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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Nogizaka46: The ultra exhilarating 'Kazumi Takayama' post #8....

 Talk about a long gap between posts....this is Kazumi's first solo one since November 2017!!!! She's always been in my top five for Nogi members so it's hasn't been a case of forgetting about her but she's kind of stepped way back the past fifteen months. Don't see her too often at events nor in magazines though do have quite a few of both of those for today.
 Kazumi's second photobook was released yesterday which is why she's gotten so much attention this month. Hope it's not an early graduation present from management as she's one of those first generation members who we all expect to announce a graduation sooner than later. Have only seen a few pics from the new PB but thought Kazumi's first was criminally overlooked. It would be in my top five for Nogi books and it was one of the group's lowest selling books but in all fairness to her that first PB came out at almost the same time as Nanase's second book.

 Most of the pics I've seen from the PB are a bit conservative though that pic above is from the book and that rates at least an A+++++++!. Title to the photobook is "Dokuhaku Hyvaa Matkaa!" which is certainly an odd one and wonder if those could be Finnish words. Say that because the pics for the book which shot in Finland of all places, least she went there in September and not January. These are a few more promo pics for the PB and there are many more of them as there was also a Twitter site created for the PB.

 Kazumi has done some interviews for the book though not as many as we would have liked, these are from the Huff Post site.

 During that interview Kazumi also discussed her first novel 'Trapezium" which came out last Autumn. It was originally a serial that was printed back in 2016 but now it was complied into a book with new chapters added. It's been very successful as sales for it have been well over 100,000 so it looks like she may have a career lined up for when she leaves Nogi. No rumors about that yet but wouldn't doubt if news comes out this year about it, not just for her but a few other older members too. She's someone who I'll definitely miss so much such as one of her best mates who all know so well....

 Locking the door(?!), knew I just have given her a key....

 Actually Kazumi's best friend in Nogi was another graduate, oncea gain a member you know very well. Did a post about two or so years about my fave 'NOGIBingo!' episode which was the sixth one from season one. On it the members played Liar Shogi and her best mate actually turned into her worst enemy as she forced her into tears, it was truly wasn't scripted.

 Sigh, now I'm in tears too.... Actually what made Kazumi weep was that she was ashamed of her Chiba accent and thought the members couldn't stand the way she sounded which was so far from the truth. Not many recent Nogi cards but hadn't posted these from the "Jikochu de Ikou!" single.

 New Instagram pics that were posted today from an event that I'll give info on at the bottom.

 Actually at the bottom will be a video of Kazumi hosting 'Showroom' yesterday, hope it stays up for a while as too many of them get deleted.

 On to a triplet of mag spreads that are promoting the new photobook. Had this small set from the February 26th sissue of SPA! in the last group post but why not have it again?

 Some truly fabulous pics here from WPB #8 and the spread deserved to be so much larger.

 Biggest set of the day is from the March edition of Entame and Kazumi was their cover girl.

 Kazumi has some nice long legs which has always given me the impression she's a tall gal yet her height is just 162 cm. On February 27th, one day after the book's release, there was an event for it at the Fukuya bookstore in Shinjuku. Know it'll sell better than her first PB but it won't be a massive seller like some other Nogi books, hope it sells at least 25,000 in it's first week. Plenty of super duper pics from the event and as mentioned the pics for the PB were shot in and around Helsinki. No video of the event but do have one for "Showroom', wish there was at least one of those that was subbed.

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