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Thursday, February 14, 2019

Minami Wachi: Rest of her 2018 mag spreads plus slightly more....

 Not quite the rest as the title says as there is one more spread which will be included in her next post. That will be coming up soon but unsure if it'll be one for Minami's older happenings or new ones. By new ones I'm referring to February 25th which is the date she'll be releasing her first photobook, there will be an event for it on March 2nd. That got me thinking that the next post will be for her 2017 spreads then, on March 3rd will have pics from the event and hopefully some new spreads.

 As I've mentioned in her previous two posts it's hard not to notice how bodacious Minami is but I think she also has one attractive face. Also what has been mentioned is how intelligent Minami is as she's graduated from the prestigious Meiji University and is currently attending Todai though she may not start until the Spring. Have a few exquisite promo pics here from the upcoming PB.

 Because Minami attended college she got a late start as she didn't become a gravure model until she was 21, on January 7th she hit the age of 24. Bet her modeling is paying for school and she's rapidly become very popular. Last year she released two DVD's and these pics are from the first one. Not from the DVD but from an event she held for it on March 20th and she does look oki doki as a schoolgirl. Title of it is 'Wachi volume 1' and the second volume came out in August.

 Now on to Minami's 2018 spreads which are all jaw-dropping, don't think there will be an order to them though will try to. First set is from the January 12th issue of Friday and she appears in that mag more than any other one.

 That last one is tough to top but you can say that about so many of Minami's pics. This next set is promoting the DVD which came out in March and these pics are from the February 27th Flash.

 Those first two weren't all that huge though most of Minami's are. Continuing with the hotter than hot spreads are this collection of pics from the January 2nd SPA!, didn't keep them in order.

 Minami also appears quite regularly in the WPB mag which is this final that's from issue #8. Following the pics is a video from the August 6th issue of Young Jump and the photo shoot for it. Haven't posted the spread yet but should as it also features another huge fave of many viewers.

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