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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Thursday, May 18, 2023

"Boderless" drama: Episode six of ten recap


 Air Dates: March 7th until May 9, 2021 on dTV/Hikari, Sunday nights at 11:00 pm
Episode are 30-34 minutes in length, subs done by Westillsubbing

Main Cast: There's seven members from the three Sakamichi groups, two each from Hina and Nogi while there's three from Keya(Sakura). There's a new series called "Actress" which began on April 14th and it appears it would help watching this show first as four of the cast make a return and some stories are a continuation from this drama. Everyone does make an appearance in each show but the stories/episodes are centered around two major characters, somehow in the end the stories connect with each other. The first two shows focus on these two gals so will have their names first in the cast list. For now only a little bit is known of the other characters, bio pics are from the drama's dTV site.

 Kyoko Saito(Hina) as Kiri Katayama.... You rarely heard Kiri being used so may refer to her as Katayama. But in the third show she said to use her first name so that's what I'll be doing. Kiri is a very odd high school student, she's not shunned by others though prefers to be alone but was intrigued by Nao and the pair hooked up. It appears Kiri wants to be a mystery or crime writer as she's obsessed with the human body and what it takes to kill someone! Kyoko is listed as being seventeen in age but was 23 when this drama was filmed.

 Hikaru Morita(Keya) as Nao Mori.... Seventeen year old high school student who thinks her life is just so boring and ordinary. Nao is best friends with Saeko who is her complete opposite and she wonders why would such a popular girl like her? Nao's life soon changed drastically when she met Katayama and will that change be for the worse?

 Yui Kobayashi(Keya) as Kotone Ichihara.... Works at her father's cafe and is the older sister of the below character. Kotone is one cheerful and happy go lucky young woman which is the opposite of her sister but not much is known about the pair yet. It was learned in the third episode that Kotone failed twice to get into a musical school, since that happened two years ago she refuses to play the piano.

Seira Hayakawa(Nogi) as Kanon Ichihara.... Younger sister of Kotone and it doesn't appear they get along so well, for now it seems Kanon's dream is to be a rock star. Unlike her sister Kanon has passed an exam to attend a music college which she's kept a secret, she's also been working as a barmaid to save money so she can move to Tokyo. She has a huge crush on Kazushi who seems to like Kotone more which is another reason for the sisters drifting apart.

 Risa Watanabe(Keya) as Haru Yatsuji.... Older sister of the below girl, through the first two shows we've just seen the pair in a forest escaping from a crazed killer! It shows Risa's age as twenty but she was 22 when this series was filmed.

 Hiyori Hamagishi(Hina) as Kei Yatsiji.... Blind younger sister of the above girl, her injury occurred when she was about five in age due to a car accident.

 Sakura Endo(Nogi) as Yuuki Matsumiya.... We didn't meet her until the fifth episode. Yuuki is a seventeen year old who has an unknown disease which prevents her from attending school or really leaving the massive estate she lives in. Though not a key figure in the murder mystery her father is, will add him in to the list if he continues to appear in the episodes. In the sixth show Yuuki was sent to a special hospital in Hokkaido, because of the murder?

Other main cast members, will add to it as we go along and added in four for the sixth episode.

Ayako Konno as Saeko.... Nao's best friend since they were little girls.

Takayuki Hamatsu as Kozo Katsuji.... Father of Haru and Kei, was he killed by a crazed man?

Gaku Oshida as Kazushi.... Good friend of the Ichihara family, about the same age as Kotone and seems to like her quite a bit. However having a huge crush on Kazushi was her younger sister Kanon and she is so jealous of her sister which is one reason they've drifted apart.

Tooru Tezuka as Shigenobu Matsumiya..... Father of Yuuki and owns the very successful Matsumiya Pharmaceutical company. A the end of the fifth episode he stabbed his one time mistress Maya to death in front of his daughter. In such a surprise it was revealed in the sixth show that Matsumiya is the man who was murdered in the first episode!!!! 

Sayuri Kokushou as Hiroko Matsumiya.... Very strict mother of Yuuki and is the VP at her husband's company. To me she's the prime suspect in his murder. 

Ruto Chitose as Maya Shinozaki.... We only saw her in the fifth show, at the end of it she was stabbed to death by Matsumiya.

In this fourth episode we finally got a view of this unnamed city where the action is taking place. It's that tiny as you can see and does anyone know what city it is? At the end of the sixth episode discovered the city is in Saitama but is still unnamed.

Previous recaps

 Short promo video for episode six


 Added in four characters to the list, above is the key bit of evidence in this very interesting drama which is a cuff link Kiri found at the murder scene in the first episode. It's the insignia for the Matsumiya Pharmaceutical company and you know what the owner/'resident did at the end of the previous show! He killed his ex-mistress who he felt was getting too close to his daughter Yuuki plus this woman Maya knew too many secrets of how he built the company to be so successful. In that last recap did say that many of my assumptions of what took place and what will could be way off the mark.... and many were!!!! Every episode to date has been so entertaining and interesting, this may have been the best show to date. Everyone had a good amount of screen time and even more questions were answered, four more shows to go.

 What a bombshell was dropped upon our laps at the end, not just to us viewers but especially the young wannabe detective/novelist Kiri, you'll be reading all about it. Kiri has been writing a novel though not much about it has been mentioned the last few shows because of this murder case. One story in the novel had to deal with the sisters Haru and Kei, will start off the recap with them. At the end of their final segment another huge surprise was dropped upon us viewers which had to deal with the other pair of sisters, Kotone and Kanon. Up until now couldn't figure out if their story was taking place in real life or was part of Kiri's novel. But at the end Haru and Kei were talking about an old drama that they had watched together some years ago, it was the story of the estranged sisters Kotone and Kanon! So all four stories will be intertwining, after reading this intro and the below recap you should be able to see where some connections are mixing together and let's finally get to the action.

 Actually this first story didn't get a lot of screen time but that key info was revealed, the top four screenshots feature Risa as Haru and Hiyori as her blind sister Kei. In that first episode the sisters had escaped from their cabin as some mysterious man had tied up their father and had been beating him, were they next? To date that's unknown as for two days the sisters roamed the forest looking for help which was unsuccessful. They returned to their home where no one was there however there was a trail of blood in the house and front steps, probably belonged to the father. There's no phone in the house so Haru said it's time for them to seek help again, her plan was to leave immediately. Though Kei is blind she has some sixth sense about her and could tell Haru was ill, she was correct as her older sister passed out a few seconds later. Many hours later Haru was recovered enough to leave which the pair did and in the fourth screenshot above you can see what Kei told her sister. It was about the drama I mentioned in the intro, it was a show about two sisters growing very far apart and they wondered how it ended for they didn't view the final episode.

 That story was of the Ichihara sisters and now we know that their tale is part of Kiri's novel. That's Seira as Kanon in two above screenshots, the other two are for her sister Kotone played by Yui who is three years older. At one time the two were so close but after Kotone failed two music college entrance exams Kanon had drifted away from her, is she ashamed of her older sister? To an extent think that's one reason as Kotone these days has quit playing the piano and doesn't appear to have any future dreams, all she's been doing is working at her father's cafe. On the other hand Kanon does have some dreams, she did pass the exam to enter a music college but has kept that a secret from her father. Kanon has also been secretly working as a barmaid to save up money to travel to Tokyo, to enter college or in hopes her rock band will hit it big? There's an event that evening at the father's cafe, Kanon had forgotten to purchase whipped cream for the pastries so the father went into town leaving the sisters time to have a much needed conversation. Which didn't go well in the least, Kanon is just so fed up with Kotone's 'niceness' and can't wait to leave her behind, I also wonder about Kotone being too nice and usually that means a person is hiding a very dark secret.

 Will admit I don't know much about Seira from Nogi but I should! She looks so darn attractive in this show and check out her screenshots from this episode, whew! So the two sisters are preparing for that night's event at their father's cafe and Kotone just doesn't know when to stop, she wants to know what's been eating away at Kanon but we viewers know one answer.... it's Kotone! Who then left for a few moments and returned with a small package which was a present for her sister. For two years Kotone has been working at her father's cafe and doesn't seem to ever go out, that package contained all of the money she had saved up in the two years! But Kanon exploded in fury when she saw the present, doesn't her sister understand she hates her, the cafe and the entire small city where they live?!?! With that Kanon stormed out and ended up sitting on a park bench by herself thinking of the past. We learned something very important here about Kanon which is that she's had such a huge crush on the family friend Kazushi! He's Kotone's age which is twenty, Kanon is three years younger than they are. Though Kazushi does know Kotone a bit better doesn't appear he's ever asked her out but is closer to her which has made Kanon insanely jealous and could be the main reason for her disliking her sister so much. Sure much more about this story will be seen in the next few episodes.

 Finally we're at the third and main story featuring Kyoko as Kiri and Hikaru as Nao. Would help to read the fourth recap as there's not enough space to explain where we are. The pair had discovered the unknown murder victim had a cuff link laying beside him at the murder scene, it had the insignia of Matsumiya Pharmaceutical on it. When the pair went to the company HQ located in their smallish city they were turned back by the security guards. However a mysterious woman overheard their talk about a murder possibly being connected to the company, after that pair had been tailed. The following day this woman appeared in front of Kiri and Nao as they were heading home from school, she offered them a ride in the limo she was driving. This woman's name is Miyabe and is the personal secretary to the president Matsumiya, she asked if they would like to take a ride to the office which of course they said yes to. However the girls were naturally a bit leery for was this Miyabe also connected to the murder and of having them tailed?

 At the company HQ the president Matsumiya wasn't there, at the time no one knew he had been missing for almost a month. Taking his place was his wife Hiroko who was the VP and of course she had to know her husband had been missing and why didn't she report it to the police? At the office Hiroko denied that anyone working at Matsumiya Pharmaceutical could have been mixed up in that recent murder, she did a bit more sweet talking to the girls and shooed them away! Nao was disappointed that their investigation has hit a dead end but not Kiri who got a lot of clues. First off she noticed no other employee wearing cuff links with the company insignia. Plus in the office she saw a photo of the president Matsumiya and in it he was wearing the cuff links which meant they're a one of a kind set. So far only Kiri has told only Nao about the cuff links and the pair did do some investigating on where the photo came from which was a charity event five years ago. The girls then went to the factory which made the cuff link, now a third person is aware of it. Kiri has shown zero fear up until now save of course for that time she was almost killed at the town pool!

 Things are getting a bit too complicated at this point though, too many are now aware of Kiri and Nao investigating the murder and could be getting too close to the truth. So Kiri said it's finally time to reveal everything to the police, she's certain Matsumiya is the killer of the unnamed man at the pool and of course only the police can arrest him. But what a turn of events in the last 2-3 minutes, the following day is when Kiri and Nao were going to the police station. But on the morning news the body has finally been identified thanks to the DNA, of all people who should the victim be but.... Matsumiya!!!! Wow, that was a shocker and the news reported he had been missing for a month, now how can the girls report their evidence of the cuff link and other things? They can't and I'm really curious to see if they will be the ones who really do solve the crime. At the very end Matsumiya's wife Hiroko was being interviewed by the police and did she have some crocodile tears flowing out! At this point it looks as though she could be the main suspect in her husband's death but at then again who knows.... plus whatever happened to the body of Maya who was killed at the end of the last episode? This has really turned into such a suspenseful drama which I was not expecting, you don't have to be a fan of the '46' groups to enjoy this series. More screenshots below of the action, final fourteen are from a behind the scenes segment and will be back very soon with the next pair of recaps.


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