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Sunday, December 12, 2021

'Top Twenty Faves' countdown for 2021: Position #6, the spunky and sultry Kyoko Saito!


 Previous positions:

 That first pic is my #1 for 2021, no more adjectives are left to describe it!!!! If you've read the last few posts on the countdown you've seen that I was worried about this post and how there was such a lack of recent pics. But there's 43 new ones from the past month plus forty or so older ones that had never been posted before along with some golden oldies so this should be a decent post. Once again was fretting over nothing and she's one of those faves who may not have many current activities yet can always do a somewhat superb post for. Was going to do this on Monday but want to remain on schedule, that's of having a post every other day until the 22nd. Obviously there's five more spots after this and have to admit haven't been working at them except for number five. Speaking of that position that woman is only 152 cm in height, that's the same as Kyoko so those two along with #16 are the three shortest gals on the list though all kind of defy gravity!!!! Sigh, not too happy with that comment....

 For a while Kyoko was in the running for #1 but after July her posts really decreased so she fell out of the battle but nothing wrong with finishing sixth. Hina is a group where every member gets to take a few turns in the spotlight though certain members will always have more spreads and modeling pics. So that's the main reason for not as many posts the second half of the year and really can't fault management for that's one reason I've become a much bigger Hina fan for every member has a chance to shine. Last year Kyoko finished 17th on the list, when I looked back on it that was my biggest(only) mistake for 2020 as she truly deserved to be about five spots higher. In Japan she's quite popular as she had the eighth most searches on Yahoo this year, more than any other Idol but then again if you take away my searches she may have not made the top twenty!

 Kyoko's first photobook was released in January and at 140,000 copies sold was the third best selling book for 2021. That'll probably also be the most viewed post for those done this year but think #1 may be a post from 2020. Have a few outtake pics from the photo shoot that hadn't been posted, if you missed seeing the breathtaking book here's the link to it: "Totteoki no Koibito" photobook

 Whew, how about that bottom one! Some pics from the Hina blog from this past month but doesn't seem as many as usual, guess those are DVD's in the top pic?

 Mentioned that at 152 cm Kyoko is tied for being the shortest woman on the list with number five and this hugely popular Nogi member who finished 16th.

 What I've been trying to do is have more promo pics for the 'HinaKoi' web game, here's some fine looking ones from the site and only four were in a previous post.

 Of course the bottom four were for Christmas and have many more pics here for the holiday. The top five are older ones from 2018 and you can see that they were for the 'KeyaKise' web game. Back then Hina was known as Hiragana46 and were Keya's 'Undergirls' so aren't we all so glad they struck out on their own?!

 Those bottom ones were from prior year's Christmas shows, had them as to remind you that the group has a pair of concerts on the 24th and 25th for the holiday. Even more X-Mas pics and are brand new for the 'Uni's on Air' game, Kyoko's last solo post featured 88 pics from the game.

 Kyoko has been a model for the ar magazine since June 2019. Her pics for them have really decreased this year but have noticed that's been the case for their other models, some new pics from their site.

 No new mag spreads so let's go back to March 16th and she was the cover girl for Flash.

 Almost forgot to include these Kyoko group cards. Not many new ones, just the first two, but the others have never been posted before and they're from 2020.

 As I've said quite often my huge faves haven't changed too much the past 3-4 years and that's actually a good thing. This unbeatable trio all finished between sixth and eleventh, hope all will qualify next year and the Keya member finally ended her hiatus a few days ago.

 This turned out to be a fairly good post and really can't think of any of the top sixteen that aren't though wish number eleven's could have been a bit larger, that's her in the middle above. Will end off with some ultra sizzling Kyoko pics, not just ones from her photobook but also pics I've liked for a while. After the pics is a comp video that has over a million views which features clips of Kyoko from the group's 'Aimashou" variety show. Bring that up for have just viewed a few episodes and will be recapping them soon in a pair of group posts. Hmmm, actually embedding isn't allowed so here's the link to the video: Aimashou video

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