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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Friday, May 26, 2023

Keyakizaka46: Their seventh spine tingling group post for 2023....


 That first pic will always be one of my all time faves and will never get tired of it, you could put it on my gravestone!!!! Though this is the seventh group post of the year four have been mainly devoted to the promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' game, Keya has been much busier this year but it's still been difficult to do posts for them save for some members. This is mainly a post for their most avid fans, it's a bit of a cleanup as I wanted to get many things posted before they became too dated. Plus I wanted to get this post done before Sunday as that's when the Senbatsu lineup will be announced for their fourteenth single, sixth since the name change to Sakura.

 "Silent Majority" from April 2106 was Keya's first single, shouldn't they have more than fourteen by now? That they should but went 22 months without a single which was from February 2019 until December 2020, the songs since then have been just as good but they'll never approach the sales of those first eight singles but sales for most J-Pop groups have fallen. "Start Over" is the title of the new single which will be released on June 28th. My wish is that one of the new third generation members won't be 'airdropped' into the center position like Nogi has done a few times, who then hasn't been a center and is deserving? Perhaps I'm bias but no one deserves to be the center more than Yui and if it's ever going to happen this is the single! She's my prediction and in two days we'll see if I'm correct, tell me a cover with photos like these wouldn't make it a massive seller!!!!

 Don't feature Yui too often in these posts, really nothing for her today. But should have another solo post for her in about ten or so days as Yui's trying to repeat as my #1 fave of the year! This will be a rather large post, there will be over 140 new pics but there is one negative and it's why there hasn't been more group posts this year. Once again there's zero new magazine spreads and why has there been so few of them this year? There have been a few here and there but it's not like the old days and I'm kind of missing them. Plus there's been no group events and I may be wrong on this but don't think there's been a Keya group event since 2020, we're overdue for a few of them. Well, there was one solo event in April for Rei's photobook but that's been it.

 Hmmmm, hadn't noticed until now she was brushing her teeth! 😅 Let's finally get to the newish pics and as mentioned wanted to get to these before they became a bit dated. Such as these which are the monthly messages for May which are at the Keya site. The ones for June will be coming out on the first so hope to have the next group post at this time next week.

 The bottom five are for some of the new third generation members, will wait a while before including their pics in these posts. The second to last member is Airi Taniguchi, she is one cutie and is Keya's second ever shortest member. Just one batch of solo pics which are IG ones for Rena who is the group captain. She's someone I really would like to have solo posts for but it never works out, can say that too for a few other 2G members.

 Am currently looking at a list of the birthdays for the Keya gals, seems hard to believe but not one current first or second generation member celebrate a birthday in May and June. Three weeks ago did a group post that was for their May 'Uni's on Air' promo pics for the web game. Titled it part one as that would give me a reason to have a second group post for the month. So have the remaining members for today and leading off is the first generation member Fuyuka. Everyone else is from the second generation, each have four pics. In order they go Kira, Akiho, Hikari and Karin, one more batch after this set.

 There are some new game pics for the third generation members but won't have those for today. What I may do is wait a little while on them and perhaps introduce all of them in a third generation member post. This second batch just features three members, first off is Ten who is now no longer Keya's youngest member. She's followed by the group's other Yui and Marino who looks super in her pics and is the only Keya member to ever come from the prefecture of Mie.

 These days Keya no longer has a regular monthly card series.. But every now and again they will release cards for a month and why not do that on a consistent basis? These cards are all from March and have four members for today, may have more in the next group post. Starting off are a pair of first generation members who each have six cards, Minami is first and her alluring pics began off the post. After her is more from Fuyuka and I still think she'll be the last first generation member tp graduate, how I hope no one departs for the rest of the year. After that are a pair of second generation gals who each have eight cards, first is Marino who I'm really starting to like and rounding off this set is Akiho, you'll see much more of her in the final segment.

 Will end off with a mini recap for the group's 'Soko' variety show, haven't watched as many recently for so many episodes were for the introductions of the third generation members. They were in this show but it mainly concentrated on the older members. This was episode #127 that aired on April 23rd and it was one of their more entertaining shows. The title for this fun show was 'Aim for White! Spring Workplace Improvement Negotiations'. The theme was how to improve the set for the show and other various things that go into filming it. The suggestions were from the members, the co-host Tsuchida would them decide to Accept or Reject the member's suggestion on how to improve the show. These screenshots go in order of the action so its easy to start from the first one and follow things as they happened.

 First off the 1G member Rina asked for fans as it gets so hot in the studio, with Summer coming up they may really be needed and a few other members seconded that request. However that was Rejected and the reasons did make sense, one thing that would happen is the member's hair would always be blowing plus the sound would be too loud. Rena felt there should be a light on her at all times(!) and thought at first she was joking about that. That wasn't the case as she was dead serious and in a surprise her request was Accepted, any changes will be seen in future episodes though perhaps not right away. Akiho had two requests, one was for a new theme song and she did write a short tune that she hoped would be used. Personally thought the song was a bit lame but it was Accepted and on occasion will be used as the intro to the show. Akiho's second request was to have different seats as she kept sliding out of hers though no one else had that problem. But Hikaru had another seat problem and it was because her feet have never touched the ground! At 149.8 cm she's the shortest ever member in the three '46' groups and she said it hurts her back so badly when her feet can't touch the ground. No new seat was available for Hikaru but it may in the future, for this show she was given a mini stool which she said made all the difference in the world! There were a few other subjects brought up that are in the screenshots, think the following episode was for Yumiko's graduation and if so will talk about that in the next group post. Looked and looked on YT but couldn't find a video of the entire show, after the screenshots do have a clip from the opening 3 1/2 minutes.

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