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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Nogizaka46: The final ever 'Nanase Nishino post' #47****

**** Final ever Nogi post, sure to be many post graduate posts in the future....

 Whew, bet everyone is breathing a sigh of relief with that above comment. There's been very few immensely popular Idols who we hear about once they graduate but am 100% sure Nanase will not be a part of that group. We may not see as much of her at events or in magazines but wouldn't doubt if we continue to have one or two of these posts a month though this is her first one in five weeks.
 Nanase has been the co-host of two TV shows and know she will keep those jobs for a while. Also would presume she'll continue being a model for the Non-no magazine but don't know if she's scheduled to represent them at the two upcoming huge fashion shows. Plus the news just came out that Nanase will be in an upcoming drama titled "Anata no Bandesu", that'll be starting in April so will have more news about it in her future posts.

 Another thing is that there will be an upcoming photobook coming out in June for her graduation, not sure if it'll be a regular book or one just devoted to her final concert. Most graduations you kind of feel a tad sad about as your fave disappear but as mentioned that won't be the case for Nanase, most things will remain the same but won't have any more Nogi cards or any other group pics.
 Have quite a bit of many things for today though no new mag spreads. There will be a new mag coming out for her soon which is the April edition of Non-no, think it's going to be a massive issue that's devoted to her graduation. Should have that for her next post and here are the two covers.

 Shame most Idols don't continue as singers when they graduate, some do though the vast majority don't. Hmmmm, perhaps this trio should as wouldn't these three make for a successful group....

.... actually they would be quite popular though I'd rather see the pair have a different fave!

 Sigh, soon I may not have any faves left in Nogi, now that C-ute's gone too who can I follow? Nanase's final Nogi concert took place February 24th in her hometown of Osaka. It was streamed though have only viewed a few songs from it. A total of 47(!) songs were performed though many were by the Undergirls and 3rd/4th generation members. Haven't heard if a DVD will be coming out but would presume so though with Nogi videos it seems it take a year for them to be released. Do have a few pics from the final show and will definitely have many more in her upcoming posts.

 In some recent posts where there haven't been any new mag spreads have been taking a look back in time with some older ones. They may or may not have been posted, even if they were those posts were years ago so figure many viewers have never seen them before. Have two of the golden oldie Nanase sets for today, this is one of her first solo ones from 2013 and WPB #49.

 Her partner needs no introduction, she herself graduated exactly two years ago so late February is not a time that holds happy memories for many Nogi fans. This set is from the March 30th edition of Young Magazine, think the duo only had two spreads featuring just the pair.

 Haven't heard any news of Nanase leaving Non-no and hope that doesn't happen for a while as she usually has fairly big spreads in their mags. Plus she also has a massive amount of pics each month added to their website which hasn't slowed down, few recent ones since the beginning of the year.

 Will move this project to the top of my list as I want to have a post or possibly even two for my current fave pairing.

 As mentioned above am going to miss Nanase Nogi cards as she seemed to have more than any other member, my mind is drawing a blank as I can't recall if these were for this X-Mas or 2017....

 On to the final item for today which had Nanase at her first major non-Nogi event or at least since she graduated as she did appear at some solo when she was a member of the group. This event took place today and it was for a new online game called 'Black Desert Mobile', don't know if she's a gaming fan but it wouldn't surprise me if she was. Nanase certainly had some fun at today's event and the game is mainly set up for smartphones as you can see in some of the pics. The event was also for some new CM's she has for the game, there's a few now on YT and have one after the superb pics.

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