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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Tuesday, December 21, 2021

'Top Twenty Faves' countdown for 2021: The wrap-up post....


 The top sixteen positions:

  Just checked and am shocked that one of these posts wasn't done last year. There had been recaps posts for the previous three years so wonder what happened? This is just a simple and brief(I hope) summary of the 2021 fave's list with some stats, a few thoughts and anything else that may pop into my tiny brain. Above is the link to the sixteen posts, the list was twenty but don't do posts for the bottom four though they get credit for making the list. Hopefully a few of your bigger faves made my list but doubt if anyone else has my #1 as their top gal, two years in a row she's been my number one! On Thursday will be having a pair of posts for the 'Top Sixteen Most Popular Posts of the Year'. Haven't even started on it yet but do have some idea on a few of the more popular posts but am really curious who will make the cut and seems viewers really enjoy those kinds of posts. 

Edit: Did change the title for #17 to reflect that she made the list but didn't add in the link, that position was for Mai Shinuchi.

 Of course the pics above are of Mai and what a disappointing 2021 it was for her. She did have seven posts but all in all her activities were sadly not that interesting and her modeling pics/spreads were kind of bland. But did just do a superb post for her last week and have a feeling she'll return to the list next year. She had made the list the prior four years and even finished as high as fourth. But she wasn't as disappointing as Tsubasa who was the only woman to make the faves list every year since the first one was done in 2015. But not this year though she did qualify with six posts but what a drab person she's become which I never thought would happen to her. Don't know if it's a coincidence but both these mega faves are 29 in age.

 You'd think losing two older faves from the list would mean the average age would take a huge drop. But don't think it did as 25.2 was the average age, didn't do a post like this last year but think the figure was 25.4 in age. So in the future that average will be rising as a pair of newbies will always be the two youngest gals I post about, the rule is all newbies have to be born before 2000. The youngest to make the list was Minami who will always be the youngest gal I post about and expect her to be on every future list. The other young addition to the list was Yuki who is just so popular here, I also expect her to be a fixture on the list and she'll have the final post for 2021 on either December 30th or 31st.

 Age does make a big difference as the bottom six just had an average age of 23.1 years. But the top seven's average age was 27.8 led by Minami who finished in the fifth spot and turned 35 in November, she was my #1 in 2019. Slightly younger was Rika who has made the top six every year since 2017 and she celebrated her 33rd birthday in October.

 As far as heights go Minami was tied with two others with being the shortest faves to make the list, that height is 152 cm. The other two were Yuki and Kyoko, Idols tend to be on the shorter side and no women in the top four was shorter than 160 cm. Heh heh heh heh.... you do have to admit this trio does share the same kind of..... 'assets', gulp.... 😅

 The name Minami is the most common as three made the top sixteen with this first gal being of course being from Nogi. For the second year in a row she was the tallest girl on the fave's list with a height on 170 cm. There was a two way tie at 167 cm with #1 Marie and Nene who finished in the 13th spot.

 Really can't do a list of what the most popular posts were on the countdown as the the one for #1 was just done yesterday and the first pair were done three weeks ago. But surprisingly number fifteen's post, who was Mio, has received more views than anyone else at this point. She's made the list three years in a row and hope to have her next post before the year ends.

 This will wrap up this mini post and my only slight worry is that there were too many repeat gals on this year's list, hadn't been introducing nearly as many newbies this year. So what that means there aren't many others who can replace those that will drop off the list, would doubt if we'll ever see #'s 14, 17 and 19 on any future list. Will have end off with my #1 new gal of the year who is Nene, while the above's post had the most views of any post on the list she's received the fewest. Did expect that but she's someone who will make every yearly list as long as she has the six posts needed.

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