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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Nogizaka46: 'Nogizaka 46 Hours TV' with Mai Shinuchi

 Double shot of Mai for today and not sure if that's ever happened before with a Nogi member having a pair of entirely different posts. Have a feeling this Mai is not one of the more popular members of the group but she's been in my top three for fave members for at least two years. This turned out to be an interesting segment and the only drawback is that it lasted just a bit over ten minutes. But somehow took 85 screenshots(!) which must be a record for me as that's eight screenshots per minute and actually could have taken many more.

 So this does appear that it'll end up being the longest recap for any of these 'Nogi 46 Hour TV' segments but will try to keep the text a bit short and let the pics speak for themselves. For the second time the subs were done by Broken Subs who were once known as Depressing Subs. This segment was titled 'About 73 Q's with Mai Shinuchi' as the goal for the interviewer was to ask her 73 questions in ten minutes or about one every 8+ seconds plus she would always give an answer. So let's get to it and as you're viewing the pics pay attention to the apartment or perhaps it's a condo, do you think that's where Mai actually lives? I'm kind of torn on that but am leaning towards saying NO and will discuss that at the end of the post.

 Will discuss some of the questions and answers, if I looked at all 73 this would be the longest post I've ever done. So will have some of those Q's and A's at the top with most being at the bottom but in order so you can tell what Mai was answering to. Bottom pic above was Mai answering what did she do during the 'stay at home period', her activities were mainly boring as she did a lot of cooking, cleaning, general maintenance, etc. which she said could be called training to be a bride! If so sign then me up because is there a Nogi member who would make a better bride than Mai.... not to me there wouldn't! Another pair of questions here were of what Mai couldn't live without(Nao?) and what was the best part of her body?

 Glad that was Mai's answer as to me she has the finest legs of any Idol and have been saying that for ages. Some of the pics have an example of that but perhaps there will be more in the following post which I haven't started yet. On to another pair of questions and who does Mai admire more than anyone? Her response was actually a surprising one but one that pleased me as she's been a fave actress of mine for a while. Following probing question was of what Mai enjoys doing most these days and not to my surprise she said drinking. Did have a video of that online club in a past Nogi post and later on in the segment Mai said her current fave drink was white wine.

 Won't stretch these questions out for too long but they're probably easier to read in this style. The action then moved outside to a rooftop and this is when I began wondering whether Mai truly did live there. A helicopter passed overhead and it was hard for the interviewer to be heard, he asked Mai if it was a regular occurrence but she replied it was the plane of her friend!? Top two screenshots were of her discussing mangas.

 Mai moved around from room to room and then to the rooftop as if she knew the place well which is why you could think it's her place place but if you look at the pics close enough doesn't the condo seem to be too bare? Couple more questions to Mai who answered them very quickly though this didn't seem to be rehearsed and some of the interviewer's questions were made up in the spot. Many may know that Mai for a long time was an OL at Sony and continued that gig even as a Nogi member but no longer works there. She responded her dream job was to work as a Cabin Attendant and said that for another answer too. As far as Mai's personality goes she thinks she's a bit mischievous and I'd like to see that side....

 Final section for questions, as mentioned at the bottom are well over fifty screenshots of so many other things that were asked. But a few other details from this segment are that Mai's first single she ever purchased was one from Morning Musume, she usually begins off the day with a sandwich for breakfast with her fave being Ham and Cheese plus her top two colors are blue and white. You'll see that for the final two minutes Mai changed her attire, another dream that she had was to be the cover girl of Vogue magazine.

 So that wraps up this TV segment from the special show and I've really enjoyed viewing these. Mai seems to be one of the more open members and we learned a lot too on her previous segment. It's nice to learn a bit more about these Idols I post so often about and wish there were more shows in this vein and for the most part think Mai was always telling the truth. Now all caught up with the segments with my faves so have no clue when or if the next recap for this special show will be happening.

 About Mai's apartment or condo, do you think management would let a crew film where an Idol resides? Perhaps some fans could recognize the layout so perhaps this is a place the members use for photo shoots, interviews and whatever. Seemed like a nice place but as mentioned it was so bare and didn't seem as though anyone was living there as there were no books, CD's, DVD's, newspapers or whatever lying around plus there was zero on the walls. So my conclusion on the matter is that Mai doesn't live there but has been there often as it's probably some sort of Nogi getaway place.