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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Friday, July 17, 2020

Nogizaka46: The semi-arcadian 'Miona Hori post' #31....

 Hadn't posted those above pics before, they're from Miona's second photobook "Itsuka no Machiawase Basho" and will end off with a few other unseen ones. Had been planning on posting the pics from it the last week of August, by that time the PB would have been out for three months. Perhaps that post will take place a bit sooner as the book is no longer in the top ten for sales and hasn't been for the past two weeks. Obviously the crisis didn't help sales but with her popularity it still should have sold more than it's current 63,000+ copies.

 Every year there's a fave of mine who takes a few big leaps on my list. Last year Miona finished in the 11th position and to me that was quite an achievement. Did the first preliminary list about a month ago, next one will be in five weeks. On that first list Miona jumped up to fifth place and if I was to do a list today she'd now be in the.... second position!!!! She's always been in my top three for fave Nogi members so it's no surprise to see her up there and only once has a Nogi member made the top ten. It really helps when a fave of mine does many kinds of activities or a lot of them. That's been the case for Miona this year as she's appeared in many mags by herself, had the PB plus has been in many special Nogi shows and those things have zoomed her way up there. Enough to be #1 though is the question, for now I would say no but the gap isn't a large one for her to overcome.

 Hmmmm, did mention it before but think I may prefer her first photobook that came out in the Autumn of 2017. On Monday said to myself there would be a Miona post for this weekend, but yesterday thought how(?) as there were very few new pics. HAH(!), I'll work harder for her posts than almost anyone else and have well over seventy pics which have never been seen before here and just about all are current ones too. There's quite a few different activities, why not start off with some recent pics from Nogi's blog and her Instagram page.

 Miona's hair grows so quickly which she's mentioned so often on her blog. She cut her hair once again a few weeks back so those pics above she's actually wearing extensions, to me it doesn't really matter what length it is. There's one thing I've overlooked as far as Nogi pics go which are certain group cards. Have posted thousands of cards but not from this set which are SSR cards. Don't think they're published these days as they were mainly for Nogi appearing at festivals or other special occasions. But seeing as how these sets had ever been posted before may as start having them.

 One set of cards I've had in most posts this year have been for the 'NogiKoi' app game. Have more for today but on the plus side they're all new for this year and as you can see the game is celebrating it's fourth anniversary. The bottom three pics are of when.....

 .... Miona traveled to New Caledonia with her best Nogi mate back in February. Their 2 1/2 day trip was part of a mini Nogi series called 'Nogizaka World Trip', two other pairs visited a country. As I've said in a few other posts have been debating on whether to recap these two shows which added up to be over three hours. Some of their adventures were just too boring or lame so would rather not do posts for them.
 But on the other hand some things were quite fun and one was extremely interesting. So will do a post or two for this special show once things quiet down a bit, for a change have so many new things to post about. My fave segment took place on the pair's second night, it was the most open and honest conversation I've ever heard between Nogi members. The segment did last for a while so may devote a whole post to it, in yesterday's group post had some screenshots from it and have more for today which weren't in that post. Have said a few times how Miona would make for such a terrific emcee or host of a variety show but in reality she is kind of a quiet person.

 Oooops, though best of friends they still fight endlessly over someone.... 😂

 On to more new pics and this batch is from the ar magazine site. For some reason she only appears in every other issue so no spread for today but hopefully for the next post.

 Miona hosted last night's 'Showroom' where she did a bit more promoting for the PB. Often the videos get deleted and can't understand why, this one has over 11,000 views so maybe it'll stay up for a while and the audio is low on all I checked out, the video will be at the bottom of the post.

 Just one new mag spread for today that's from the July 24th issue of Friday. Like so many recent sets it features outtake pics from the photobook but these are ones I've never seen before. To date no Nogi member has had a video from a book's photo shoot, wouldn't that be a massive seller?

 Lot of pics for today but I seemed to write this post up awful quickly, guess when they're pics of Miona time stops!!!! This second PB came out on May 27th and was a bit shocked it dropped out of the top ten so soon which was after five weeks. One reason is of course the health crisis but also it was the fourth Nogi photobook in four months. It originally was supposed to come out last November but kept getting delayed, had it been released for Christmas bet sales may have tipped 100,000 instead of the sixty or so thousand it's sold to date. Few more pics from it to end off with and will have a post with all of the pics sometime next month.

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