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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

SKE48: 'SKEBingo!' episode one recap....

 Start Date: January 22nd at 1:30 am on NTV, will have a total of twelve episodes
MC's: Sanshiro comedy duo who are Hironobu and Shuji
Subs by SKEvolution

Main Cast:
About half of the total members will be on the show,
 here's a few of the A-Teamers that will be featured....

Jurina Matsui
Akari Suda
Mina Oba
Ryoha Kitagawa
Akane Takayanagi
Nao Furuhata
Haruka Kumazaki
Yuki Takahata
Yuki Arai
Rika Tsuzuki

.... and about a dozen more....

 After a decade together as a group SKE has finally gotten their own 'Bingo!' show though they have had a few other variety shows in the past. The AKB version of the show has been ongoing and is up to episode 520 or so. But like Nogi this show will consist of just one short season of twelve episodes which may make it a more interesting watch, first two shows seem to be better then the two just mentioned and there is a theme for the series. Will try to keep these recaps a bit brief as far as the recapping goes, hopefully most of what you will be viewing are the many screenshots.

 There you see the theme of the series which is the 'Challenge of Acting'. Also above in the bottom screenshot are the show's host 'Sanshiro' which are a comedy duo and who also host the HKT version of the show. Episodes are about 22 minutes in length though did take seventy screenshots each for these first two posts.
 Though the girls act surprised at what takes place there's little doubt that most of it was scripted but the shows were still fine. Like most Idols the gals from SKE aspire to be actresses when their Idoling days come to a close and many of the members have already appeared in many dramas, especially Jurina but hope she remains an Idol for eternity.
 On to the happenings and to the group's 'surprise' they were filmed at their main headquarters in Nagoya where the group is based. A mini audition was set up for the members to show a panel of acting experts their skills, few gals did okay but have to admit acting may not be a second career for most of them.

 Those are two of the judges who will be critiquing the member's acting abilities, there's also a female who wasn't shown in that pic. Won't go into detail with every mini audition as there were too many of them but up first was Ryoha. She's a huge fave of many fans but as an actress she was truly terrible, even the trio of judges panned her abilities harshly.
 She was reading an excerpt from 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' by Shakespeare and so didn't a few other of the members. While Ryoha was the pits following her was Rara who I hadn't paid much attention to until recently. She gave a much better performance and was very animated, thought she looked so kawaii too. One of the best if not top performance was done by Akari who has been getting much more work as an actress. Know she's appeared in a few stage plays but don't think she's appeared in any dramas outside of the '48' shows, hope she does in the future.

  Few other younger members also gave it a shot at performing Shakespeare though won't get into how they did, those gals were Yuna, Negai and one other whose name I forgot. Shows like this are good to get to know some of the members a bit better such as Rika who I knew so little about. She too acted the same lines from the play and she was quite good, also one of SKE's newer members as she didn't join the group until November 2016.
 Up last for the reading was Jurina and think she'll have no problem if she wants to be an actress in the future. The judges were impressed with her acting as she did it in a different style than the others. Would like to see Jurina have another lead role in a drama, she did for the 2017 series "Death Cash" which I liked quite a bit and did recap every episode.

 As mentioned above what's good about these kinds of variety shows is that you get to know some members who you've overlooked and my fave performance was by this next member, Haruka. She's 21 and how have I missed her as she is one attractive young woman, definitely going to try to have a solo post for her soon. Would think with her looks she wouldn't have been missed so wonder if she's appeared in any magazines?
 The topic has changed as now it's 'impromptu acting' and she was up first. To be honest didn't understand what Haruka was trying to convey but she was so enthusiastic it made it quite a fun and entertaining short skit. Judges liked her performance too though they said she should improve on her articulation a bit more and Jurina had commented on that at the beginning of the show.

 Towards the end there were a couple of members who got a repeat audition and naturally they're the two most popular '48' members if you go by their last general election. Did see Akari in an episode of the AKB 'Horror Theater' or the title was something along those lines. She was quite good in her show which only featured one member per episode. She also did an impromptu skit where she talked about the three biggest desires of humans, sleep and eating were two of them.
 The third was sex and Akari did mention how Idols weren't allowed to do the deed though bet it's just a matter if you get caught or not. She didn't hear the end of her sex talk from the other members which continued over to the next show. Final member I'll talk about is Jurina who was the other gal to get a second audition. The performances are ones that are off the top of your head, she acted out a scene where someone had spilled something on her on a train.

 At the end of the 'NOGIBingo!' shows there's about a two minute segment called 'Nogi Room' where five or so members sit around and talk about whatever. There's also one for this show which is called 'Dressing Room Stories' that featured six members who kept up the harping a bit on Akari and her talk about sex. An okay segment but wish it was a tad longer.

 Slightly longer than I thought it would be but first posts of a series are like that as there's a lot of details and such about the show to discuss, Future ones will be shorter(they better be!) and the recap for the next show is the post following this one. Even though a show is only 22 minutes long did take an overabundance of screenshots which will help you follow the action much better.

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