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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Misato Ugaki: A little bit of this and that....


 At 47 new pics this could be considered a smallish post, have said in the past how I want to try to make posts this size in order to have more and this time will work much harder at it. Then again 47 new pics shouldn't be considered on the smallish side, I need to set my standards a bit lower. Here's such a mega fave of mine who I can never do enough posts for yet she's had five this year, same amount in 2020 but that's not enough for me! In 2019 Misato finished third(!) on the yearly fave's list and she's someone who could battle for the top spot if she had more posts in a year, say above ten. She is quite a busy woman yet those activities don't always make for the most interesting of posts.

 Misato will be turning 31 in April, I'd love to see her have a photobook over anyone else but is she getting too old to have her first one? Not to me but have a sad feeling that book is something we'll never see but if a miracle happened and she did could see it being my #1 of the year! If things work out well there could be another post in two weeks as I am holding some pics back. They're from an event that took place three days ago plus some fine looking interview pics. This is a slowish time of the year for magazine spreads and modeling pics but think Misato has at least one spread coming out in January plus some new modeling pics, with any luck perhaps there could be two more posts.

 Misato 'retired' from regular announcing at the end of Mach 2019, she does some occasional freelance work but is more of an actress/celeb/model these days. At one time there were so many modeling pics but they've kind of slowed down this year which is a bit of a shame as I really like Misato's classy style. But do have some superb new pics for the AnySis Winter collection.

 Misato has been in two dramas the second half of this year as it appears she's concentrating more on her acting career. Her latest drama is the six episode series "Dama Shoku Joshi" which began on December 3rd and that's a show I'd like to check out but don't know if it'll be possible. The drama's main star is one of my all time fave AKB members, it's a food show with the emphasis on Udon.

 Just two small mini spreads for today but Misato did have two large ones earlier this year that rated an A++++. This time of the year is slower for spreads as many magazines double up on their issues, three pics here from the November issue of Bijin Hyakka, the others are from the January Men's Non-no.

 Seems as though the days of Misato cosplaying over and I really enjoyed those pics. But she's still a huge anime and manga fan, on December 14th she released her first combo manga/makeup book which sounds unique. There was an event for it a few days ago and am holding those pics back for her next post. There's been many interviews to promote the new book, some pics here from the Biteki site along with the link to it, fairly interesting interview: Biteki interview

 Another batch of interview pics which I like better than the above one. They're from the QJ Web site and here's the link to it: QJ Web interview

 Almost forgot to mention that the title of the book is "I's reading Manga today!". Few newish pics from the Voce site, Misato has a monthly makeup column for them.

 Speaking of Voce on December 16th Misato was at the magazine's yearly awards show, however she wasn't there to receive any award but did hand one out. After the pics have a short promo video for her current drama "Dama Shoku Joshi" which does look like a fun show.

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