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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Saturday, December 11, 2021

'Top Twenty Faves' countdown for 2021: Position #7, the scrumpdillyicious Nanase Nishino!


 Previous positions:

 Positions four to seven were kind of close, couldn't have gone wrong with any spot a fave ended up in. Always have one semi regret after the list is done, sometimes it's because I forgot someone or more common is that a woman deserved to be a spot or two higher. Think this will be the only position who could have been higher but then again seventh is still an impressive spot. This is the first year previous winners were eligible, the past three are all in the top seven. Nanase was #1 in 2018 by a wide margin, if she was eligible the last two years she would have finished somewhere around this spot so in a way you could say she's been in the top ten four years in a row. Wrote this up yesterday but held off on publishing it, the post for number six will be the most difficult one to do so wanted an extra day to work on it so that'll be on Monday, top five shouldn't be a problem.

 Wonder if we'll ever see another photobook from Nanase? She's had three but none since she left Nogi, that third was released in May 2018 and have a feeling the answer to the question will be NO. Bit too early to think about my second 'All Time Top Twenty Faves' list, wouldn't start on it for about six months. There's no doubt Nanase will make the list but she could be the hardest person to fit into a position. She could be fifth or even tenth, second is a possibility too and that's going to be such a task figuring out the twenty and their positions. One major thing working in her favor is that she's been so busy since leaving Nogi. It's very rare for an Idol who I end up liking more after she graduated, there's only one other Idol who I can say that about who is an ex-NMB gal.

 There are (too?) many posts for gravure models or bodacious Idols but if you look at the top ten when it's done you'll see that very few of those gals made the top ten. Three by my count and you would definitely have to include Nanase in that group of seven but to me she still looks like a few trillion yen and so don't those other six. She's still the host of a pair of weekly variety shows and when is she ever going to take a mini break? Not for a while I bet and it's smart to remain busy after leaving a group which too many don't do. One of those shows she hosts is called 'Gout Temps' which airs on Wednesdays, few pics from the the past month.

 For a long time it was neck and neck on who had the most posts. But after #370 or so Nanase began to pull away from  her ex-Nogi mate and by the end of the year will be up by 25 posts(!), no woman will ever top her amount which is around 410!

 As some know have been recapping Nanase's current drama "Kotodamasou", will have the next pair of recaps in two days. This has turned out to be one of the best shows of the year and every episode has been just a bit better than the previous one. It's a ten episode series, just viewed the seventh show and it's getting so much more eerie as it goes on, highly recommend this drama. With a strong finish it has an outside shot of being my #1 drama of the year, not sure which one currently has that spot....

 Have probably had at least five hundred Nogi of her cards and could have many more but lost track of what's been posted. We know what's happening two weeks from today and so doesn't she....

 Nanase had fourteen posts in this vein for the 2021 'Nao Year' which ended on November 30th and this will be her first one for 2022. So obviously there's been so much to post about but one thing I've noticed is a huge decrease in mag spreads, it's nothing overly major and perhaps she just doesn't need to do as many these days. This mini set is from the January issue of Nikkei Entertainment.

 Nanase has been a Non-no model since 2015 and noticed her pics for them decreased this year too, especially the size of her spreads. But at least her pics are better than ever, that'd be an interesting post which would be for her best pics for them over the six or so years. Top five pics are from their January issue and the others are from their site, not many as her last post was just two weeks ago. 

 Nanase's appeared in three dramas this year and also the same amount of films. Her latest movie is titled "Your Turn To Kill" which is a spinoff from the 2019 drama. Pics here are from a December 1st interview with the Model Press site for the film, here's the link to it: MP interview

 Plenty of pics here from the movie's premiere which took place today, also have a short video here of the event: Film premiere

 We've hit the end and for some reason became so exhausted half way through so may have rushed things a bit, think I've done too many posts this past month. As mentioned Nanase is far from being a gravure model which is actually a positive in my book and I think she looks fabulous. Have some super duper pics here to end off with and after doing this began thinking why wouldn't she have a shot at being my #1 of all time when the list is done? Following the pics is a 47 second video for tomorrow's "Kotodamasou" episode, it's the ninth and looks to be another creepy show....

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