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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Nene Shida: A (way too) little bit of this and that....


 Last week was talking about the huge decrease in posts for gravure models the last 3-4 months. Because of the shut/lockdowns the last two years they had an advantage over most others as when they did photo shoots they would take so many more pics which resulted in many more magazine spreads and digital books. Now that things are somewhat back to normal those activities have really slowed down for most gravure models or at least the ones I like to post about, that's a huge reason for the decrease in posts the last couple months.

 Bit of a slowdown for Nene's posts this year as this makes it eight since the 'Nao Year' began on December 1st. That's a pace to have sixteen this year which is a decent total but a drop from the 26 she had last year. And 2022 could be considered a 'Bridesmaid Year' for Nene as she had my second top photobook for the year and also finished second on the yearly faves list. Was hoping she could make a run at being #1 for 2023, so far she hasn't but then again neither has anyone else so you could say she has just as good of a chance at being number one this year as others. There is one thing Nene would be #1 in and that's of being my top gravure model of all time as she looks so darn perfect in my eyes. 

 Not too large of a post but had been doing so many for dramas and J-Pop Idols as of late so needed to do something different. Nene has been busy but more so of an actress the last two months and will explain that a bit further down. First off are some recent pics from her IG page and not all that many since the beginning of the month though that top photo is out of this world(!).... second to last one is pretty darn good too....

 Am hoping there will be a pair of Nene posts next month. She does have a pair of spreads for some July magazines plus on June 5th will be releasing a digital book which is only her third since last October, some advance pics from it.

 As many Sentai fans know did recap the first sixteen episodes of the "Kamen Rider Geats" series. I thought it was a decent show but 48 episodes is too many to recap though have been watching it off and on, there's been so many changes in the show but the top four Riders are still there protecting the Earth from the alien Jamatos. Nene is in the series and plays the role of Sara who is a bit of a ditzy OL and whose younger brother Keiwa is Kamen Rider Tycoon. Through 36 episodes Sara still doesn't know her brother is a Rider, the last ten episodes her role has finally gotten a bit larger.

 Sara came so close to becoming a Rider a few times but it never quite happened, that is until the 34th episode. She had purchased this mini Frog statue that had a spirit in it but least it was on the side of Good and not Evil. Sara had been tricked by it to become a Rider, if she didn't then the statue would recruit her brother and of course Sara didn't have a clue he was already one. So now she's Kamen Rider Hakubi whose special weapon is a Raise Claw though she naturally needs to work at her fighting skills. However she was able to take down the tough Rider Buffa and though the Riders are protecting the Earth they are also in a battle to win the Desire Grand Prix. Seeing as how Nene's role is much larger will be having more screenshots in her future posts, these are from episodes 34 and 35.

 Just one new Nene magazine spread for today which is from a special issue called Strike All Star, looks like outtake pics from her December spread.

 We're already at the end and did say it would be a mini post. Let's have an encore viewing of her April 24th Big Comic Spirits spread, Nene was the cover girl and it's her top spread of the year so far. No recent gravure videos but Nene does have her own YT channel so after the pics have a video from last week.

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