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Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Sae Okazaki: Who better to end January with????


 Sure there a few others who could be 'better' but there's zero wrong with a Sae post and she hadn't had one since early November which was for her 28th birthday. Think the first Sae post was done about five years ago and though I keep wishing there were more for her she is up to 25 of them or about five a year. Can't recall the exact words but in one her first posts someone left a comment saying "I knew it was just a matter of time until you began to post about her as Sae she's your kind of woman!". Guess that could be taken as a compliment and can't say I like one kind of woman over the other but will admit may have more of a thing for taller and thin gals.

 Though this is Sae's first post since November probably could have done one or two since then. All of her 2023 posts were solid but they had begin to fall into a rut but not a bad one. To me all of the modeling and event pics started to blend together and look alike so thought a break was needed. Do have some terrific recent pics for today and it'd be nice if Sae could gain some new fans as she's one of the less popular women here.

 Lets get right to things and will begin off with some new photos from Sae's IG page, a few more than she usually has. In the second and third to last pics is an older fave who I had forgotten about, its Nao Matsushita. I think she is one superb actress and have seen her in about ten dramas but none from the past few years. She's also such a talented pianist and in a week will be hitting the age of 39. To me Nao looks so darn good and have done a few posts for her, would have been nice to have more but she doesn't so many postable activities.

 Can only think of one other actress who does more modeling than Sae does, both hers and the other's photos are always terrific and are better than most magazine spreads. This happens to be the slowest time of the year for modeling pics but will be picking up soon once the Spring collections begin to come out. But do have two batches of new modeling pics which of course are both super duper, this first set is for Rag Out and she always has so many new pics for them.

 The above are some solid pics but I think this set with Sae is much better, these have come out since the beginning of December from the andGirl site.

 There has been a huge slowdown for Sae's magazine spreads the past two years but have been saying that for so many of my faves. But do know she will be the cover girl for the next issue of SPA! plus will be at two upcoming 'Tokyo Girls Collection' shows so her next post shouldn't be too far in the future. We seldom see any gravure photos these days from Sae like the ones in the beginning so about a small set of them from the February 11, 2019 issue of Young Jump so its exactly five years old!

 "Ao no Nai Koibitotachi" is the title of her newest drama that began on January 21st, it looks like it may be a decent series but no word if it will be subbed. To promote the show she did many interviews, one was with the XTrend-Nikkei site and aren't those pics stupendous?! They are to me and here's the link to it, she has the main female lead in it which also stars an ex-Nogi member: XTrend site

 Last up are these pics from an event held for the new drama on January 14th. Sae is wearing the same dress as the above interview so it had to be done on the same day, who can complain as she looks so fabulous! From what I can tell her character in the drama wears the same dress quire often. After the pics is a new CM for SeveniD that came out two weeks ago, as a matter of fact three came out on the same day.