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Thursday, June 27, 2019

Korean drama "The Universe's Star": episode's three and four recaps

 Air dates: January 26th to February 9, 2017 on MBC Thursday nights at 11:00 pm
Six episodes from 28 to 36 minutes for a total of 192 minutes

Main Cast:

Ji-Woo as Byul-Yi.... Grim Reaper who comes back to life, alive name had been Ha-Na
Suho as Woo-Joo.... Popular Korean singer who had fallen on some hard times
Shin-Hyun-Soo as Se-Joo,,,, EMT who found Ha-Na dead and may be going out with So-Ri
Na Hae-Ryung as Yeon So-Ri.... Dcotor who has known Woo-Joo since childhood
Yoon Jin-Sol as Gak-Shi.... Byul-Yi's best Reaper friend
Lee Si-Un as Jo Yong-Gi.... slightly older Reaper and one devoted to his 'work'
Ko Kyu-Pil as Go.... Woo-Joo's personal manager
Lee Ji-Hoon as Eom.... CEO of Woo-Joo's record company
Joo Jin-Mo as Koo.... Manager of the Earth's Grim Reapers

 Been looking for some shorter dramas to view and have found a good amount of them though to date they've been hit or miss. Will get back to the longer series soon but wanted to take a break from them as the ones that last for 16-20 episodes can take a whole month to watch. This is also a good way to learn about more actresses and did find a good one with Ji-Woo.

 This may appear to be a fluffy show but for the most part it hasn't been through four episodes. Of course there's many lighthearted moments but all in all it's been mainly serious which is hard to do when you're talking about Grim Reapers in the fashion this show does.
 Let's get right to the action as you probably read the above post and know where the story stands. Byul-Yi has returned to the land of living after failing as a reaper, thanks to her new watch which shows when Woo-Joo is in danger of dying Byul-Yi was able to save her heartthrob at one of his concerts. She wasn't badly hurt but was taken to a hospital anyway where she was quickly released. In that above screenshot is a man we saw briefly in the first recap who is Se-Joo. He's an EMT, he had been first on the scene to help Byul-Yi and with no place to return to when she was discharged from the hospital Se-Joo said he could stay at his family's piano shop.
 Se-Joo also lives there and the main reason he asked Byul-Yi to come there was that he recognized her but that has to be impossible. That's because Se-Joo had been first on the scene once before for Byul-Yi, that was seven years ago when she was in her tragic accident. Jumped ahead slightly on that but for now he didn't reveal to Byul-Yi why he knew her. Meanwhile Woo-Joo is struggling with his comeback as though the songs are fine they just don't strike a cord with his fan's hearts. That's because Woo-Joo to date has never had a girlfriend and can't write from experience, in a bit of a shocker his manager Go suggests that he get a girlfriend or at least go on a few dates.
 Woo-Joo took that advice to heart and does agree with his manager but how does a huge pop Idol like him all of a sudden begin to date? Byul-Yi will soon make that easy for him and besides that incident at his concert he has no clue who she is or where to find her, not that Woo-Joo is looking for her. Though now a human Byul-Yi can still see and talk with her best friend Gak-Shi who is a reaper in training, thanks to her abilities Byul-Yi was able to get a  bit closer to Woo-Joo. She was able to disguise herself as his makeup artist but by her ineptness she was quickly discovered by Woo-Joo. He wasn't too angry at her but did tell Byul-Yi to leave and naturally couldn't believe any of her stories about his impending death.

 Once again Byul-Yi was helped by her friend Gak-Shi who disabled the security system at
Woo-Joo's mansion. It wasn't to get close to him but to get the dog Woo-Joo had abducted from her in the previous episode. Woo-Joo was quite suspicious of an intruder but Byul-Yi was able to escape without a trace or at least that's what she thought. Woo-Joo had watched her every move and when he saw her fleeing with his dog gave chase to Byul-Yi through the neighborhood.
 Took a while but Woo-Joo was able to track down the elusive Byul-Yi, that was mainly because he heard her playing one of his older songs on a piano and badly he admitted too. Woo-Joo wanted his dog back, how could Byul-Yi enter his house and kidnap it? Wait a minute was Byul-Yi's reply, she was no kidnapper as she was just taking what was rightfully hers as Woo-Joo had taken her precious dog from her house.
 That kind of went on for a while but the key to the argument was how well the pair were able to communicate. Though he was the number one man in Byul-Yi's life she didn't talk like a star struck fan. Woo-Joo thought back on what his manager had said about going on some dates, could this goofball of a woman be the right one for him as he's such a popular singer? As you can see in that above bottom screenshot Woo-Joo coyly asks if Byul-Yi is busy tomorrow, of course the answer will be a huge NO for her one and only.
 But you have to remember for the past seven years Byul-Yi has been training to be a Grim Reaper. She too has never been on a date and has very little idea of what happens in the human world between adults. One major thing that needs to be addressed first according to her friend Gak-Shi is Byul-Yi's drab attire as the two go on a shopping spree. Revealed during this time was that Byul-Yi was a rich woman. In the previous episode she had saved yet another human from his death, as gratitude the elderly man left Byul-Yi with his bank book which contained... $237,000!!!!

 Am back, you wouldn't know it but took a five day break. Got a new laptop as the other one was failing, this one is doing better but still some issues but am able to type better as the previous keyboard was falling to pieces. Hope I don't forget too much of what happened but luckily was halfway done with this.
 As I just mentioned Byul-Yi is now a somewhat wealthy gal as she's now in possession of $237,000. Least for now she doesn't go overboard on the spending but does splurge on some new outfits for her date(s) with Woo-Joo. Though he appears much older we do learn in the next episode he's not that much older than Byul-Yi who is now 22 in age, would peg him to be 24 or so. But to date he's never been on a date and really has no clue what a couple would do, as you can see Byul-Yi's recommendation was an amusement park.
 Not sure what thrills Woo-Joo as he wasn't having too much fun. Or at least in the beginning as rides weren't attractions that amused him, that kiddie ride above though did and perhaps it was the privacy that he enjoyed. Unknown to Byul-Yi this wasn't going to be just one date but the beginning of two weeks the pair would spend together. Woo-Joo had notified his manager he would be taking most of the next two weeks off, no concerts or fan sessions but he did have one brief recording session. Seems as though Woo-Joo felt the only way for him to write love songs was to spend as much time as he could with a woman but for now love is not in the air for him.
 But that's slowly changing, perhaps not feeling love towards Byul-Yi but he's starting to become a bit infatuated with her as she's not just some awe struck fan. At Woo-Joo's recording session the song he recorded went over well, it had been a brand new tune he wrote but as is his bad habit he ended up deleting the master recording. But to our surprise Byul-Yi took a whirl in the studio singing one of Woo-Joo's older tunes. She sounded quite good and surprised his manager didn't try to push her into a singing career. That studio session didn't end well though as his manager begin questioning Woo-Joo about Byul-Yi, is she perhaps his first girlfriend? Woo-Joo didn't take kindly to the questions and neither did Byul-Yi as she had overheard some of the conversation. It didn't put her in a good light and she ran away in tears. This may have been the moment when Woo-Joo's feelings for her started to increase rapidly as he hunted her down and for the first time ever consoled a woman.

 Final segment, keep them at four these days and hope I can squeeze everything in. Right above is
Byul-Yi with the EMT Se-Joo who we've seen off and on but his role becomes much larger until the very end. She's been staying at his parent's house as she had no where to go after being discharged from the hospital, Se-Joo took a liking towards Byul-Yi and we soon learn why. Seven years ago when Byul-Yi had her tragic accident it was Se-Joo who was first on the scene. She was still alive at the time which is why he asked Byul-Yi why didn't she recognize him?
 She couldn't as one drawback do being a Reaper and then being sent back to the ranks of a living human is that she has no recollection of her prior life, not even her real name. But because of what Se-Joo had asked her Byul-Yi began thinking was it him she was supposed to protect from dying and not Woo-Joo? Won't give any spoilers away but more of that accident is revealed in the next recap and what really happened is kind of shocking.
 Back to Woo-Joo's 'love life' which isn't containing much love. For now he's not around Byul-Yi 24 hours a day and she truly misses him. During an interview for his new song Woo-Joo caught a glimpse of her watching in the crowd and rushed out to be with her, just a few moments too late as Byul-Yi fled the scene in tears. One potential couple which may become an item is of Se-Joo and the doctor So-Ri. Their feelings have been slowly building up for each other, So-Ri doesn't mind confessing her feelings though to date Se-Joo for some reason can't return her affections. That's another storyline we'll see much more of in the final recap.
 On to the last scene and is it finally time for Woo-Joo to make his way to the land of the dead? The watch Byul-Yi wears that warns her of potential danger for Woo-Joo began it's countdown at 4:44, that's how much time he has left on Earth unless he can be saved which has happened twice already. That watch is rapidly decreasing in time and has sent Byul-Yi into a frenzy looking for the love of her life. But with there being two shows left Byul-Yi arrived in the nick of time to warn Woo-Joo of the impending danger, once again he was about to be hit by a car but was warned in time. That finally brings us to the end of this recap with one more to go.

 Think 'Recaps' is the right word for these kinds of posts as unlike others I don't give many personal feelings towards a drama' It's definitely like a sports highlight reel as I just would rather describe most of the action and let others decide whether this drama would be a good watch for them. Final recap is the next one, the shows start off slowly but what a thrilling and slightly confusing second half as just so much happens, things which you would not have thought about.

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