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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Thursday, December 9, 2021
Akari Suda: Just because who else deserves more posts?!?!
Lot of posts the past month for gravure models, as tremendous as they've looked in my eyes Akari is more bewitching than almost all of them if not all of them! Her last post was done on October 31st for her 30th birthday, that's been her most popular post in years. At the time promised to come back in December with another post, can't say there's a massive amount of new pics but do have quite a variety for her fans. Was thinking earlier that at one time there used to be a huge amount of SKE posts say from 2014-18, only Nogi would have topped the amount of posts for solo members during that stretch. But those days are long gone as though this is Akari's third post in three months there's been zero for any other member this year. Just about all of my other faves have departed which is a shame but graduations happen with every J-Pop group, just ask Nogi fans that! But from 2010-17 they may have been my second fave J-Pop group after C-ute as far as songs go, sounding too old with those comments....
Gulp, realize Akari's bodaciousness may not compare to other Idols or gravure models but you don't need all five fingers on a hand to count how many women top her in my eyes! This is just her 23rd post, had she double that amount could see her vying for the #1 spot on my 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list. Will be doing that second list next Spring, that'll be four years after the first one was done which is a large enough gap. It'll be easy enough to qualify for, one requirement would be someone needs to be 24 in age which she hit many yeas ago! But thought a second one should be that a fave needs 25+ posts to be eligible so two more will be needed after today. Because of the low total of posts Akari wouldn't be battling for the top spot and would probably be around the 15th position. That 25 post mark isn't written in stone but can't see having an all time list without her.
That pic right above is one I recently discovered which is an outtake one from her first and only photobook, sales were so less than expected so sadly it'll be her only one. There's 41 new pics since that last post and will have a few oldies that have never been seen before plus a few others that have so there could be eighty(?) or so pics for this post, while she's only had 23 to date most have been massive. If there's one thing that Akari does so much better than any '48' member is the amount of Instagram pics she posts. They're also so fabulous and these are from the past five weeks.
Though thirty in age Akari has shown no signs of graduating from SKE. Have read a few interviews she's done the last couple years and she mentioned how she'd have no clue what she would do if she left, not a good time for Idols to leave their groups so she's wise sticking with them. Almost all of my other top SKE faves have left in the last few years and how many of them have been successful? Really only one I can think of so hopefully she'll stay long enough to eventually become the oldest '48' member ever, she appears on so many variety shows but doesn't do much else these days.
However perhaps Akari has a budding musical career for on November 22nd she performed her first ever solo live show. It was called 'Akari Suda sings with the Guitar' and the show was held at the Duo Music Exchange in Shibuya, she picked that site as it was the place of her first SKE concert. Wasn't too long of a show, she performed a few AKB/SKE tunes but obviously the versions were much different, also did a few other older J-Pop hits. At the show Akari also assured the crowd she wouldn't be graduating for a while, some pics from her 'electric' set....
.... and some pics from her 'acoustic' set, only eight songs were done at the concert but it went well enough so hopefully there will be more in the future. There's a fairly good review of the concert and all she said to the crowd at the J-Cast site and have the link for it which is recommended reading for fans. There's also a promo video for the concert which is okay but would have been better had she not worn a mask 90% of the time: J-Cast concert article .... Promo video
One new mini spread that's from the November 9th issue of SPA!.
Had wanted to have Akari'sBubka spread as she was the cover girl, don't have it yet but will for her next post. However the outtake pics from the photo shoot are probably better than the spread....
In that above set are some pics of her at a Mahjong board and there's a good reason for that. Akari had the lead role in the below the radar movie "Uchihime Obakamiko" where the theme of course was Mahjong and her attempt to join a pro league. The film is way under the radar as I haven't been able to find it yet but won't stop trying. The movie came out on September 20, 2020 but there was no premiere for it though there was a special one week encore screening for the film this past April. On the 23rd of that month there was an event for the movie which is where these pics are from.
Getting close to that major day and what would I want under my tree, gulp....
Huge decrease in SKE cards this year but have some recent ones for October.
We've hit the end and am going to hold on to a set of fourteen older pics which had never been posted here before. Want to make sure she hits that 25 post mark soon so expect another one of these mixed bag posts in January, February at the latest. Sure most have seen many of these pics but who can ever get tired of viewing ones from Akari?!?! Know I can't and you wonder how things may have turned out if she was with Nogi or even NMB? Hard to believe that after forty or so gravure spreads there's never been a video from one of the photo shoots. Haven't done an SKE group post all year so may have never posted a video of their last single "Ano Koro no Kimi wo Mitsuketa" which came out on September 1st. PV for it is after the pics.
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