Welcome to this Baka's blog on his fave Japanese Pop Culture interests.
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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Sunday, January 22, 2023
Mai Shinuchi: Her exalted and soon to be historical.... 'Happy 31st Birthday' post....
I enjoy writing up all sorts of posts but these kinds are the ones I enjoy doing much more than any others. These kinds meaning there's a good variety of things in the post such as new pics, older ones that had never been seen before plus some encore viewings of older pics. But the biggest thing is that it's a post for such a massive fave and those have been lacking the last few months. Mai is certainly someone I adore to no end, she did finish in the twelfth position on the 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list though in a way I like her more than most of the eleven that finished above her! She was also in the fifth spot on last year's faves list and really hope she can qualify for 2023. This post probably won't end up remaining there but so far would say this is the #1 post of the year!
There has been a slowdown for Mai posts which I knew would be happening but do have to say her last three or four have been tremendous posts. She did have that long busy spurt after graduating from Nogi eleven months ago but now has settled in and while busy they're not activities you can post about. Mai's fan base here has been growing over the last three years, the main reason could be she's had so many more posts. So if you are a fan this should be one you'll really savor as there's about forty new pics since her last post which was done six weeks ago. Also have 25 older pics that had never been in a post plus some ones that were in previous posts so all in all there may be a hundred or so pics!!!!
Still say Mai has the finest legs of any woman I post about, whew! Will begin off with some older birthday pics and there weren't all that many of them, that bottom photo is a bit of an oldie.
But do have a pair of new birthday pics which are the bottom two in this batch of IG pics from the past month, all are so super duper but wish she would post more of them.
Few of those above pics were from the set of the 'Bakumon X Hakuzan' variety show where's she's been a co-host since August. For so long Mai was the host of the Wednesday night 'All Night Nippon' radio show but had to give that up when she left Nogi. She's a natural at being a host as besides being so darn alluring she's also very interesting and witty. Since April she's been the host of another radio show called SDGs Magazine and have some terrific pics here from the last two months. Also have the link to the site where you can listen to the older broadcasts plus they have transcripts of the shows and there are some interesting guests: SDGc radio show site
What I would really like to see Mai do more of is modeling. She used to be one for the Oggi magazine site but left them last April and was that because she graduated from Nogi? From 2018 to mid 2020 she was also a model for the andGirl site and to me these pics were so fabulous!
Today is January 22nd and that is the date of Mai's 31st birthday so was on time for a change! That date lies smack in the middle of two other holidays with the first being New Years, some older Nogi cards for it and these hadn't been posted before.
The other holiday which isn't a true one is Valentine's Day and what I wouldn't give to get sweets from her! Have some more older Nogi cards though there weren't all that many of them, the last two for 2016 are out of this world....
In Mai's last post had this tremendous spread and she was the cover girl for the December 12th issue of Big Comic Spirits, no new spreads since then.
That above spread featured outtake pics from her first ever solo calendar which of course was for 2023, if you're in need of a calendar here it is through August.
We've finally hit the end and hope its not too long for her next post. Will have some beyond perfect photos of Mai for the finale and over the last two years think she's become the woman I'd want to be stranded on a desert island with!!!! The only recent videos have been for her radio show though it's just the audio from it. So let's go back to 2014(!) and a video that has been posted before but one that I truly do like. Nogi used to have this series called 'Quarterly Nogizaka' with the BLT magazine, those videos are all worth a view and hasn't Mai changed just a tad in 8 1/2 years?!
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