the detective he looked so much like Cha who had been his old partner, the two according to Joo also share so many of the same characteristics.

 It didn't take Kim that long to come up with a suspect in the case, it naturally was Jong-Bum. There were many witnesses who saw the pair together and though there were no videos or pictures Kim put all of the evidence together to make Jong-Bum the one and only suspect. What also had made Kim very suspicious of the man was his part time job as an errand boy and delivery man. Jong-Bum comes from a very wealthy family, why would he need a part time job to make extra cash?

 Final segment(better be!) and let me go off the new killing for a moment. Right above was Kim investigating on his computer some older murders by teens, he was still working on the Byun case though he wasn't supposed to be. He stumbled across that picture of a fifteen year Jong-Bum whose first name at the time was Eun-Woo so was changed to protect the boy. At that age Eun-Woo had killed a female classmate and sat with the dead body in a barn for three days. Thanks to his powerful stepfather the case had been hushed up to a large extent as he sent his son to America to let things blow over. That was another huge reason for Kim making Jong-Bum the prime suspect in the murder of Kwa, he really despises the younger Chun.

 Two of the screenshots show the victim Kwa who had been out the night of her death getting sloshed. Jong-Bum was with her and for a while he had been Kwa's 'errand boy' such as getting groceries, laundry, doing deliveries, etc. She would also pay him to got out drinking and make sure she got home safely. The pair had been out that night and the time of death was estimated to be at about 1:00 am, when an angry Kim confronted Jong-Bum with the the evidence he claimed he had left Kwa's apartment at midnight. Of course Kim didn't believe a word from the man but his hands were tied with no video or true witnesses.

 At that mini confrontation outside the NFS building Kim was just so furious, he detests criminals to the Nth degree and will Jong-Bum get away with murder for the second time? Not with Kim on the case and I need to remember it's only near the end of the sixth episode, there's 26 more to go for so many details to come out and questions answered. In the last few minutes Sa-Bin contacted Kim as she had new details about the skeleton they had found near the Donggang river. Kim can't stand the woman but if her new evidence can help his case then he was willing to meet her. What her new evidence was that the "Wuthering Heights" book had a stamp of a bookstore named "Old Future", that was the name of Ha-Eun's bookstore in her previous life.
 There's been three bookstores with that name in Seoul over the past thirty years, the pair are off to see if there's any kind of clue about the skeleton at one of those stores. But that adventure will have to be out on hold for a while as while Kim was driving his car a truck veered in front of it, Kim swerved out of the way but there was no chance of preventing his vehicle from slamming into the truck. In an odd move(for him) Kim did put his arm in front of Sa-Bin to save her from getting hurt too bad, it may have worked as she wasn't badly injured but Kim was. As the episode came to it's conclusion
Sa-Bin was calling for help as Kim was lying unconscious in the car. Though Sa-Bin is a medical examiner she hates the sight of blood but then again she usually only works with skeletons.

 You're probably reading this a month after it was written but after I view two more sets of episodes and write the recap may take a needed break. Don't want to get burnt out too quickly, would like to post these sixteen recaps about July 20th but if that doesn't pan out then it'll be August 1st, let's see which scenario happened and I'll bet on the second one.

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