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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Thursday, May 4, 2023

"Boderless" drama: Episode two of ten recap


 Air Dates: March 7th until May 9, 2021 on dTV/Hikari, Sunday nights at 11:00 pm
Episode are 30-34 minutes in length, subs done by Westillsubbing

Main Cast: There's seven members from the three Sakamichi groups, two each from Hina and Nogi while there's three from Keya(Sakura). There's a new series called "Actress" which began on April 14th and it appears it would help watching this show first as four of the cast make a return and some stories are a continuation from this drama. Everyone does make an appearance in each show but the stories/episodes are centered around two major characters, somehow in the end the stories connect with each other. The first two shows focus on these two gals so will have their names first in the cast list. For now only a little bit is known of the other characters, bio pics are from the drama's dTV site.

 Kyoko Saito(Hina) as Kiri Katayama.... You rarely hear Kiri being used so may refer to her as Katayama. Kiri is a very odd high school student, she's not shunned by others though prefers to be alone but was intrigued by Nao and the pair hooked up. It appears Kiri wants to be a mystery or crime writer as she's obsessed with the human body and what it takes to kill someone! Kyoko is listed as being seventeen in age but was 23 when this drama was filmed.

 Hikaru Morita(Keya) as Nao Mori.... Seventeen year old high school student who thinks her life is just so boring and ordinary. Nao is best friends with Saeko who is her complete opposite and she wonders why would such a popular girl like her? Nao's life soon changed drastically when she met Katayama and will that change be for the worse?

 Yui Kobayashi(Keya) as Kotone Ichihara.... Works at her father's cafe and is the older sister of the below character. Kotone is one cheerful and happy go lucky young woman which is the opposite of her sister but not much is known about the pair yet. 

Seira Hayakawa(Nogi) as Kanon Ichihara.... Younger sister of Kotone and it doesn't appear they get along so well, for now it seems Kanon's dream is to be a rock star.

 Risa Watanabe(Keya) as Haru Yatsuji.... Older sister of the below girl, through the first two shows we've just seen the pair in a forest escaping from a crazed killer! It shows Risa's age as twenty but she was 22 when this series was filmed.

 Hiyori Hamagishi(Hina) as Kei Yatsiji.... Blind younger sister of the above girl.

 Sakura Endo(Nogi) as Yuuki Matsumiya.... Know zero about her to date and unsure if I'll be recapping her solo episodes.

Other main cast members, will add to it as we go along.

Ayako Konno as Saeko.... Nao's best friend since they were little girls.

Takayuki Hamatsu as Kozo Katsuji.... Father of Haru and Kei, was he killed by a crazed man?

 Short promo video for episode two


 Slightly struggling writing these up which shouldn't be the case as these will be short posts and it could be because the "Taxi Driver" series took so much out of me. After this post there's eight more episodes to go, don't think the next pair will be for a week but after that will start zooming through this series and the goal is to finish it up by the end of the month. As was the case for the above post will begin off with the two minor stories and get to the main one after those. But those two minor stories will also be in the spotlight in future episodes and not sure at this time but have my ideas which is how the stories will merge into one by the end of the drama.

 This episode lasted for 32 minutes, only a little over a minute was devoted to one story but know that the screen time for it will be expanded very soon. That story is the top three screenshots, Yui as Kotone is in the top two. She works at her father's cafe and the family lives upstairs, for now know it's the father, Kotone and her sister Kanon, don't know yet if the mother is still in the household. Kanon doesn't get along well with her sister and has grand plans on being a rock star. We did see her briefly playing guitar with her band but she's still in high school and don't much about her yet nor her sister. That's Kotone who is twenty in age, she appears to be such a happy go lucky woman but have a feeling there's some dark secret about her and why is she only working at her father's cafe? **** Second story had much more screen time and that's the bottom five screenshots above. This story also features a pair of sisters, in the bottom screenshot above Hiyori as Kei is in the left, Risa as Haru is on the right. In the first episode we only saw the pair wandering through the woods and at first just thought they were looking for their father.

 That thought was wrong and this could be an excellent yet terrifying story. Haru is twenty in age and appears to be attending college, she came back home for a day to visit her seventeen year old sister Kei and their father Kozo, the location seems to be a large cabin outside of this still unnamed town. Kei is blind and in a brief flashback we learned it happened when she was about five years old. Kei was out one day with Haru and for a moment slipped away from her.... into the path of an oncoming truck and though Kei survived she became blind, Haru blames herself for the tragedy. During this visit night fell and the sisters went to sleep, during the night Haru heard an odd noise and went to investigate. What she saw is in the middle screenshot and her father was being held captive by a mysterious man! Haru quickly woke Kei up and said they had to escape, this man heard the commotion and tore upstairs. Too late to nab the sisters who jumped from their balcony and fled into the woods. Not at a fast pace of course because Kei is blind and soon it became daylight. Haru wouldn't give her sister a straight answer on why they had to flee their house but said their father would be okay as he was once a Karate champion, his job these days is managing an empty villa. In that bottom screenshot above the sisters came upon a cabin and saw smoke coming out of the chimney. Haru suggested knocking on the door to use their phone and that was the last we saw of the sisters. 

 Haven't viewed any of the episodes after this one but have a strong feeling that second story may not be a real life one and will say why near the end. In that first recap they semi-mysterious Katayama brought Nao to a murder scene, they live in a small town so a murder is definitely a rare occurrence. It took place at the town's pool which was closed as the time of year is March, the victim is still unknown and there's no evidence on who the killer could be. Katayama brought Nao to the scene where she spooked her out with her passions, Katayama is very interested in the human body and how you can kill someone!!!! The following day Katayama wanted to visit the murder scene again, would Nao like to join her again? NO was the answer to that and as Nao was heading home a suspicious red car began to tail her, she should have fled into the woods but Nao stayed on the road and the car eventually cornered her. But to Nao's relief coming out of this car was her best friend Saeko who ran up to her friend and asked why she was so terrified? Nao wanted to keep what she's learned about Katayama a secret but has become so frightened about what's taken place and blurted it all out to Saeko. Almost forgot to mention that red car was driven by Saeko's new boyfriend which did surprise Nao.

 Nao's imagination may be running away with her as she thinks Katayama may have had a hand in that recent murder! Plus as you can see in a screenshot above someone had written DEATH in her history book, to Nao it had to be Katayama. So Saeko suggested they return to their high school and check out Katayama's desk, it's after school hours so no one should be around. The pair found that notebook which scared Nao so badly, one that had many ways on how to kill a person! Plus a few other upsetting things were discovered and should the two report this to the police? Nao and Saeko didn't have a chance as entering their classroom at that time was Katayama and she's demanding why the two are going through her personal belongings?! Nao revealed her thoughts which is that she thinks Katayama may have had a hand in that murder and also wants to know why she wrote DEATH in Nao's textbook, is she the next victim? But it wasn't Katayama who was wrote such words in Nao's history book, as a matter of fact the same thing has been happening to Katayama for a while.

 Someone writing in Katayama's textbooks started a few weeks ago and it's been getting much worse, no doubt the person who wrote in her books also wrote in Nao's book. Because of writing is one reason Katayama has become so interested in how killers plan out their crimes and why do they do so? But more importantly Katayama wants to know all about how criminals operate for she's writing her own murder/mystery novel! So that cleared Katayama but the question remains who is writing these threats in their school books? For now Katayama has only a rough draft of two chapters written but though Nao hates books wants to read what her new fiend has written. In this draft was the story of the two sisters roaming through the woods which is why I'm wondering if that story actually did happen or is it part of Katayama's novel? Who knows for now but Nao really enjoyed reading the draft and can't wait to see how the story ends but Katayama herself is unsure which is why she's been doing so much research about killers and their methods. You will see above that Katayama does mention a Parallel World and is that where the sisters could be living?

 It's good to keep us viewers wondering and Katayama did ask if Nao would like to join her again visiting the murder scene but was turned down. Least that's the impression Nao gave us for I have an inkling Nao followed her friend to the murder scene. Which was the closed town pool and the crime happened in the men's locker room. There Katayama was trying to figure out how the murder took place and possibly even why but she didn't get too far. That's because she heard a door open and slam, it wasn't Nao but the dark figure of a man.... the murderer???? Katayama ran for her life but the figure was blocking the exit door, she hid in a dark room until this person left. Which of course was not going to happen and in the final few seconds what took place is in the above bottom screenshot. A person cupped their hand against Katayama's mouth to prevent her from screaming and that's how this show ended, not watching the next show yet my prediction is that the hand belongs to Nao! So that ends this recap and through two shows this is a decent drama, a must watch for any '46' fans. Will be back in one week with the next pair of recaps and then will start zipping through the series. Below are many more screenshots to help you follow the action a bit better. The bottom fourteen are from a special behind the scenes segment featuring Risa and Hiyori which was a bit entertaining.

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