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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Tsubasa Honda- "Yuube wa Otanoshimi Deshita ne" drama: episode one recap

 Air Dates: January 6th to February 10, 2019 on MBS and TBS, Sundays at 12:50 am

Main Cast:

Tsubasa Honda as Miyako Okamoto... huge Dragon Quest gamer and works at a nail salon
Amane Okayama as Takumi Satsuki.... also a DQ game player and works in a anime store
Miwako Kakei as Ayano.... Miyako's best friend
Mamoru Miyano as Onita.... another DQ player and manager of Takumi's store
Sei Ashina as Kuriyama... manager of Miyako's nail salon
Yutaro as Toyama... works at Takumi's anime store
Ano as Reina.... works at Miyako's salon
Yu Inaba as Takashi... Miyako's ex-boyfriend who we don't meet until episode five

                  Episode title: 'Originate with Hocus Pocus'

 As you can see by some of those above screenshots this is a gaming drama though there wasn't as much playing as you would think. Couldn't find a video for this episode but will keep my eye open for any ones for future shows as I think there are a few but they could be just clips from an episode. This series lasted for six episodes and will have all of them in a row. Sure many are groaning hearing that but except for this first recap most should be shorter than usual dramas. Will do this first one a bit different as the two main characters didn't meet each other until after the halfway point so will concentrate on those two people individually at first.

 First person we get to meet was Takumi, no ages have been given so will presume he's 25 along with the other lead character. This series revolves around the 'Dragon Quest X' video game and along with thousands of others Takumi is an avid player. He goes by the name of Powder though in many screenshots you'll see him referred to as Pow. Powder is a female character in the game but think quite often players change their sexes and you'll soon see that Takumi isn't the only one.
 In the world of video playing 'Nekama' is the term used when a male plays a female character in a game, 'Nenabe' is for when a female plays a male role. Very little has been explained about his past but there are only six episodes. Takumi is currently living in a house that his grandmother left him when she died, no clue about his real parents. Good thing that Takumi can live rent free as he just works as a clerk at the Animate bookstore in Shinjuku.
 A person you'll see often in the screenshots is his manager Onita. He's about thirty and is also a huge Dragon Quest X player, Onita thinks he knows all about women and worldly things though he's sadly mistaken. As he's been playing the game Takumi has gotten to know the character of Goro a bit well. It's a man in the game and one who has saved the life of Powder on a few occasions, naturally Takumi thought Goro was a male in real life.
 One night playing the game Goro confessed to Powder he may have to take some time off from playing as he's about to come homeless as his apartment building is going to be torn down. Powder then says why not live with me as I live alone in a big house. Goro liked the idea and accepted the offer even though they had never met. That meeting will take place the next day and Takumi is in for a big surprise.

 The surprise was that Takumi wasn't the only person playing Dragon Quest who doesn't use their actual sex. At the arranged meeting spot there was no male waiting for him but instead an incredibly attractive young woman about his own age. Takumi began to wonder could this hotter than hot woman be the real life character of Goro? After some hesitating Takumi decided to approach the woman who gave him a rather harsh brushoff.
 But Takumi wouldn't leave until he knew if this was Goro or not, he was soon to find out it was which mildly stunned him. The character of Goro's real name was Miyako who couldn't believe Powder was played by the meek man standing in front of her though Powder is a meek little girl in the game. Miyako realized she may have made a mistake at accepting Takumi's offer so quickly to move into his house though it was too late now as her belongings were being shipped to his home.
 Miyako we also learned very little about, zero about her background except that she had broken up with her boyfriend three months ago. Her best friend is Ayano though we don't meet her until the next episode and she is quite a lively character. Miyako works in a nail salon, sure she doesn't make much money there so it's a good thing that Takumi has offered her such an inexpensive place to live. Bit more we do find out about Miyako but it's as the shows go on so will relay the info then. But now it's back to the present situation and seeing as she has no choice at where to live Miyako follows her new housemate Takumi to her new home.

 An episode is just 23 minutes in length so naturally that means only so much can happen in a show and after all of the above happenings we were already 2/3 through. Takumi seems like a harmless enough of a man plus Miyako knows what a Dragon Quest fan he is so for now she agrees to remain at his house, then again she has nowhere else to go. The pair very slowly begin to learn about each other but that mainly takes place in the next few shows, for now it was time for some gaming.
 So far am up to episode four and while the Dragon Quest fanatics do play the game in each show it's not as much as I thought and quite often it's when the other isn't at home. In that bottom screenshot above on the left is the character of Reina who we don't see often enough. In real life her name is Ano who is part of the Idol group You'll Melt More, don't know much about her or the group but will be checking them out as she's such a cutie.
 Will keep these recaps at three segments which means we're almost finished with this first one. As mentioned after the pair first met 2/3 of the show was gone and after watching them at work for a few minutes we arrived at the finale of the first episode. Takumi had caught a cold coming home in the pouring rain and was moaning on the couch when Miyako finally arrived back to her new pad. To his surprise Miyako made him some tea and rice to help Takumi recover from his cold. He's got mixed feelings to date about Miyako, at times she can be such a caring and helpful person though at other times it seems she wants to chop his head off. With that this first recap has come to it's close and bet most will enjoy reading shorter posts like this compared to ones three times as long such as the ones for Korean dramas.

 Do admit that Tsubasa looks almost as good with glasses in this show than without them, in real life she does wear them often. She has another drama starting up in April, not much info as the news just came out a few days ago but will have more details in her next solo post. Bit of a fluffy series though not overly so, through four shows it's been an enjoyable watch and glad it's not a ten episode drama. Plenty of screenshots to end off with and there's still five more posts following this one.

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