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Sunday, February 10, 2019

Korean horror drama "Possessed": Episode six recap

 Air Dates: August 5th to September 3, 2009  Wednesday and Thursday nights at 10:00 pm on MBC
Also goes by the titles 'Hon' and 'Soul'.... Ten one hour episodes, subs done by HaruHaru
Ratings- 9.1% nationwide, 10.6% Seoul

Main Cast:

Lim Ju-Eun as Yun Ha-Na.... High school student who is 'possessed' by spirits
Lee Seo-Jin as Shin Ryu.... Expert criminal psychologist and profiler
Keon Ii as Jeong Si-Woo.... High student who is bullied and befriended by Ha-Na
Yoo Yeon-Seok as Baek Jong-Chan.... Ruthless high school bully
Lee Jin as Lee Hye-Won.... Psychologist and part time girl friend of Ryu
Park Ji-Yeon as Yun Doo-Na..... Ha-Na's twin sister who died early on, member of T-ara
Kim Sung-Ryoung as Mrs. Yun.... Mother of Ha-Na and Doo-Na
Kyung Joon as Detective Jang
Kim Kap-Soo as Baek Do-Sik.... Cold-blooded lawyer and father of Jong-Chan
Chu Hun-Yub as Kim Yoon-Oh.... new character we met this episode

No sense to rehash too much of where we stand as you can just read the above post. But towards the end of the fifth episode Jong-Chan, in the bottom two screenshots, was involved in a minor car accident as he almost killed Doo-Na. Though killing her seems impossible as she's already dead thanks to Jong-Chan and his two henchmen. After the near accident the ghost Doo-Na dragged him(?) to a building on their high school grounds and left him to die in a fire just as Doo-Na had. But Jong-Chan had been saved by the security guard, he really wasn't left to die but more to suffer.
 Suffering is what Jong-Chan is going through as his mind has been damaged beyond repair after that incident. After a brief spell at a hospital Jong-Chan had been brought home to recuperate but there's no hope at all as no matter what his father does, the evil lawyer Do-Sik, isn't helping Jong-Chan at all. Soon he's brought to the offices of the psychologist Hye-Won who tried helping out Do-Sik on his previous case with the serial killer Joon-Hee but he eventually killed himself.
 No matter how good Hye-Won is at treating disturbed people Jong-Chan is beyond anyone's help, as you can see above every second of the day he feels the presence of Doo-Na around him. After that session with the doctor Do-Sik ran into Ryu in a hospital corridor, these two don't have a pleasant past between them and it's only going to get worse. When Ryu was a teen three hoodlum teens had attacked his family at home while he was out. Ryu's sister and brother were killed and soon after his mother ended up taking her own life.
 Do-Sik had been the lawyer that got the three degenerates off lightly. One is now a lawyer who we met in the third episode, surprised his role hasn't been bigger while the other two act as Do-Sik's henchmen. Do-Sik and Ryu had some word in the corridor, Do-Sik had been becoming quite worried about all of the recent deaths who were his former clients, could Ryu be a part of it? We know he is or should I say Ha-Na has been doing the killings for him under Ryu's hypnotic spell, hopefully justice will be served and Do-Sik will get his due before the series is finished.

 One minor mystery was solved after that hospital rundown. Do-Sik had been receiving a lot of important information about his son and other shady dealings he's been involved with. We found out the person behind this was the character Hwang who didn't have a large role but had been working with Ryu at the police station. Hwang had told Do-Sik about the evidence that was found which could find his son Jong-Chan guilty in the death of Doo-Na. Soon after the lab tech that did the tests was killed at a street corner by a sniper, the evidence had then been taken off him.
 Due to the recent killings of his clients Do-Sik had become very worried about his own safety and had been putting more pressure than ever on Hwang. Eventually the man just couldn't take the threats from Do-Sik and confessed everything to Ryu one afternoon in his car. But there wasn't much Ryu could do with that info as the informant Hwang had been tailed by one of Do-Sik's men who was sent to murder both Hwang and Ryu. Ryu managed to escape the car before the man attacked them, Hwang wasn't so fortunate and he was snuffed out quickly.
 But now Ryu knew that Do-Sik wanted him eliminated though not much of that story played out for the rest of the episode. Actually it did, should say that Ryu wasn't attacked again though someone close to him was. We're well past the halfway point of this episode but hadn't seen much of
Ha-Na though we will for most of the second half. Her mother is still lying unconscious at a hospital after the accident the pair had in the last episode when their car was forced off the road and into a river. At the end of the previous episode Ha-Na had some harsh words for Ryu as she finally discovered it was her that was the killer in the recent spate of murders due to his hypnotism.
 At that time Ryu promised Ha-Na he wouldn't use her again without her knowing about it, so far Ryu has kept his word. Ha-Na had been at the hospital for about two straight days and was a wreck, she was finally forced by Ryu and Si-Woo to head home to get some rest. Si-Woo is Ha-Na's only friend at school and surprised his role hasn't been bigger as he's one quirky and mysterious lad. After that failed attempt to kill Ryu Do-Sik had no plans to stop, it's just not Ryu that's on his list but others around him such as Ha-Na who may have made a mistake by going home.

 Up until now have had four segments in a recap but for this one was able to manage to just have three of them. Quite a bit did happen but not as much as the precious shows as the scenes seemed to be longer and took almost twenty less screenshots. This final scene took up about 90+% of the final 1/3 of the show and most of it took place at Ha-Na's house. As mentioned she was a wreck after standing over her mother's bed for two straight days and finally headed home to get some rest.
 Once home she quickly fell into a slumber, one so deep it was almost impossible to rouse her. For some reason Ryu nor Si-Woo didn't accompany her home which was odd as her life was in danger, least Ryu should have been aware of that. Shortly after Ha-Na fell into a deep sleep an intruder silently entered her house, don't know his name but he's one of Do-Sik's henchmen. He slowly crept around the residence searching for Ha-Na, why he wasn't looking quicker was a mystery as his slowness would soon cause him his life. While that was taking place at the hospital Ha-Na's mother finally arose out her short coma.
 She couldn't speak out loud but could using telepathy(!), she warned Ryu of what was going on at her house(how'd she know?) and asked him to save her daughter. There wasn't enough time for him to go to the house so he asked the spirit of Doo-Na(!) to help her sister, soon she was at her house and was able to shake hers sister awake. Doo-Na wasn't the only spirit there as also the form of her mother was there, it wasn't explained how but somehow Ryu helped the mother's spirit arise out of her living body.
 However there wasn't much the two spirit figures could do against the henchman, that was odd as Doo-Na had been able to touch humans but now she couldn't? The henchman was easily able to gain control over the fighting Ha-Na who was knocked unconscious when she hit her head against a table. This man is one evil person as while Ha-Na was lying there he began to unbuckle his pants, we all knew what his plans were and Ha-Na's mother stood there helplessly. But in the nick of time who should arrive but Ryu who recognized the man as being one of the teens who had attacked his family and had been found not guilty.
 After a violent struggle Ryu was finally able to subdue the demon who was still alive. Not for long as Ha-Na had come to, she didn't need Ryu's hypnotism to kill a person as she quickly ended the life of
Do-Sik's goon and justice was served. For the most part that brought us to the end of this show, there was a mini conversation after between Ryu and Ha-Na but nothing too major was discussed. Many questions arose from this show such as where did Ryu get the ability to help someone like Ha-Na's mother become a spirit? And what's to become of Doo-Na now that all three of her assailants are now dead? Plus many other minor things which need to be cleared up in only four episodes.

 Though only three segments do admit they were a bit larger or at least the final one was. With just four episodes to go need to find a new Korean drama to view and my list of what I would like to watch is so long have no idea as of now what's next. But in the meantime will still be recapping the 'Zambi" drama plus will be doing the same for the new 'SKEBingo' variety show. As usual plenty of screenshots to end off with and will be back in about a week with the next pair of recaps.

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