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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Ikumi Hisamatsu: YS-Web #845 scans part three plus a pair of newish spreads....

 Did part two just last weekend and thought that those were the final pics from the set released in May. Once again I was proven wrong but in cases like that glad I am as Ikumi is close to being my #1 gravure model of all time, she also has a huge amount of fans here. However today's set only consists of twenty pics but do have a new mag spread plus one that was missed from March. Ikumi has slowed down on her mag spreads as the two for today are the only ones for 2019 but at least the
YS-Web pics are all from this year which means she hasn't retired yet from being a grravure Queen.

 Perhaps Ikumi has slowed down on her spreads as she may be looking to change her image a bit. However she hasn't appeared in any dramas this year but did release a gravure DVD so who knows what's on her mind. One thing she does a lot of is posting pics to her Instagram account, these are from the past month and there's so many more.

 That bottom pic is actually the cover of Ikumi's latest DVD "Big Skies" which was released on March 27th. It's her seventh one in four years which is a good pace, have viewed two of them and both were quite good. But to be honest it does get a bit tiring watching a gravure video that lasts over ninety minutes and do prefer her shorter ones that last about ten. To promote the DVD Ikumi appeared in the March 8th issue of Friday, she's probably been in 25 or more of their editions.

 And Ikumi's 25th(?) Friday appearance was in their May 10th issue.

 Hit the grand finale and glad I had those superb above pics to fill this post out. Without a doubt am sure this is the final set from May's YS-Web pictorial and think this is the fourth time Ikumi has been their woman of the month. Just twenty pics but when added on to the other two posts that means the grand total was over eighty.

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