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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Sunday, January 14, 2024

Risa Watanabe: Sigh, sometimes the best laid plans go astray....


 That heading isn't 100% true but it's not far off! Risa's last post was done six weeks ago and that was for her finishing in the eighth position on last year's faves list. At the time said I was holding on to a terrific new mag spread and would have that in her next post which I figured would be done today and as a matter of fact it was. Yesterday was the first TGC fashion show of the year and Risa was scheduled to attend but didn't see any photos of her from it. Checked her site and it said she had to cancel at the last moment and no reason was given. So there's no pics from that show but had hoped to have many new modeling ones and ones from her IG page, those two ideas also flopped to an extent so while a solid post my plan did go a bit astray....

 So while this post didn't pan out the way I hoped it still should be a solid one for her rapidly dwindling fan base. To me any post featuring Risa is top notch and why wouldn't one be as she's been my #1 woman for over two years. Even though her posts have slowed down since leaving Keya she's still my number one and she could be tough to top, late Summer 2026 is when I would do my next 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list. One positive thing about me is that I do have some stability and my top faves don't change all that much. Risa just may be number one on that list again, think #3 would move up a spot plus number's six and seven would each move up too so while the positions may change slightly the faves remain the same.

 Wonder if she'll be making an appearance at the next Keya graduation concert, I am getting so tired of my fave Idols leaving. So while not a huge amount of new things Risa's posts have really gone down in popularity so sure some of these older pics had never been seen before by you viewers. Let's begin off with some IG pics from the past month and this is it! Even with Keya she never did many blog posts and she still is a rather reserved woman.

 Another thing which I had hoped to have many pics of were modeling ones from Non-no but yet again only have a small batch from the past month. However have noticed they tend to come in bunches so perhaps there will be twenty for her next post, did add in the eight bottom ones from earlier in 2023 as they're just so darn good. This April will mark her seventh anniversary of being a model for them.

 One last thing which hasn't worked out well and it's not her fault at all is the subbing for her first major drama "Black Familia: Shindoke no Fukushu". It was a ten episode series that ended it's run on December 8th, the first four shows were subbed but so far that's it. No word from the subber but it's been over a month since the last episode was done and really hope this project wasn't dropped. Know it's not an easy task subbing but don't start on a series unless you're going to finish it. Have skimmed through the four shows and a bit of the others though they're not subbed. This turned out to be a very dark and intense drama which is one key reason I hope it gets finished. Risa has a huge role in it playing a 25 year old budding journalist named Sana Shindo.

 In the first show her younger sister who was a high school senior named Riria was killed at school while the Shindo family watched her fall from a roof. Did she jump or was she pushed, odds are close to 100% it was the latter. After the killing Riria's name was brought up in many rumors and her family knew they were all false. So an average family's mission in life became how to find out the truth about the young girl's death and then to get revenge! Below have some screenshots from the second episode and am keeping my fingers crossed all ten episodes will be subbed as it's a series that I would immensely enjoy. So if it does get completely subbed will end up recapping the entire drama.

 From what I've seen Risa did an excellent job in the series so hopefully that will lead to more huge roles in the future. Also thought she did well in Keya's two dramas and also the 2021 series "Borderless". It's too late for Christmas and too early for Valentine's so what kind of pics are there for this time of year? Winter is the obvious answer and have some older Keya cards for the season, they never had monthly cards but ones for the four seasons which ceased at the end of 2019.

 Continuing on with the Winter theme have more cards which were for the 'Keyakise' game and those cards were always sharp but the game ended in August 2020. Some of the above and below are new for here which means a few of the others you may have seen in much older posts.

 Sadly did mention that Risa had to bail out of yesterday's 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show. Their next one is in five weeks so am hoping she'll make an appearance at the one along with some Keya and Hina members as neither group had anyone at yesterday's show.  So let's take a trip down Memory Lane for these beyond dazzling pics from the Spring/Summer TGC show held on March 31, 2018 and her perfection in these pics is just off the charts....

 We've hit the end and though not a lot of new happenings hoping this can buck the trend of her posts receiving so many fewer views than they did 2+ years ago. In Risa's last post said I was holding on to this new spread, it was new at the time, for this post and she was the cover girl for the December 6th issue of Weekly Shonen. The bottom five pics are from the photo shoot and I'll bet she's been the cover girl for this magazine a dozen times. It's been so many months since there's been a new Risa video, she does have her own fan site so a suggestion to her is why not open your own YT channel? After the pics have an encore viewing of a 2019 Mechakari CM and if you view it you'll understand why it's one I enjoy immensely!

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