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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Sunday, January 8, 2023

Yuuka Sugai: Her special "Soko Magattara Sakurazaka?" graduation shows recap, part two


 Once again a bit of a lame post(!) though much better than the first one but this is a post all Yuuka fans should enjoy as this could be the last time we see her in a 'live setting'. The first part was good but thought it faded a bit after the opening segment, this episode was so much better. This aired on November 13th and was show #107, Yuuka had graduated four days before so the studio part with all the members was taped sometime in the second half of October. Same kind off atmosphere as there was in the first part which was praising Yuuka for all she's done in seven years with Keya but it was done in a humorous way.

 The amount of screenshots I take often tells you how good a show was, took twenty more than part one for as to me this was a much better episode. Learned a new word today which is in the second screenshot above, it's Kobun which means Underling. Yuuka was referring to Kira who had written a script very long ago that she wanted to do with Yuuka but never had the chance until now, seems Kira really adores her senpai! It was a confession of love titled "I Am a Horse" and as fans know Yuuka is an ace equestrian. You can see by the screenshots this was taped a while before as it was still warm out, probably in mid September. Kira played a horse(!) that was in love with the Yuuka who was referred to as Lady Sugai. The problem was Yuuka already had a grand white horse who was played by Mizuho and how could Kira as a horse get Yuuka to notice her?

 To make a short tale even shorter Kira(Pocchi) pretended to hurt herself and was helped by the Lady Sugai who thought she heard the horse say it likes her!!!! It was a decent mini story which would be much more enjoyable viewing, kind of corny but fun. Kira rarely ever cracks a smile but she did in this segment, plus she wrote the script and even said she directed so that was a good job by her. Up next was a longish segment and one that I had been waiting for which was Yuuka with her five remaining first generation members who of course heaped praise on her.

 The best part of it is that it wasn't a tearjerker of a farewell and of all foods the grand sendoff meal was from McDonalds. As mentioned before think Yuuka comes from a wealthy family so she wasn't allowed to go there often, Fukuya came up with the meal idea. Did learn a few things in this part that lasted about ten minutes, one was how close Yuuka was with Mizuho. The pair go out often plus didn't know both were really into cosplaying and do it often but probably not outdoors, has cosplaying ever been a theme of a 'Soko' show? All five added their two cents in about Yuuka, even Rina to a small extent and she is just way too quiet. Seemed to me Yuuka is also a bit close with Minami but no so much with Yui who didn't share too much of a personal story save that Yuuka helped her break the ice with other members in the beginning. All in all this was another good segment where I learned a bit more about Yuuka and other members. They were drinking soda and them all being 23+ in age why wasn't it Sake or whatever?

 In the second to last screenshot above someone said the group's tour is about to start. Keya's Autumn tour began on September 29th so this had to be taped at least six weeks in advance. Also learned something new which is Numa Song, thought it was a Japanese phrase but it seems to be a common kind of song. Yuuka's final wish as a Keya member was to have one of these songs and the group had created their own video which I thought was superb and so wasn't the song. As you can see in the below screenshots there were drawings for Yuuka which described her time as a Keya member and also what the others thought of her. Akiho wrote most of the lyrics and it really was one catchy song, towards the end all of the members rose to sing it live. Name of the song was "Yuuka no Uta" though also "Ganbarikki" which is a word Yuuka uses often to pep others up but checked it out and it's not an actual Japanese word.

 For so long Keya aka Sakura didn't have proper graduations as most members would say they're leaving in two weeks! But Risa changed all that as she went out in style with a photobook, pair of shows like this one and two graduation concerts. Yuuka followed her lead and hope others do too in the future but then again hope this is it for a while with graduations, hate to see a fave leave but Yuuka's leaving was at least a joyous occasion. The last four minutes were an question and answer session with the hosts, those are the final eight screenshots. Not much was learned but Yuuka did say she first thought of leaving two years ago when they changed the group name to Sakura. But that did present a challenge which is why she stayed on and she was so glad she did. So that ends this pair of recaps, while Yuuka solo posts in the future will be a rarity if there's any news of her that'll be in a group post. Plenty of screenshots here from this show which go in order of the action and do recommend viewing them. Looked but couldn't find any videos of this show on YT.

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