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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Wednesday, December 8, 2021

'Top Twenty Faves' countdown for 2021: Position #8, the enchanting Haruka Fukuhara!


 Previous positions:

 Been doing these posts every other day but position seven may not be done until Saturday. Think then #7 will be at a film premiere and want to include those pics in her post. The extra day will help as I have a feeling the post for number six will be extremely difficult to do or at least a post for new things but then again have noticed most of the time my worrying goes for naught. For instance this is the position I was most worried about the most but things worked out so well as there's around seventy new pics which is more than enough for a decent post but then again not too much variety.
 If there was one thing that was truly bothering me was if Haruka would qualify for this year's faves list! But that worked out well too as she's been one busy gal the past three months, this is her fifth post in that period. So while Haruka may not have had as many posts as most others she was just as busy and have to give her credit for those activities, too often I depend on mag spreads or modeling pics to fill up a post. She's been in four dramas this year and has done a voice in two anime films along with appearing at about seven events. Haruka's posts have been just as good as other faves but have just had different kinds of pics which is actually quite a positive.

 Want to talk about being consistent(?), the last three years she's been eighth, seventh and eighth again on the fave's list. But I would say Haruka has been my third top women for the past three years, number's one and two are the only pair who have also been in the top eight the past three years and both of them have actually done it four years in a row now. Haruka has all the makings of being #1 for a year, to me she's the most attractive woman I post about and she's such a likable young gal plus is a superb actress. But just have that feeling she'll consistently end up around this position which isn't a bad thing as some constantly yo-yo between fifth and fifteenth.

 So as mentioned this is Haruka's fifth post in three months, that's a pace of twenty for a year. So if you're not too tired of her will be having yet another post in less than two weeks and maybe she can be busy enough to hit the top five next year. Am holding back pics from an event that took place last Saturday as there's already two batches of event pics. Plus in that post will be a mini mag spread, some interview pics and more about her next drama. After being in four this year there's a new one beginning in January and will have more info in that next post. Whew, there's also one more drama that will be airing next year and have the info on that at the end of the post.

 "Unlucky Girl" is the title of Haruka's current drama which I've been skimming through. Only skimming as I don't have subs for it, the series is being subbed but at a site where I'm not a member and don't have any intention of joining it. However have a feeling they'll eventually be available so when it happens will recap the entire drama. In it she plays the main role of Sachi and as the title of the drama says she is one unlucky girl.

 And so aren't her two new fiends Kaoru and Itsuki but no one suffers as much as Sachi who still manages to have such a rosy outlook on life. In the first episode the lottery kiosk she works at burned down though it was rebuilt, in the second she was on a blind date from hell with her two friends which was the first time Sachi had ever been on a date. These are screenshots from the third episode where the main focus was on Itsuki who ended up befriending the man Sachi was supposed to be coupled up with on that bind date! Won't go into the details too much as subs would definitely help but can follow the action well enough. Working at the kiosk doesn't pay all that well so Sachi ended up getting a second job working at a coffee cafe she and her friends would often meet up at, needless to say her bad luck followed her there....

 These are the best new pics of the post and also some of the best of the year. They're from a new interview with 'TheTV.jp' site for the drama and here's the link to it: The TV interview

 Another set of interview pics which are from the Pia site but this interview was for her new anime film "Huka Fulla Dance" which is an anime version of the "Hula Girls" film that came out in 2006. Haruka voices the lead character of Hiwa and she's voiced a character in eight anime films and a few TV series. Reminds me that the first drama I saw her in was "Koe Girl" that aired in 2018, it's series about voice actresses and recapped the entire drama which is highly recommended.

 SPA! is such an odd magazine as their spreads are so small, why just one page for their December 7th cover girl? Forgot to mention it at the top but Haruka is also a singer whose fourth single will be coming out on December 15th, more info on that in her next post along with pics from her music site and the single is a different version of the theme song from her current drama.

 The "Hula Fulla Dance" anime film had it's premiere last Friday which was December 3rd, plenty of terrific pics from the event which featured most of the voice cast.

 We've hit the end, there were more pics and variety than I thought. Haruka's second drama for 2022 will be a prestigious role as she'll be the heroine of the NHK asadora "Maiagare!" which probably won't begin until August or September. Those morning dramas used to be 156 episodes but they've cut them down to 120 which is still quite long but the episodes are at least only fifteen minutes. It's quite an honor to have the starring role in those dramas and the announcement was made at an event that took place on November 25th, plenty of fabulous pics from the event. Following the pics is a new CM for JP Post and here's a link to s short video of this event: "Maiagare!" event

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