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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Hinatazaka46: A little(lot) of this and that for 2023 #6....


 As you know there's been another scandal for Nogi and glad it's worked out so far for the member that had the courage to stand up and complain about some unsavory conditions. Won't be talking about that here but may a bit in one of the last two recaps for the "Borderless" drama which she has a huge role in and those will be done by the end of the week. Think to date only one Hina member has been involved in any kind of scandal and haven't they been so good about keeping members? After seven years only five have left though that will be six in July when Yuka graduates but still only six departing is quite impressive. 

 This is only the sixth group post of the year and first since April 10th, will confess to being a bit lazy about doing them. To make up for that this will be a huge post which all fans will certainly enjoy, think there's over 140 new pics! Could have made it larger as I am holding a few things back for two more upcoming posts. One will just feature the first generation members, they're the cover girls for an upcoming magazine so when that comes out will do the post then. So except for the ending this will just feature the members from the second and third generations, it'll still be a while until you see the newbies included in these posts.

 Though this is just the sixth group post of the year am going at a record pace for solo posts, bet there's been close to forty done already and will have at least five next month. As usual have a little bit of many things, will begin off with some recent IG pics from Konoka's page. She posts more than any other member and she's in the battle for having the most attractive face of any Hina gal!

 The other member in that battle would be Mikuni and she has become just so darn attractive over the last year, getting older helps. Have never done a solo post for her but will in a few months when she celebrates her next birthday, at 168 she's Hina's tallest member. These are newish photos from Hina's group blog and how about that top one?!

 Just one new magazine spread for today which features Nao in the May 31st issue of Weekly Shonen. She's the cover girl and has had that honor with the mag I bet close to ten times. So while there's just this one spread there have been many others but have been having them in solo posts.

 Almost always have new promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' web game in these posts, for today will have the four third generation members. Each have four pics for this month, in order it goes Marie, Haruyo, Hinano and Mikuni.

 Hiyori is in the "Borderless" drama and she's done an excellent job playing Kei who is blind and that's probably a difficult role to play. This small batch here are from the May 4th 'Girls Award' Spring show and these days she's at every one of those shows.

 A member who hasn't been mentioned here in a while is Akari, would like to do solo posts for her but lately that's been impossible. Have twenty really super duper promo pics for the group's 'Mysterious Library' game, five pics each for the months of May, April, March and February. The member who has the best pics for this game is Suzuka, was thinking of having a post for her just featuring the pics from the game as she has that many for a post.

 Will end off with a recap for the group's 'Aimashou' variety show though it may be larger than usual. Am late with this but it's the first group post in over six weeks and really wanted to recap it as this was such a fun show. It's episode #205 that aired in April 9th, it was part three of Hina's third 'Academic Test', did recap the first two parts. There's 31 current members and all took a long test which lasted up to three hours for a trio of members, the subjects in this test were your basics such as Math, English, Social Studies and two others. It was a given on who would be the Hina's smartest member but who would follow her and more importantly who is the group's Dummy?!!!!

 The scores for the top ten and bottom six were revealed, there was a possible 100 points and even though number one won in a rout her grade was just a B-. In tenth with a score of 49/100 was the new 4G member Hirao, in ninth was Mana with a score of 54/100 which was a bit disappointing. Eighth  was another new 4G member who was Yoko with a score of 55/100, then there was a tie for sixth place. That two members were Mikuni and Nao with scores of 56/100, in fifth was yet another 4G gal who was Sumire who scored 57/100. The 4G members are younger so they may have had an advantage as they're still in school or have recently graduated, some of the older members have been out of school for over five years. In fourth was Miku and she's always seemed like such a smart woman to me. Third place belonged to Konoka which was a shock, she scored 59/100. With eight others she had been off stage in a room called Labor Camp which had the members with the lowest scores from the last test, she was now able to leave the room. Second was Hina's captain Kumi with a score 60/100 but there was no contest for who was #1 as Yuka ran away with the honor with a score of 82/100 but as mentioned on a test that would just be a grade of B-. There was a mini second test which she also won, all of this is in the below screenshots so Yuka will graduate with being Hina's Intelligence Queen.

 By far the best segment in this show was to determine who was the group's biggest Dummy! The bottom five members were Haruyo, Kyoko, the new 4G gal Rina and in dead last was Mei. In 30th was Hiyori but she wasn't there for this episode so taking her place in the contest to determine the biggest Dummy was the 26th position member Hina. The format was interesting, when a member got a question correct they could take three points away from someone else, their score would increase by three while the other member went down by three. It was back and forth for a while, it appeared Kyoko would end up last but she got the final question correct so the new Dumb Queen for Hina is Mei, she did seem to be a bit airheaded during this segment. Below are 62 screenshots from the show which go in order of the action.


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