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Saturday, December 18, 2021

'Top Twenty Faves' countdown for 2021: Position #2, the exquisite and heavenly Rika Izumi!


 Previous positions:

  Was going to begin off by moaning about the lack of new pics for the top three positions. But can't do that as surprisingly this post has seventy(!) new pics and am holding twenty back. Only minor beef is that there's not that much variety to them but of course all are utterly superb. Will do a recap post the day after the countdown is finished so that should be on Tuesday, also will have a special pair coming up for X-Mas. But what I've noticed and have mentioned a few times this year is the importance of having many posts. Each of the top seven had nine or more posts led by #1 with 25. But the other nine(thirteen) positions only had had one fave who hit double digits with posts and that was the tenth position. You can look at that two ways, the obvious one is that the top seven were busier and that's usually been the case every year. But also is the fact that they're such huge faves of mine so I work a bit harder on their posts so as to have them more frequently. 

 This was a busy year for Rika but since she was introduced every year. has been that way. She had thirteen regular posts this year plus ten for a drama and those 23 were the second most this year. Her first post was in July 2017, this is her 71st overall and that total has been topped by only two others in those 53 months, averages out to 1.5 posts a month. Kind of wonder when Rika is going to slow down a bit, she turned 33 back in October but in 2021 she was as busy as ever. This is her fifth consecutive year making the fave's list which is the current longest streak, the all time leader had six straight years and while she qualified for the list didn't make the top twenty.

 Should nickname her 'Miss Consistent' as no one will top her positions from the last five years. Starting in 2017 those spots on the yearly fave's list have been third, fourth, sixth, fifth and now second for an average position of fourth. Guess to keep the pattern going next year her spot would be first or seventh, can't see her being number one next year so seventh sounds more possible though don't want to see her drop five spots. This was the closest Rika has ever been to being #1 for a year, this year's number one was deserving and she didn't miss out by that much. Only semi negative is that there hasn't been as much variety as in previous years such as appearing at events or in more magazines. But as I've said so often Rika's regular modeling pics, like the ones above, are so stupendous and beat most Idols skimpy swimsuit pics though I wish we did see more gravure ones from her, as a matter of fact there's been zero since the Spring of 2020.

 But except for two periods when her photobooks have come out Rika has had so few gravure pics or spreads, but the ones she's had could be the top ones since the beginning of time!!!! Few other faves past thirty have released photobooks or have done lingerie modeling for sites, don't know if it'll happen with her but who wouldn't want to see that with Rika? Her first photobook was released in April 2017 and was simply titled "Rika". It's my third fave book of all time and was huge seller with over 50,000 copies sold, if you missed that post above is the link to it: 

 Rika seldom posts Instagram pics plus she doesn't have a YT channel and stopped her blog three years back. Not essential activities but it would give us some different kinds of pics for these posts. Rika is just so busy as a model and because of that it's probably the main reason for no gravure pics for so long. As mentioned there's seventy new pics for today and sixty are brand new modeling pics! That's okay for I'll say once again her classy modeling pics from the past few years are among my faves. All of these today will be for Autumn and Winter collections, said was holding twenty back but it's actually more than that. First off is this set from the Apuweiser site.

 Second batch of modeling pics are for Noela but so many of them, top four pics are from their Summer collection while the bottom three are brand new.

 Rika has been with most of these clothing lines for many years, quite often you don't see that with actresses. Bring that up for her acting career is going well and she did have the lead role in a drama for the first time this year, no shows though for the past four months. Continuing on with these modeling pic and this set is from Stola and her pics for them this year were the best in my eyes.

 Rika has been a model for the Oggi site since April 2019 and always have many pics from them in her posts. This set are all pics from November, she has many for December which will be in her next post plus she'll be the cover girl for their next issue.

 Just one new mag spread for today which is from the December issue of Bijin Hyakka. Outside of them and Oggi she hasn't appeared in as many magazines as usual this year.

 Here's an oldie spread which most will savor. As mentioned her first post was in July 2017 and this is the first spread I ever had for her which is from the April 27th issue of Young Jump. It was featured outtake pics from her photobook that came out two weeks earlier.

 Will end off with some sizzling 'greatest pics' which most of you have seen before but if you're somewhat newish here then perhaps these would be new to you. For so long Rika was one of the most popular women I posted about but in mid 2019 she really suffered a drop in popularity. No doubt it was because of the lack of new gravure pics but in this last year her posts have been getting many more views compared to 2020. Am curious to see if she'll make the top sixteen list for who were the most popular women here in 2021, will have that list a few days after Christmas. Sadly there's never been any gravure videos and what I wouldn't give to see her have a DVD in that vein!!!! Following the pics is a short new CM for AdryS which has 1.2 million views after eleven days.

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