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Saturday, June 19, 2021

"Tantei☆Hoshikamo" drama: Episode two recap


 Air Dates: April 26th until June 28, 2021 on NTV, Tuesdays at 1:00 am
 Subs were done by Jumping Storm/hsjhoshi at LJ

Main Cast: Very small one really, just the top two characters get much screen time though the third person does to an extent and so don't each episode's 'victims'.

Daiki Arioka as Hoshi(kamo).... His full name is Hoishikamo but is always called Hoshi in this show so will refer to him by that name. Hoshi is a private detective whose office is in a second hand goods store that was left to him when his parents died, he's close to thirty in age. He's quite frightened of women and has rules set up to how close they can get to him. Hoshi doesn't appear to need money that badly and is extremely frustrated that most cases he gets are cheating ones between spouses.

Yuki Katayama as Tsugumi Karato.... Hoshi's new assistant at the store and also for his detective cases. She hired herself for those positions and also had hired Hoshi as an investigator in the first show.

Yoshinori Okada as Detective Soda.... Local detective for the police force and such a bumbler you wonder how he ever got that position. 

Keisuke Horibe as Joe.... Hoshi's sensei/mentor but have only seen him for a minute in the first two shows.

 This should be the easiest and shortest drama I'll ever recap but sure I'll find a way to screw it up! In that first recap briefly talked about how Hoshi goes into a trance to help him discover clues to a case. He's by himself in his mind where he appears to be floating around stars, when that clue or idea about a case comes to him he comes out of that trance yelling 'The Shining First Star!' His new assistant has no clue what takes place and have to say neither do I but sure we'll learn more about it as time goes on. It's only been two recaps so of course there's so much we don't know about yet.

 Besides running that used goods store Hoshi is also a fanatic about just about every kind of nick-nack, at the beginning of the show he even purchased a bathtub for 3000 yen which is a good deal. That'll be used during this show and at the end of it Hoshi bought another item from that same man which was a huge safe for 5000 yen. If you read the above recap you know that Tsugumi hired herself to be Hoshi's assistant on his investigations, she also got roped into doing most of the work at the store. Hoshi had grown so tired of 99% of his cases being for cheating spouses so in that last show put a sign on his shop window saying no more cheating cases. However when he was out getting that tub Tsugumi changed signs saying they would accept those cases and to his semi fury that's what's up next for Hoshi.

 Hoshi still didn't want to accept the case but when the woman arrived at his shop he at least listened to her story though Tsugumi asked most of the probing questions. This woman Aki had no real evidence that her husband Hiro was cheating on her but she has her own criteria if a man is cheating. For instance if he suddenly starts spending too much of his time on the phone, looks at a woman for over three seconds, touches them and a lot of other oddball things which truly don't mean a person is cheating. But Aki's theories aroused some interest from Hoshi who reluctantly will work on the case as it appeared he also thought those odd things meant a spouse was cheating. So off were Hoshi and his new assistant Tsugumi on a case and it's their first time working together. But Hoshi still has his 'limit rules' such as a woman must stay 30 cm from him, not look at his face for over five seconds and other oddities.

 First attempt to get evidence against Aki's husband was a failure. The pair tailed Hiro from his office where they did see him talking with a woman but it didn't go further than that. The duo then followed Hiro all the way back to his apartment and what a long trip that must have ben as it was daylight when the tail began and now it's the middle of the night. But all Hoshi and Tsugumi witnessed was Aki greeting her husband at their door and giving him a kiss, not much of a case and Hoshi wondered if he didn't make a mistake accepting it. The following night the pair tailed Hiro once again and this time it looked like they hit pay dirt as he was talking with a woman after he had snuck out of his apartment when his wife Aki had fallen asleep. But to Hoshi's fury when they were about to get more evidence who should arrest him but his nemesis detective Soda who arrested him for being a peeping Tom!

 Hoshi explained the details about the cheating case which Soda accepted but there was a more important matter, the murder case from the first show. It still hasn't been solved and Soda has gotten nowhere on the case, he even accused Hoshi of being the killer which of course was baloney. The only major clue was a woman's red high heel left at the scene and only Hoshi had noticed it when viewing the story on a newscast. Though Soda doesn't care that much for Hoshi, don't know why, have a strong feeling they'll be working together on the murder case very soon. Hoshi has been so frustrated with his detective agency as he's never had a major case and this could be one to put him in the spotlight. But back to Aki's cheating case and Hoshi cleared that up with the evidence he's gotten with of course help from his new assistant Tsugumi

 As you can see above there was an event at Hoshi's store but while that was going on we had a flashback to a scene two days ago at his office. There was another scene that was never shown where Hoshi thought he had enough photos and video footage to meet with the husband Hiro and things then  got solved very quickly. Hiro had never cheated on Aki as he was so in love with her but had been sneaking out late at night to work a part time job to raise more cash. He was a driver/guard for hostesses who got out of their jobs at midnight and he would bring them home, that's why Hoshi and Tsugumi had seen him with many different women.

 And in those photos Hoshi noticed if you looked very closely every action that Hiro did was quite innocent. His wife Aki had told Hoshi that long list of things that could be considered cheating to her such as touching a woman, getting in the same car, looking at each other for too long and other things. But Hiro seemed to have read her list and did nothing that could be considered cheating so in Hoshi's eyes the man was cleared. When Hiro and Aki were married they didn't have enough money for a proper ceremony so what Hiro had been doing was working that second job to give his wife the wedding she deserved. So that took place ag Hiro's store and though he doesn't come off as one Hiro is a romantic as he organized everything and what a grand affair it was. The bride and groom came down from the ceiling in the tub be bought at the beginning of the show so that was a useful item.

 That brought us close to the finale which was even a happier ending than the first show and hope they're not all like that. This series is still airing and has two more episodes to go. Will probably have the next pair in about a week but before that will have two more recaps for the "Kyoufu Shinbun" drama which is he complete opposite of this one and also stars Yuki.

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