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Sunday, January 28, 2024

Sayaka Tomaru: A sizzling quartet of magazine spreads though....


 .... not much else but the mag spreads to total forty pics. But I'm sure most are happy to see any kind of post for Sayaka as she has been one of the most popular women ever here and that's going back quite a few years. I've been doing posts for her since 1996 yet this is only her 39th so about five a year though they have been slowing down. Her posts tend to be a bit streaky. three in two months then zero for the next four. But think Sayaka has a new digital book coming out which will be her first since June and the four spreads are all recent so that's a good sign for future posts.

 The second half of 2023 wasn't all that busy for Sayaka who tends to disappear for months at a time. But she was in a film that came out last Autumn plus had a drama begin last night and it appears she has a biggish role in that. The only other thing besides the spreads are these photos from her IG page which aren't many from four months, three are from her September 26th birthday.

 That birthday was her 27th and Sayaka is getting up there in age, not that she's old but in a way she is for being a gravure model but have noticed the ages of them are higher than they once were. On to the quartet of magazine spreads and will begin off with the newest ones. First up is this set from the January 26th issue of Friday.

 Second up or Sayaka is this spread from the February 6th issue of Flash and I think it's promoting an upcoming digital book. I bet she's had close to forty of them(!) but this will be her first in seven months.

 This set is from last year though not all that old and is from the November 21st issue of SPA!, Sayaka is like a few other gravure models I post about as she does love car/motorcycle racing.

 Final set of pics for today is by far the largest spread and is from volume two of Sunny Girl which came out on November 29th. Sayaka was their cover girl and the first edition was released last July so guess we'll only be seeing this magazine 3-4 times a year. There wasn't one video from any of the spreads so let's go way back in time, six years to be exact for a video from Men's Club and that's after the pics.

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