Welcome to this Baka's blog on his fave Japanese Pop Culture interests.
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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Friday, November 26, 2021
Nanase Nishino: A little bit of this and that....
That bottom pic is certainly an oldie and also a rarity, hard to believe Nanami has been gone for close to five years and how time has been zooming right by. Just began the countdown for this year's faves list a few days and usually don't do posts around this period of time for those that will make the list. But it's been seven weeks since Nanase's last post and do have a high amount of pics which I didn't want to hold on to for too long. I expect the post for her position to be on December 11th, while there's seventy or so new pics for today I bet there could be just as many for that next post.
Back in 2018 Nanase was my #1 fave of the year and the rule then was if you're number one for a year then you're not eligible for future lists. Changed that this year and perhaps I should have never had the rule but too late to do anything about that now. Don't know where she would have finished in 2019 but last year Nanase would have been around ninth, this year think she'll move up two spots. The last three number ones are still huge faves of mine as all will finish in the top seven, will resume the list tomorrow with #14 and the plan is to have a post every other day after that.
Nanase has been in three dramas this year along with a couple of films. "Hot Mama" was her first show of 2021 and she had the lead role in that series. Her current is titled "Kotodamasou" and once again she has the lead role, some pics from a Mainichi interview for the drama.
Will be recapping the drama but probably not for another week. It's a ten episode series and the first three shows were subbed quite quickly but then there was a longish gap until the fourth show was done. So will be waiting until six episodes are subbed and then begin on it, the show could be her best as a lead actress. Briefly Nanase plays the character of Kotoha whose 'job' is having her own YT channel but it's not popular in the least. She's just moved into an all women's apartment building and did Kotoha bring a curse with her? That's because eerie events began happening the minute she moved in, in the first show that 'curse' led to the death of her best friend Shima who helped Kotoha get the apartment, Shima lived in apartment #1.
She was an inspiring song writer who has finally had a hit song. However the man singing the tune on live TV suddenly had some sort of attack and dropped dead on the air! Shortly after is when the 'curse' moved on to Shima, Kotoha was so worried she hooked up with a sham psychic and the pair tried to exorcise Shima. That was a huge failure as her friend dropped dead and was surprised this character was killed off so quickly. She lived in the first apartment, the curse began to spread after that to the second and third apartments but for now the women in them are still alive but for how much longer? Lot more took place and will get into that when the recaps begin, the biggest mystery being is Kohota the person spreading the curse?
It's a suspenseful drama but then again also is goofy at times. On to more recent tings and here's a brand new Nanase CM for Platinum, actually there's a couple in the video: Platinum CM
Can't have a Nanase post without Non-no pics, small spread from their November issue.
Much larger set from their December edition, am holding on to the January spread for her next post.
To me Nanase's pics at the Non-no site are often the best ones in a post, some of these are in the above spread but these are 'clean versions'.
We'll never see any new Nogi Christmas pics for Nanase but may include some oldies in that next post. Am also thinking of having a group post or two with older pics but thought what I also may do is have a post dedicated for all my faves who have graduated.
On to the final batch of pics which are from an event that took place on November 22nd. It was to promote the upcoming "Your Turn to Kill" which was also a 2019 drama that Nanase had a large role in. The movie will be released on December 10th so will have a post the next day with hopefully plenty of pics from it's premiere. Some fine ones here from Monday's event followed by a video of it, also hoping there may be a screening for the film.
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