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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Monday, July 13, 2020

Minami Tanaka: Her onslaught of spectacular posts resumes....

 Resumes as this is Minami's first post since May 17th, up until then she already had seven for the year. As is my norm will probably be taking tomorrow off, perhaps even Wednesday. But don't fret as I will be doing a photobook post after this but won't be publishing it until one of those two days and odds are there will be a post on Wednesday. Hmmmm, that is if someone is kind enough to free me but would I really want her to....

 For the first half of this year's Minami's posts had the highest average for views. But they haven't received all that many the past two months as she's lost that lead but think a post like this will bump up that average. Kind of odd that once again my past two number ones for a year have almost back to back posts, of course Minami was my #1 for 2019. Still wavering on whether to include past winners on future year end lists, still have time to decide as there's good and bad points for either way.
 Minami just wrapped up a drama called 'M' and she also be in a spinoff of the show called.... 'L'! That first series is easy to find but sadly there aren't any subs for it but am holding out hope there will be as it does look like such an interesting and quirky show. Actually that second drama began two weeks ago and I'm really on top of things....

 Not as many new modeling pics for Mianmi but that's been the case for so many other of my faves. But at least she has so many other activities such as those two dramas, co-hosting two weekly talk shows plus appearing in quite a few mags. But do have three batches of modeling pics, one will end the post off and these here are from the Tocco Closet site.

 I really like this next set of pics as she doesn't need to dress skimpy to look magnificent, these are from the Samantha Thavasa site and are of course for handbags.

 Most Minami posts seem to have only two mag spreads and usually they're way too small. But for today there must be at least five of them though some are once again too small. Such as these first pair of spreads with the first two pics being from the August issue of Smart while the other three are from Voce and their August edition.

 Slightly bigger set from the July issue of Bijin Hyakka.

 The total is six spreads in all and this set is from the July/August edition of Ginger as some magazines were combining their issues and what a cover!!!!

 Here's the largest spread of the day which is from the August issue of Maquia.

 Minami's first photobook "Sincerely Yours" is still selling well as it's been in the top ten for sales every week since it's December 13th release. Not 100% positive but think the total amount of copies sold is about 475,000 and it's the nest selling PB of all time. What I've been impressed with is that Mianmi hasn't rested on her laurels and has been as busy as ever. But what's more impressive is that she's been doing pics for lingerie lines and why not(?) as the life span of a model isn't forever and she can always go back in the future to being a full time announcer. These pics were in a previous post but in case you missed them here they are gain which are for UniGrid. As fabulous as these pics may be....

.... to me this final batch of pics may top them. This is a combo mag spread and promo lingerie pics which are from the August issue of Sweet as Minami is now a model for 'Peach John' and how we all wish there were more than these pics which are just so breathtaking. Shame there's no CM for these pics nor a behind the scenes video which may be okay as I'm not sure my heart could take it!!!! So after these dazzling pics have a newish Mianmi CM for Kirin beer which is quite long but worth a view if you're also a AKB/HKT fan.

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