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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Nogizaka46: A little bit of this and that for 2019 #11....

 Of course Nogi's 23rd single "Sing Out!" has been a massive seller as it's sold 1,045,000+ copies to date. Week one it topped the charts but slid to the fourth position in it's second week as sales were very flat at 41,000 copies sold. The total to date is quite impressive but the group's three previous singles had all sold more after two weeks. Been wondering if Nogi hasn't hit their peak in sales as while the songs are fine they're a big drop off from their first ten singles. Plus with so many key graduations sooner or later they have to lose some fans of those members though it's certainly way too soon to start reading their obit, perhaps after Mai departs....
 For a change have someone different leading the festivities off and can't go wrong these days with Minami. She has no new pics today so thought why not have her at the top, she will be the cover gal for the next issue of Weekly Shonen. Still no word on a photobook but to me no member is more deserving of one these days then she is or at least for those who have never had one. No new pics from the With Online site but do have a pair of them with a somewhat huge fave of the viewers.

 Nothing new for Mai either but do plan on having a 'greatest hits of 2019' post for her soon or perhaps even two of them. One thing I noticed lacking in her past were pics of someone so near and dear to Nao's heart....

 Wonder why there were so few, seems as though they were close enough in personality to become best friends. So that means... WAIT! A viewer just sent in these two new pics which appear to be brand new, by the clock on the wall it could have been last night....

 Uh, er, ah.... guess I can be a good sport and share myself.... heh, heh....
 Actually speaking of you-know-who she certainly has a way to attract me back, gulp....

 On to some less serious things and while not a huge amount of recent happenings there's still a vast total of pics. Team leader Reika is someone who gets discussed around here often enough but not as much as other members, still think she may be the next first generation member to bid the group sayonara. She will be in a stage play opening in Tokyo on August 2nd called "The Bank Robbery", it's supposed to be some sort of comedy. Then it'll be traveling on to Osaka, these are pics from an interview she did for the play with Walker Plus.

 On June 11th a quintet of members was on hand to introduce a new Nogi campaign for Japan's Red Cross. The campaign is to attract new donors and if they gave out posters or other things from the group that would certainly draw tens of thousands of donors. There's a CM out for it, if I can find it in time will have it at the bottom of the post.

 Have a pair of mag spreads today but am holding back one for Miona's next solo post. Also have a new one for Hinako but think it was posted but then again not positive, if not it'll be a start for Nogi's next posts. Seems Yuki has appeared in more spreads this year than any other member, she looks okay but can think of ten others I'd rather see in a spread. This set here is from a special Flash issue called 'Best of early Summer 2019'.

 Other set is a group one from the July edition of Bubka for the new single.

 Yuuri has had three graduation dates. First was May 11th, then it was changed to the 24th and now it looks like the official one will be today which is June 18th. As a special present her first and only photobook "7 Byo no Shiawase" was released today. Don't know what others think but to me Yuuri rates an A++++, I'm really looking forward to this PB. Actually it's my most anticipated Nogi book for 2019 and only second to one member from Keya.
 Though she's graduated will still have some things in future posts for she will be in an July mag plus there could be some other tidbits. Today there was an event for the book at the Fukuya bookstore in Shinjuku, pics for the PB were taken in Bali. Could not find a current Red Cross CM though there are some older ones on YT. So after the pics have a new group CM for Bourbon, not the drink but for Gummies!

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