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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Sunday, July 12, 2020

Nogizaka46: 'Nogizaka 46 Hours TV' with Hinako Kitano....

 Hmmmm, no pics like those above but still do have some superb ones to view or at least if you're a Hinako fan they will be. You may think I've been scrapping the bottom of the barrel with these recent Nogi posts which is far from the case. It's still been an extremely slow stretch for new happenings with the group but does seem there's been just as many solo posts for many of my faves. But this slow stretch has been a bit of a plus in certain ways as it's allowed me to watch some movies which had been collecting dust and will have a few more that I'll be recapping. Just did posts for two Nogi 'horror movies' yesterday and will have a third one hopefully next weekend. Will also have at least one more post with a segment from Nogi's third(?) '46 Hours TV Special' that aired in June.

 Hinako has been my #1 Nogi member for quite a stretch, can't remember exactly how long but it's been well over a year. This Friday, which is the 17th, she'll be celebrating her 24th birthday so will try to have at least one post for that special occasion though they may be a day or two after Friday. Will have some 'greatest pics' from this year and probably a few older things, Hinako has been a bit quiet lately so there's been a lack of new pics but still think the posts will be oki-doki.

 She also had a second segment that was subbed with another member, it was much shorter than this one and will have some screenshots in those b-day posts. It's hard to explain how alluring Hinako is to me but can't think of anyone I'd rather be with than her though possibly my current #1, hoping that Hinako can qualify for this year's top faves list. Well, actually there's no way she won't as I'll make sure she has enough posts(six) or pics in Nogi posts(250).
 What I really enjoy about Hinako is how fun she is and also very quick witted. Don't know if she's a manga fan but she certainly is of animes and is also a gamer. For her solo segment she played a pair of horror games live and really wish she had more time at them as it was Hinako's first time playing them. It seemed as though she was getting the hang of them but only had a little over ten minutes to play them, perhaps she should have a two hour 'Showroom' to play them again? Before I forget the subs for this segment and all others were done by Beam Subs.

 Won't go into too many details about the games as she couldn't play them long enough. But if you know me well enough then you know screenshots is what I always take too many of and have plenty of them to follow the action. First off was a game called 'Go Home', it featured a seven year old girl character named Mozaiko whose goal was to return home. Easier said then done as there were many obstacles such as witches and wild dogs, Hinako couldn't get past the dogs but as mentioned it was her first time playing the game and with 46 hours couldn't they have given her a longer segment?

 Hinako was able to get past a few of the obstacles attempting to stop the little girl from going home. One strangely was a traffic signal and right after that was some very mysterious creature that is right above, she tried getting past the rabid dog three times but failed.

 Up next for a horror game was the one she mentions above, 'Daruma-san has fallen'. Hinako needed to wear a VR helmet or whatever they're called and there was a slight glitch in the beginning as we viewers couldn't see what she was seeing. So there was a short break while they fixed the contraption to air and it was back to the main studio for a few minutes.

 That's Shiori right above giving her encouragement during the game, for Hinako's other segment she was joined by her and do have it subbed though haven't viewed it yet. On to this second game and in all honesty this really looked like a fun one to play and kind of creepy too. The object was to rescue a little girl named Daruma-san who was trapped in an eerie corridor while surrounded by creatures preventing her rescue. This game I wish had gone on for a bit longer but because of the snag with the VR camera she couldn't play it long enough. Hinako seems to enjoy horror games/films like I do, another reason for her not to reject me..... but she was a bit frightened during this second game....

 And I'll end this here too as that's where the segment ended. Don't enjoy Nogi's regular variety show these days plus it's been a while since there was a season of 'NogiBINGO!' so it's nice to see these oddball things now and again and will say all three segments I've seen from this special show that aired from June 19th to the 21st have been fun watches. Would recommend this segment and as mentioned you can get this from the fine folks at Beam Subs. Plenty of screenshots to help you follow the story better but really wish the segment was at least ten minutes longer.