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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Saturday, January 20, 2024

Keyakizaka46: Their January 'Uni's on Air' pics part two plus some other goodies....


 Will begin off with a minor observation and it's something I've noticed over the last few months. There has been a decrease in how many views many posts get and as hard as it may seem to believe it's the posts for most current J-Pop Idols such as the ones from Keya and Hina. If you notice in that section on the right titled 'Most popular posts for the last 30 days' six of the ten are for Idols who have graduated. Such as Risa and Yuuka from Keya and Hinako from Nogi, those were and still are huge faves of mine. And guess with you viewers too as most seem to prefer those Idols from years ago and can't blame you at all for I feel the same way. Over the past month have done fifteen posts for current Idols and only one post hit that most popular post section. So obviously Idols these days here aren't as well liked as others from years past and will admit most have fallen into a semi-rut though that's not a huge negative.

 Many other posts besides the six in that most popular section have also received a high amount of views and that's been going on longer than just a few a few months. These days there's been such a decrease in photobooks and other activities which is a major reason posts for current Idols don't get as many views. Wish I could do more posts for ones like Risa and many others for graduates of Keya, Nogi, NMB, etc. but that's not easy to do these days. There still are some popular Idols who I post about such as Hono here at the top plus her mate Rei along with Haruka from Nogi and a pair from Hina. Nothing will change as far as what kind of posts I do but those are just a few observations I've made about things from the past few months.

 Did say a few days ago wouldn't be doing the next Keya group post until later on next week. This Sunday, which is tomorrow, they will be announcing the lineup for the group's eighth single since the name change to Sakura and that will be coming out in a month. But there wasn't much else going on today so decided to do this one and will still have another group post sometime next week. Did harp about how Idol posts get fewer views these days but for some odd reason these group posts for Keya have actually risen over the last year. Would like to have one more post for Yui this month but it probably won't happen. Just twelve more days until her departure and sadly it appears she won't be having a graduation photobook but will be the cover girl of an upcoming magazine.

 Let's get to things and everything from here on out should be new for here. Will begin off with some 2023 group cards for Kira who celebrated her 22nd birthday eight days ago, have always referred to her as the 'Unsmiling Member' but she does crack some small ones in these cards.

 Who I like from the third generation is Rika and she too just celebrated a birthday as she also hit the age of 22 and it was one day after Kira! These are some recent pics from Keya's 'Diary' blog though the first four are from aren't but liked how they spell out her name. The bottom pic is with her twin sister Kari and has there ever been twins in a J-Pop group?

 Have been saying for a while how the most attractive face of any 3G member belongs to Miu, she will have a birthday in February. She has her first ever magazine cover coming up so people have been reading these posts! It'll be for the March issue of BLT Graph and many Keya members have graced their covers, these are some promo pics for the spread.

 Do have one regular mag spread for today though it's three months old but had never been posted before. It features Ten from the October issue of Vivi and she is a regular model for them.

 Once again there will no recap for the group's 'Soko' variety show. They now are getting slowly subbed but the project is still over three months behind. Do wish the teams doing the subs would forget about the older shows and perhaps start with some more recent episodes. This was a bit of a 'spur of the moment' post so we're already near the end which will be the January promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' web game. After these still have a few left and those will be in next week's group post. Will have two batches and each member will have four pics, leading off is Akiho and I do miss seeing her on the 'Soko' show. Hono follows her and for months have been trying to do a solo post for her with no success. Third up is Karin who is currently in a drama and rounding out the quartet is Hikaru. She's someone I like so much yet once again she's become someone who is so difficult to do posts for.

 Final batch of pics for today begins off with Ten who I talked about above. Second up is Kira who has eight pics as when a member has a birthday they get an extra four, January 12th is when she turned 22. The day after is when my fave 3G member Rika also hit that age and she too has an extra four pics because of her birthday. After the pics check out a new group video that was uploaded three days ago to their second YT channel that's mainly for the members. I found it to be one of their best videos to date and it does feature may members. Such as group leader Rina cooking at her apartment along with one other clip, also for the first time ever we saw the soon to be leaving Yui driving her car!

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