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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

'Top Twenty Faves' countdown for 2021: Position #4, the flawless and seductive Risa Watanabe!


 Previous positions:

 Now two days ahead of pace and why wait as I don't expect any new pics for this post. Plus I may need an extra day or two for the third position, had been worried about a few other spots but all turned out well but so far that hasn't been the case for number three, she was busy all year and now nothing new! If you read the previous position post you'll know it was so close for fourth and fifth, gave the nod to Risa as back in 2019 the other fave got the nod because she was older and tend to do that when positions are close.

 So in 2019 Risa was second on the fave's list but in a way do consider her to be #1 for the year. Also most of you visitors thought so too as her posts in 2019 had the highest average of any woman I posted about. She has a nice streak going as in the last four years Risa has been seventh, second, sixth and now fourth on the yearly faves list, that's an average position of 4.75. My faves don't change that much as the women in the top two spots have been in the top six the last four years and their yearly position average is slightly higher.

 So often in the past moaned about the lack of Risa posts and have stopped doing that. It's not true as I have done many posts for her the last two years, ten in 2020 and eleven this year but one was for her 2019 photobook. It's just that I can never get enough of Risa who would be my #2 fave over the past four years and when I do the second 'All Time Top Twenty Faves' list next Spring she has an excellent chance of being in the top five, if that was the case she could be considered my all time Idol. So though there's been plenty of posts have mused over the last two years has it helped her being in Keya or would things have been better if she was in a group like Nogi? That we'll never know but Keya's inactivity for so long hurt her career and led to so many graduations. Then again they are a smaller group, Nogi has over forty members so at times she would have had to take a backseat to others.

 Wouldn't say the above pic is my top fave of her but it's the most memorable. There's a link there for her tremendous "Mikuchi" photobook that came out in April 2019. Before it's release there were some promo pics that came out for it, all were terrific but also a bit conservative so didn't think there would be any gravure pics in it. But then two weeks before the book came out that above pic was released which was the first ever Risa gravure pic and I was totally floored! She had been a fave of mine up until then but that pic made her a mega one and as they say the rest is history. So if you haven't seen the book's pics highly recommend clicking on the above link.

 Sigh, another photobook and she just may be my #1 of all time, speaking of books why has there only been one from Keya the last 27 months? Nogi's may be better sellers and have more revealing pics but overall I think the Keya books have been better. One more tidbit about them which is that it's so hard to find subs for their variety show these days, actually should say impossible. The team that had been doing it for years ceased subbing the 'Keyakitte, Kakenai?' show about four months ago and no one else has picked it up. That's such a shame as I've been trying to get back into Keya(Sakura) and that variety show would have been a good start so I'm extremely disappointed that it's no longer being subbed.

 Though I talked about her first gravure pic Risa doesn't need to do them to get my attention as the only time she's ever had scantly clad pics were in her photobook. She looks overly perfect in pics like the above ones but have to admit wouldn't mind seeing a few more sweltering ones in the future. Finishing fourth was kind of a surprise for though there's been ten posts for new happenings there's been such a lack of events, magazine spreads and even modeling pics this year. However she's done something right to finish in the fourth position and that's enough of an intro.

 Didn't think it would take place until next month but the other half of the W-Watanabe duo graduated a few days ago and for once there was a proper farewell concert. So will be doing a post for her soon, hopefully by the end of the year and has there been a 'pairs post' for them yet? Here's the link to a new interview featuring them with the Nikkan Sports site, going to miss seeing them together but there hasn't been as many pics this year of the duo: Interview

 Plus her other close mate made a return on December 9th after a three month hiatus. Won't be a post for a while though but still so glad to see her back with the group....

 A rarity this year has been seeing Keya members at an event. That's also been the case for Nogi and Hina but noticed those groups have started appearing at a few more the last two months. On November 24th a quartet of members attended the 'L'Oreal Women of Worth' awards ceremony, it was also the 50th anniversary of the company. The event was also to promote the 'International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women' which took place on the 25th. Five members have been in some CM's to promote the cosmetic company but the above was still out on her hiatus. Risa accepted a special 'Courage Award' at the ceremony on behalf of Keya, rare to see her do that at an event as she is kind of a quiet woman and here's a short video from the event: L'Oreal ceremony

 Now that the 'KeyaKise' web game has come to an end there's so few Keya cards, I really liked that series. Every now and again you see cards for special happenings but they need some new kind of collection, Nogi has five and they have zero? Of course you know what takes place in eleven days and some older cards to get you into the mood... my Santa doesn't look like that!!!! 😍

 Hard to top that trio in the second to last pic! Risa's last post was for her 2020-21 'Uni's on Air' promo pics for the web game. It was by far the most popular of the dozen posts that have been done for the game, brand new pics from them for X-Mas.

 What would also be a nice post is to have all of her Non-no site pics from the past two years, they really do rate an A++++. Have a few new ones from their site and also as you can see she'll be sharing the cover of their February issue with two other '46' group members.

 What's so mind boggling is that Risa had only one solo spread this year outside of Non-no!!!! That's hard to believe for from 2018-20 she must have had 25+ solo spreads and usually was the cover girl for the magazine. Keya did have that long stretch with no new music but has released three singles in the last year so why no spreads for her or most other members? There have been three group spreads but it's not the same, not that spreads are essential but it's nice looking at different kinds of pics. This set here from the June issue of Brody is her last solo spread to date....

 Hmmm, was thinking that if she did have her regular amount of mag spreads and had appeared at a few more events this may have been the year for her being #1. We've hit the end of this post, every one on the list has turned out decent and how I hope number three's does too. There may be hotter women, such as the gal in the below post, but in my eyes overall Risa is the most attractive woman I post about, right behind her would be number's one and eight. So will leave you with some overly perfect pics which most you've already seen and she doesn't need to have many gravure pics to make my heart beat a few trillion beats a second!!!! There's a new AEON video that came out four days ago, it's a group one but it's still somewhat entertaining and is after the dazzling pics. Not sure how much longer Keya will be with the company as in January they may switch to promoting Mouse computers.

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