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Saturday, June 29, 2019

Nogizaka46: The exemplary 'Miona Hori post' #19....

 May take either tomorrow or Monday off to write up a couple of Korean drama recaps, more details on that show in the next post. Lot of J-Pop fans think that Miona looks so similar to Sakura Miyawaki which is quite true but to me think she resembles Ayaka Miyoshi more than anyone, especially that above pic.
 Lot of things for today which is surprising as Miona's last post was barely a week ago. Not sure yet but think there's so many things may be able to hold a few back for another solo post. it'll be her 20th one and not many Idols have hit that semi landmark. It's also nice to see her posts are finally becoming popular, her second to last one finally hit #1 on the most viewed list on the right hand side, think it's currently in the second spot.

 Once again a pic that so resembles who I just referred to. Miona's first film "Hot Gimmick" had it's premiere yesterday and most things today will be for the film. She also has the lead role in the film, mentioned in the "Zambi" recaps she's a fairly decent actress. Lot of interviews were done for the film and have a bunch of pics from them. First four here are from the Hominis site while the others are from Entertainment Station.

 Even more interview pics from 'The TV.jp' site.

 Last post mentioned a spread which I wasn't sure if it had been posted or not. Well I forgot to check on that so why not just have it and this set is from volume 74 of Spoon.

 The only time Miona has ever done gravure spreads for magazines was back in late 2017 when her first photobook was released. Shame there's been no more as she looks beyond incredible to me but then again so don't all of her somewhat conservative pics. Last post had a fine Big Comic Spirits spread, since then some bonus outtake pics were posted at their site.

 Have three more spreads and as I said Miona looks just as perfect fully dressed, actually do prefer Idols that more down to earth such as she is. One of the co-stars in the new film is Hiyori Sakurada and she appears in this next set which is from the August issue of BLT.

 Am going to hold on to one of the spreads, have a feeling there's going to be some more new things for the film and just in case more pics are needed have a spread to fall back on. But this next set is so huge it'll make up for it as it consists of nineteen pics which all have a rating of A++++! Miona also is the cover girl and this fine batch is from the August edition of UTB. Though every pic is tremendous the cover could be the best as it's so demurely perfect.

 Final happening for today are a huge amount of pics from yesterday's premiere of the "Hot Gimmick" movie. Have no clue what the expectations are for the film such is it expected to be in the top ten at the box office? Very few idols films do make it but Miona is such a terrific gal and if it it is a hit that could really propel her acting career. The event took place at the United Cinemas in Toyuso, Tokyo and as you can see the event left her in tears. Noticed many Idols tend to break down at premieres and it's not a put down at all, she did mention she put everything she had from her heart into her performance.
 Can't believe there's no video of the premiere, hopefully by her next post there will be. Usually Nogi group events have no videos but figured one from the event could only help it out as it may attract a few more customers. So after the pics have a video from 'Showroom' which she hosted on June 14th.

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