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Friday, June 14, 2019

Korean drama "Hot and Sweet": part three of three recaps

 Air Dates: October 20 to November 1, 2016 on Naver-TV
Eight episodes for a total running time of 128 minutes

Main Cast:

Choi Min-Hwan as Min-Joon
Seo Yuna as Joon Young

That main cast is it as this show has the smallest one in history though there were a high school couple who popped up here and there played by Lee Kang-Jae and Lee Bit-Na. 

 First 5 1/2 shows were enjoyable, not a must watch but if you enjoy short, lighthearted romance dramas then this series would up your alley. But the final 40+ minutes did drag a bit, wasn't entirely bad but a bit of a come down after there was such potential for this show. We left off with Min-Joon packing up his truck to head up the coastline to find out if that's where Joon-Young has run off to, his key bit of evidence was a small lighthouse.
 But there was a woman in the small town who recognized a picture of Joon-Young who lived in the area. Exactly where she wasn't sure about but said to look for a white chimney. That sent Min-Joon on a hunt and the location wasn't in the greatest of neighborhoods. Min-Joon and us viewers were under the impression that Joon-Young may have come from a wealthy family but that wasn't the case. Eventually her small house was found with no one around but Min-Joon did discover one thing in the yard which is the above screenshot.
 A broken paintbrush had been left on the ground, not just one but Joon-Young's entire set which led him to think has she quit pursuing her dream? It's back to the searching for the lighthouse, being a small town it wasn't too hard to locate as Min-Joon soon came across it. But there was no person at the scene, after waiting a few minutes Min-Joon knew his wait was hopeless and was prepared to leave. He should have checked the opposite side of the lighthouse as when he began to depart who should come out of the hidden side but.... Joon-Young!

 Forgot to mention it but the day was when the 'Local Chef' competition was being held. It's an event that could really help out a small eatery, Min-Joon had been reminded of it by the reporter Kang but the competition was only secondary to locating Joon-Young. She too told reminded him of the competition but by now it was too late. Not a tearful or overly emotional reunion as to date the two haven't been exactly going out but the pair seemed to know they're destined for each other.
 This is when the show began to go down hill as it became a bit yawn inducing. The name of the small town was never revealed but Joon-Young had grown up there and took Min-Joon to visit her old art school where there was no one around....yet everything was unlocked? Painting had been
Joon-Young's dream and she was quite good at it but there were many better than her. That's in the words of Joon-Young who always lost to one student who was so much better than she was, because of that Joon-Young didn't pursue her dream fully enough and should she quit at the age of 27?
 Both are that age in the show though neither looked it, in real life at the time both were 24. She's not the only person to think about quitting as that's what's been on Min-Joon's mind often lately, he too has failed at being a great chef though he does have the talent. That was another piece of the past that could have been delved into more, why did he quit his training to become a chef?

 That 'action' all took place at the art school and it was the longest scene of the series, also the one that dragged the most by far. Coming close to the end of this recap and bet all readers wish all of mine were this short. It'd be nice if they were but also shorter ones mean not as much happens. The not quite yet lovebirds eventually return to the food truck where Min-Joon went a bit overboard and prepared them too many yummy dishes to finish. Joon-Young is truly in love with Min-Joon's cooking but will it be enough for her to stick around and give a relationship a whirl?
 The answer for now happens to be... NO.... and that's Min-Joon above staring at his truck all alone the following morning. Joon-Young had added the two faces to her original painting but before viewing it Min-Joon had discovered a note she had left, one that says she's leaving to finally pursue her dream. We flash forward one year and Min-Joon is still working at his food truck. But things are looking up for him as he's dressed much better, he's in a new location plus there's plenty of customers enjoying his food.
 In the final two minutes a voice asked Min-Joon, whose face was turned away, if he could prepare a special 'Hot and Sweet' burger. He replied the truck was closed for the night but of course when he looked up who should be there but Joon-Young! Her dream of becoming a successful painter seems to have worked out as she handed Min-Joon a ticket for an exhibition of her works. Seems that finally the pair have made it to the next level though both had to do it by themselves, as the show came down to it's final seconds the two came to their first embrace and possibly their first kiss?

 Bit of a sluggish ending but all in all it was an enjoyable enough show. Do prefer short dramas like this but wish it had been another half hour or more longer to feature a few other things. Such as about Min-Joon's past and who was this woman Yoo-Jin who we only met briefly in the last recap? Not a must watch which means it'll have a so-so rating of 7/10, okay but had the potential to be much better.
 Up next will probably be the final five recaps for the '3-Nen A Gumi' series which could be the top drama of the year. After that not sure of what to view as there's just so many I want to get to but odds are high that it'll be a long Korean series. As funny as it seems have never finished the 2012 drama "Ghost" which I've started twice yet only made it up to the eighth episode or so. It was a superb show so don't know why I bailed on it twice and am leaning on viewing that one next.

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