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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Sunday, May 21, 2023

"Boderless" drama: Episode seven of ten recap


 Air Dates: March 7th until May 9, 2021 on dTV/Hikari, Sunday nights at 11:00 pm
Episode are 30-34 minutes in length, subs done by Westillsubbing

Main Cast: There's seven members from the three Sakamichi groups, two each from Hina and Nogi while there's three from Keya(Sakura). There's a new series called "Actress" which began on April 14th and it appears it would help watching this show first as four of the cast make a return and some stories are a continuation from this drama. Everyone does make an appearance in each show but the stories/episodes are centered around two major characters, somehow in the end the stories connect with each other. The first two shows focus on these two gals so will have their names first in the cast list. For now only a little bit is known of the other characters, bio pics are from the drama's dTV site.

 Kyoko Saito(Hina) as Kiri Katayama.... You rarely heard Kiri being used so may refer to her as Katayama. But in the third show she said to use her first name so that's what I'll be doing. Kiri is a very odd high school student, she's not shunned by others though prefers to be alone but was intrigued by Nao and the pair hooked up. It appears Kiri wants to be a mystery or crime writer as she's obsessed with the human body and what it takes to kill someone! Kyoko is listed as being seventeen in age but was 23 when this drama was filmed.

 Hikaru Morita(Keya) as Nao Mori.... Seventeen year old high school student who thinks her life is just so boring and ordinary. Nao is best friends with Saeko who is her complete opposite and she wonders why would such a popular girl like her? Nao's life soon changed drastically when she met Katayama and will that change be for the worse?

 Yui Kobayashi(Keya) as Kotone Ichihara.... Works at her father's cafe and is the older sister of the below character. Kotone is one cheerful and happy go lucky young woman which is the opposite of her sister but not much is known about the pair yet. It was learned in the third episode that Kotone failed twice to get into a musical school, since that happened two years ago she refuses to play the piano.

Seira Hayakawa(Nogi) as Kanon Ichihara.... Younger sister of Kotone and it doesn't appear they get along so well, for now it seems Kanon's dream is to be a rock star. Unlike her sister Kanon has passed an exam to attend a music college which she's kept a secret, she's also been working as a barmaid to save money so she can move to Tokyo. She has a huge crush on Kazushi who seems to like Kotone more which is another reason for the sisters drifting apart.

 Risa Watanabe(Keya) as Haru Yatsuji.... Older sister of the below girl, through the first two shows we've just seen the pair in a forest escaping from a crazed killer! It shows Risa's age as twenty but she was 22 when this series was filmed.

 Hiyori Hamagishi(Hina) as Kei Yatsiji.... Blind younger sister of the above girl, her injury occurred when she was about five in age due to a car accident.

 Sakura Endo(Nogi) as Yuuki Matsumiya.... We didn't meet her until the fifth episode. Yuuki is a sixteen year old(?) who has an unknown disease which prevents her from attending school or really leaving the massive estate she lives in. Though not a key figure in the murder mystery her father is, will add him in to the list if he continues to appear in the episodes. In the sixth show Yuuki was sent to a special hospital in Hokkaido, because of the murder?

Other main cast members, added in one(top character) for this episode.

Ichirouta Miyakawa as Akira Ichihara.... Father of Kotone and Kanon, he owns a small coffee cafe in the town and it's unknown what happened to his wife.

Ayako Konno as Saeko.... Nao's best friend since they were little girls.

Takayuki Hamatsu as Kozo Katsuji.... Father of Haru and Kei, was he killed by a crazed man?

Gaku Oshida as Kazushi.... Good friend of the Ichihara family, about the same age as Kotone and seems to like her quite a bit. However having a huge crush on Kazushi was her younger sister Kanon and she is so jealous of her sister which is one reason they've drifted apart.

Tooru Tezuka as Shigenobu Matsumiya..... Father of Yuuki and owned the very successful Matsumiya Pharmaceutical company. A the end of the fifth episode he stabbed his one time mistress Maya to death in front of his daughter. In such a surprise it was revealed in the sixth show that Matsumiya is the man who was murdered in the first episode!!!! 

Sayuri Kokushou as Hiroko Matsumiya.... Very strict mother of Yuuki and is the VP at her husband's company. To Kiri she had been the main suspect in her husband's murder though it turned out she had no part in it.

Ruto Chitose as Maya Shinozaki.... We only saw her in the fifth show, at the end of it she was stabbed to death by Matsumiya.

In this fourth episode we finally got a view of this unnamed city where the action is taking place. It's that tiny as you can see and does anyone know what city it is? At the end of the sixth episode discovered the city is in Saitama but is still unnamed.

Previous recaps

 Short promo video for episode seven


 Have been viewing an episode, writing the recap up and then moving on to the next show. However need to change that up for this post, after I write this intro up will be viewing the eighth episode. That's mainly because I'm a bit confused about the Time Line in this series and will explain why. Figured this drama was taking place in late March, then into early April which seems to be correct. But thought the year was 2021 but it now appears it is 2020, at the end of the last show the unnamed murder victim was finally identified and it was the company president Matsumiya. The police pegged the time of his death on February 29th and as Kiri said that can only happen in a leap year. So have to presume the year is 2020 though not sure about that 100%, hoping the next episode may clear some of those dates up.

 Another fine episode and there's just three more to go. These four stories were supposed to intertwine by the end of the series and they really did towards the end of this episode. But because of that am wondering are all the events taking place in real life or are we reading from a novel, perhaps Kiri's? You'll see what I'm talking about when it gets to this post's final segment, there will be some unanswered questions which I hope will be cleared up in the next recap. **** Did watch the next show and no dates were mentioned as the episode was too intense for the info! It probably doesn't matter all that much the time of year but I'm guessing it's around April 1, 2020.

 There's four stories going on and by the next show all will merge into one. First off are the pair of sisters who are in the first four screenshots above, Risa plays the character of Haru while Hiyori is her blind younger sister Kei. In that first episode their father was beaten and abducted from their cabin, nothing has been heard about him since. The sisters looked for help in the forest near their cabin to no avail, when they returned home is when they learned their father was missing. After resting up a bit the sisters headed back out to get help, Haru though has a high fever and has passed out twice. Kei may be blind but her other senses are more acute and somehow it's her doing most of the guiding through the forest. As Haru was resting once again Kei heard a vehicle approaching, Haru didn't hear a thing. Kei said they had to hide quickly but that wasn't to be as this vehicle was soon upon them, possibly the man who abducted their father? Will continue on with this story later, you'll understand why as the pair of sister stories will soon combine into one. The other pair of sisters Kotone and Kanon had so little screen time until the final ten minutes and what an ending!

 Meanwhile the main story has always been the pair of high school girls playing detective to solve a murder case. The main 'detective' has been Kyoko as Kiri, her sidekick is Nao who is played by Hikaru. At the end of the last episode a big bombshell was dropped on us is which is the middle screenshot above. The president of Matsumiya Pharmaceutical was identified as the man who had been killed at the town pool a month earlier. That blew up Kiri's theory as she thought Matsumiya was the one who committed the murder and now he's turned out to be the victim?! Above the two are talking with his wife Hiroko who was the VP of the company, now she's taken over the reins. When the police told Hiroko of her husband being murdered she cried some fake tears and had thought she may be a suspect in the killing. But thinking back on it have the feeling Hiroko was glad her husband was dead as he cheated on her too many times to count and had such dark secrets, she said his list of enemies was too large to name! Kiri told Hiroko about the cuff link and said she had given it to the police. To me think that was a fib as the girls never did go to the police after learning Matsumiya was the victim. Hiroko also told the girls she had sent their daughter Yuuki to live in Hokkaido, she has an unknown illness which has prevented her from attending school but is she really there or at their mansion in Saitama?

 A trip to the Matsumiya estate was next in order for the pair of junior detectives, though the elder Matsumiya said he was going to sell it four years ago he never went through with it. That Time Line which I was confused on and mentioned in the intro was brought up here. From putting all of the pieces together seems like the events that took place in the fifth episode happened in 2016, there have been some confusing things about this show which in a way isn't too bad. On the trip with Kiri and Nao was her best friend Saeko who we hadn't seen since the fourth show, driving them was Saeko's boyfriend Yuuta. At the estate the girls did discover many more details about the Matsumiya family life and why hadn't the police? Even though Matsumiya didn't live there he still owns it and according to a neighbor who is above the place has been unlived in since 2016, February 29th to be exact when Yuuki celebrated her 16th birthday. Not much more could be discovered as the villa was locked, but when heading back to town Kiri said to HALT the car, there's something she saw that needed to be investigated further. She jumped out and ran away at top speed with her partner Nao right on her tail.

 It wasn't back to the estate where the pair were heading and we didn't see them again until the final seconds. Back to the sisters Haru and Kei, their father was the keeper off the villa while it had been unoccupied and could that be the reason he was abducted? Katsuji is his name and at one time he also owned a Dojo which he somehow lost but the two girls are still up on their karate. Especially Kei for when that vehicle stopped she was all prepared to defend her sister and could she have fought blind? Never found out and of all people who was in that vehicle was none other than Ichihara, he's the father of Kotone and Kanon. He listened to the girl's tale of their father being beaten and then dragged away, sounded a bit bizarre but think Ichihara believed them. Haru still had quite a high fever and Ichihara didn't have his phone with him so he decided to bring the duo back to his cafe/house.

 During that time at the cafe were Kotone, her younger sister Kanon and the family friend Kazushi. It's not quite Kotone's birthday but Kazushi did get her a present which he gave to her, he said Kanon helped him pick it out. She did but secretly said to herself it was a gift she had wanted Kazushi to give her, there was also something Kanon wanted so badly that was Kazushi for she has such a crush on him! We never did see what the present was for right at that moment their father came in the back door with Haru and Kei, he called out to Kotone to come and help him. Ishihara told his twenty year old daughter everything about the girl's adventures and left them in her care, you can see a bit of that above. One thing I noticed was how jealous Kotone was of how well Haru and Kei got along, it brought back some pleasant memories of when she was so much closer with Kanon.

 Meanwhile Kanon was in the main section of the cafe with Kazushi, the family lives in the back. She finally was going to confess her love to Kazushi when her father arrived on the scene and wrecked that moment for her. Just as the father was about to explain to the pair about the girls he brought back the front door to the cafe flew open, charging in was a hooded figure who we presumed was a man and that's him in the second to last screenshot. He immediately went up to Kanon and as you can see is pointing a knife at her, the hooded figure never said a word. To top it off then rushing into the cafe were our two junior detectives Kiri and Nao, five seconds after that is when the episode ended and what a thrilling conclusion! So what has been learnt is that all of these stories have been happening in real life and they weren't part of Kiri's novel.... or were they? That's a tad confusing too and if you're slightly baffled about some of the things that took place like I was they will be explained a bit in the eighth episode which is the next post. More screenshots and the final seventeen are from the behind the scenes segment that ends every show and are somewhat entertaining. The father Ichihara had been in the "Re:Mind" drama that starred the members of Hina though at the time they were known as Hiragana46 and think he appeared in one other '46' drama.

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