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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Thursday, November 18, 2021

Nogizaka46: The scrumpdillyicious 'Asuka Saito post' #21....


 Oki doki, after over a year have finally gotten around to replacing my laptop's keyboard. The problem began last October and for a year four letters were loose but could still type though much slower. Then a fifth letter became loose and when the E wouldn't work any more knew it was finally time, almost forgot how to type. This is the first post with the new keyboard but there may be only one post until late Saturday. Am really behind on some posts, especially for dramas, so want to catch up on those before doing any regular posts plus want to get a few ready for this year's faves list.

 Another week, another Nogi graduation announcement though won't get into it now but will have a post for that huge fave member very soon. As far as faves go Asuka won't be making the yearly list which will consist of sixteen this year. Doesn't mean she's not someone I don't like because I do and she's set a personal record this year with nine solo posts. Will admit for a long time, up until 2017, really didn't pay that much attention to Asuka but it was only because she was too young. She's 23 now and really looks terrific these days, still wondering where her second photobook is. But she's not the only Nogi member that won't make the fave's list, six are eligible but only two will make the cut and will have an intro post this weekend explaining everything.

 Not sure exactly how many pics are in this post but its a high number, perhaps close to ninety and all of them are new. However there's been a huge decrease in Asuka's mag spreads this year, just one mini set and from 2017-19 seemed she had at least two spreads a month. But she's doing much more modeling than she ever did so it's kind of odd there's so fewer spreads but then again I think modeling pics from sites are usually better than spreads. Let's start off with some newish Nogi group cards, first five are for their 'Fes' series, than some Halloween and tour cards followed by some for the 'NogiKoi' game.

 Will get into it more in future member posts but what I've really missed this year are Nogi TV shows. No group dramas, special shows, any more 'NogiBINGO!" plus there was no 'Nogi 46 hours TV' show this year. Some members do appear in regular dramas but it's not the same, it's getting close to three years since "Zambi" aired. Asuka had the lead role in that fun drama and also in the 'Eizouken' mini series that aired in the Spring of 2020, no group drama since then. As mentioned Asuka has been doing so much modeling work this year, she must work with over five sites or clothing lines. Here's some pics from the Sweet magazine site, she's been a model with them since October 2015.

 The only spread for today is a mini one at four pages and is from the December issue of Voce, after those are some pics from their site which are clean versions of the mag's pics.

 GRL is another clothing line Asuka has been with for many years, their pics are always superb and have some brand new ones for today.

 My top modeling pics for today is this batch from the With Online site. It's for their OL campaign and don't know if she'll be a regular model for them but another Nogi member is.

 These are older pics but will try to have some X-Mas posts for my fave Nogi gals.

 There's a new group CM for Baitoru which is an employment agency. Bet Nogi has done over a hundred videos for them over the years and you can view their new one here: Baitoru CM

 In kind of a spoiler and also surprise the member in the bottom pic will be making this year's faves list. Final set of pics is from a November 16th event and it's only been the third Nogi event for 2021, can remember the days when there were two a month. It was to promote Sony's new 'Xperia View' VR and are there any virtual games featuring your fave Nogi members? Plenty of fine looking Asuka pics from the event but as usual there's no video but after the pics have the new CM for the VR.

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