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Thursday, January 18, 2024

Suzuka Tomita: Her Extra Terrestrial requested.... 'Happy 23rd Birthday' post!


 You wouldn't think it but she has quite a few fans from the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, maybe more than any other Idol I post about. No pun about her possibly being.... out of this world! Perhaps she has more fans from those places than Earth(!) but then again that may not be saying much!!!! Do want to take a break from Hina group posts but as I've moaned about before it's so difficult to do these kinds of posts for most members. For being such a busy group it makes me scratch my head wondering why they're so hard to do and perhaps Hina has too many members?

 Heh heh heh heh, hope those pictures never see the light of day.... whew! You may mot think so but Suzuka has the fourth highest total of solo posts for any Hina member, this is her 13th to date and her last one was done six weeks ago. I really didn't think this post would be possible but did work on it quite hard and if you're one of her small fan base then this could be the best post of the month for you as there will be over seventy pics and most are brand new for here. As far as photobooks go have brought up the question a few other times of who will be next in lie for a Hina member? Maybe the problem is all of the members who haven't had one are just semi-popular though if you want to see any take the next step up having a book would be so key. There is a quartet who I would love to see have a book, of course Suzuka is one along with one member from each of the first three generations. 

 Hmmmm, quickly on the line to Hina's management telling them what she just read in this post! Suzuka does have an IG page but have noticed she's been posting most of her photos at the group blog and these are some from the past month, not as many as usual.

 Not so many pics above as it has been a slower stretch for Hina though at the beginning of April will be starting their Spring tour, that'll be a few days after a very sad graduation. Well, well well.... the warnings about fraternizing with the group's evil rival seem to have been ignored and what shall we do with her? Looks as even Keya may no longer want to recruit her....

 Hmmm, that could be the first time her name and Mensa was used in a sentence! To celebrate hitting the age of 23 Suzuka did host 'Showroom' last night and have the video of it after the pics, will also have a brand new video at the bottom.


 How about some ancient Suzuka birthday pics from the past though the third one is new for this year. The bottom ones are from the 'Uni's on Air' game and will have her new pics at the bottom.

 Have one final batch of her 2023 Hina group cards and not as many compared to previous years, for some reason do like those top three.

 Odds are good there may not be another Suzuka post for at least two months and that would make it March, wonder if she'll be a co-host again on this year's "GO ON! Next" racing show? She also appeared on some other racing shows and when will she show us her skills at Formula One racing? So if there are no posts for a while we would miss Valentine's Day so have some pics for the semi holiday here and hope the chocolates she bakes for me this year are better than the ones in the past....

 Besides chocolate if you want to know what else Suzuka enjoys eating here's the link to the Meti Journal site and a feature that came out on the 17th. At the Kerasse Tokyo restaurant in Shinjuku they imported some fine seafood from the coast of Sanriku for her to enjoy. It was an interesting feature and here's the link to it: Meti Journal site

 It's been about nine months since her last solo magazine spread and will we ever see another? Would think so but who knows when that will be so have an encore viewing of this set from the October 2021 issue of BLT Graph, seeing as how Suzuka's posts draw so few views sure most have never seen it.

 Will end off with her 'Uni's on Air' game pics for January, a member gets an extra four when they celebrate a birthday which are the bottom ones. If you've been following her solo posts then you know that Suzuka has been looking to buy her first ever car, she's had three videos of her adventure since June but in those never purchased one. The fourth video in her car buying venture was uploaded today and it appears she finally may have bought one! That video is after the pics and as a spoiler Suzuka did by a vehicle, a nice SUV but shouldn't she have chosen more of a racing vehicle?

1 comment:

  1. MARVELOUS post, man, thanks a lot!!! ^___^
    You even quoted my "idol math" formula, LOL I'm flattered!
    Really, how great it would be if Sakamichi girls could occasionally switch groups à la 48 ones (or even just for 1-year loans as they do in soccer)! Imagine our beloved Suzy teamed up with Takemoto and Inoue! Or having a challenge with Marino-sama with both of them all dressed up in F1 gear! Or trying hard hard to do better than Habu in a tataite-kabutte-jankenpon match against Sawabe!
    BTW, talking about F1: I wish she would attend the GP in Monza (which is just around the corner from where I am), LOL ^_^; Come to Italy, Sujii-sama!!!
