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Saturday, February 2, 2019

Akane Takayanagi and Mina Oba: Their first(and last?) mini 'pairs post'....

 Was going to do this post about two weeks ago but decided to wait for a day where there's zero new happenings, today is such a day which is a rarity. However almost all of these pics are new plus both gals are huge faves of mine, especially Mina, also wanted to do this post as there's a shortage of them for both. Have close to fifty new pics for here but do have a new Akane spread I'm holding on to as there will be another SKE group post this week, perhaps even tomorrow.
 Akane and Mina are two of SKE's older members as their ages are 27 and 26. With them being in the group so long would have thought there would have been a slew of pics of them together but that's not the case. Do have a new spread featuring the dynamic duo but think it's the first time they've been in a spread with just the two of them which makes no sense.

 Akane has a photobook titled "Churi", have posted the pics which was a solid book but thought it could have been better. Meanwhile Mina has never had a PB and probably never will, there's no Idol I want to see have a book more than her and have been saying that for years.
 'SKEBingo' is a new show which began a few weeks back, two shows have aired and there will be a total of twelve episodes. Have both shows, have skimmed through them and they do seem better than the AKB or Nogi versions. But to date neither show has been subbed and haven't heard of anyone picking up the project. That's a shame but would find it hard to believe no team would sub the show and bet it will eventually happen, once it does will be doing posts for the episodes. What I've liked so far as that all of the 'A Team' members have been on both shows, these days those kinds of members from AKB or Nogi appear too rarely on their variety shows.

 Well, this is a post for Akane and Mina though haven't posted many pics of them, good amount of pics for today but it's not my usual massive post. Have a few blog/Instagram pics from the pair, Mina may post fewer solo pics on her blog and Instagram site than any other member.

 This is a 'pairs post' so definitely need a few pics of this jaw-dropping duo together. Sure 98% know who they are but in the first pic it's Akane on the left, Mina on the right.

 Akane rarely has solo spreads these days but does have two recent ones. This small set is from the February issue of Entame and will have her other set in SKE's next group post.

 Last up is a spread which gave me the inspiration for this post, don't this pair just look so perfect together?! This set is from the January edition of Bomb, final five pics are more random ones of the fabulous partners. No making of video for this spread so have a very short video of the duo promoting it, Mina has a few gravure videos on YT though don't think Akane does. Will investigate more and if so expect one in the next SKE post.

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