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Sunday, February 10, 2019

Korean horror drama "Possessed": Episode five recap

 Air Dates: August 5th to September 3, 2009  Wednesday and Thursday nights at 10:00 pm on MBC
Also goes by the titles 'Hon' and 'Soul'.... Ten one hour episodes, subs done by HaruHaru
Ratings- 10.1% nationwide, 11.4% Seoul

Main Cast:

Lim Ju-Eun as Yun Ha-Na.... High school student who is 'possessed' by spirits
Lee Seo-Jin as Shin Ryu.... Expert criminal psychologist and profiler
Keon Ii as Jeong Si-Woo.... High student who is bullied and befriended by Ha-Na
Yoo Yeon-Seok as Baek Jong-Chan.... Ruthless high school bully
Lee Jin as Lee Hye-Won.... Psychologist and part time girl friend of Ryu
Park Ji-Yeon as Yun Doo-Na..... Ha-Na's twin sister who died early on, member of T-ara
Kim Sung-Ryoung as Mrs. Yun.... Mother of Ha-Na and Doo-Na
Kyung Joon as Detective Jang
Kim Kap-Soo as Baek Do-Sik.... Cold-blooded lawyer and father of Jong-Chan
Chu Hun-Yub as Kim Yoon-Oh.... new character we met this episode

 No cliffhanger to end off the previous episode though the ending may have been the most gruesome scene to date. In that scene Ha-Na had attacked the serial killer Joon-Hee at the hospital he was being held. She had stabbed him several times, Ha-Na could have killed but walked away with Joon-Hee barely hanging on to his life. She had left a spoon behind which he had grabbed, when a few of the hospital staff and Ryu had entered the room Joon-Hee became spooked as he had thought he saw his final victim standing behind Ryu. Joon-Hee couldn't take what he thought he saw and ended his life by thrusting the spoon into his throat.
 During that last episode Ryu had finally been able to get Ha-Na under his hypnotic spell and it was 100% for his revenge plans as he had Ha-Na murder at least three people in episode four. But while she's committing the murders Ha-Na wasn't aware of what she was doing and it also seems her dead sister Doo-Na has been controlling her body too. It's not overly confusing but during some of those murders and upcoming ones we begin to wonder is it Ryu or Doo-Na controlling Ha-Na?
 That brings us up to date and one mystery was partially answered this episode. Since the beginning of the series Ha-Na has had many nightmares, she also has been seeing 'ghosts' at all times of the day. But many of those nightmares are about one event which was about a group of children trapped in a building which was raging with fire. Ha-Na was outside of the building and had tried to save the children but with no luck as they all perished.
 As you can somewhat see in the two above screenshots there is an investigation being reopened about a fire that had taken place at a school a decade before. In that fire all of the children had been burned to death but one child was able to escape, that was Ha-Na and now we know why she as burn marks on her legs. Ha-Na had attempted to save the other children but was unable to, she was only six at the time so it's easy to see why she couldn't. But many of the mothers of the children are kind of leery at what really happened and did Ha-Na have anything to do with the fire, some even feel she may have set the fire which recently killed her sister Doo-Na.

 The prime suspects in the death of Doo-Na has been Jong-Chan and his two cronies, there's little doubt they set the fire which killed Doo-Na but there is no evidence. There had been proof as
Jong-Chan's lighter along with some of his hair at been found at the scene. Ryu had his buddy at the police labs check out the evidence which proved Jong-Chan had been at the scene but before the man could return the items he had been murdered by a sniper. An unknown person had scooped up the evidence before Ryu could get to his dying friend thus it was lost forever(?).
 Ha-Na's mother had been at the rally where the mothers were demanding the fire case from a decade ago be reopened. However the other mothers came down on her brutally because of Ha-Na escaping, that's what Ha-Na's mother did as she couldn't take the abuse at the rally. On her way home she was walking down a corridor in the subway when she noticed a bum with some of Doo-Na's possessions. That bum had scooped them up when Doo-Na had been taken hostage by two of Jong-Chan's cronies, Jong-Chan had also been at the kidnapping but didn't help his mates out. Now knowing what may have happened to her daughter the mother, who has remained nameless, went to the security office of the subway to looks through some video footage.
 Things are slowly falling into place as they were able to find the footage of when Doo-Na had been taken hostage. The tape showed Jong-Chan watching his two henchmen beat Doo-Na and drag her away. Should be noted that those two henchmen, Hae and Jo, have been killed which took place in episode four and won't discuss how as it may be a good idea to read that post. That evidence can't bring Doo-Na back to life but perhaps the mother can get revenge for the murder.
 The problem is Jong-Chan's father Do-Sik is a powerful lawyer who seemingly has connections everywhere such as the police station. Ha-Na's mother had called the station to speak to Ryu about the video but he wasn't there. She left a message with his teammate Hwang who quickly called his leader Do-Sik to tell him what had been discovered. Do-Sik then had sent one of his strongmen to take out the mother at her flower shop, the man came oh so close to killing her but luckily a customer entered the store which for the moment has saved the mother's life. But that videotape evidence never ended up being forwarded to Ryu so he never saw or learned of the tape.

 Shortly after that incident Ha-Na arrived home from school. Her mother didn't reveal to her daughter what had just happened but grabbed some clothes along with some other essentials and took Ha-Na with her in the family vehicle. The mother wouldn't tell Ha-Na where they were going and it's probably because the mother had no idea where she was going, her number one priority was leaving the area for good if they wanted to continue living. However Ha-Na's residence had been watched by another of Do-Sik's henchmen who followed the pair on their unknown journey.
 It was a bit of a long journey as that man seemed to know where the mother was headed and eventually overtook her on a winding road abutting a river. He was driving a flat back truck with a couple of dozen huge water bottles, he soon zoomed far in front of Ha-Na's vehicle and stopped around a sharp corner. The man quickly jumped out and untied the bottles just as the other car was coming around the corner. In a panic Ha-Na's mother swerved to avoid the tumbling huge bottles but the road was a very narrow one as the vehicle ended up flipping over into the river.
 That scene is the above screenshots, the car ended up floating down to the river's bottom where both Ha-Na and her mother were passed out. Kind of an unbelievable event was about to take place as also in the water was Ha-Na's dead sister Doo-Na!!!! She pounded on the window until Ha-Na revived, the pair then were able to get their mother out of the car and to safety. As Ha-Na was swimming to the top of the water with her unconscious mother Doo-Na disappeared and not sure what to think of that scene, was it an hallucination on Ha-Na's part?
 Ha-Na wasn't injured badly in the murder attempt though her mother remained unconscious and was currently lying in a hospital bed. Both Ryu and Si-Woo had dashed to the hospital upon learning of the incident. At one time Si-Woo had been such a fan of Ryu's abilities and looked up to him but no longer as he's starting to wonder if Ryu has been behind all of the recent murders. All of the killed have been somewhat shady characters who have been found innocent in court with Do-Sik as their lawyer, Do-Sik had also been wondering does someone have him on their list too?

 Final segment coming up as there's always just going to be four of them for each recap but still have been able to manage not to overlook any major detail or event. Bit of an exciting ending as usual and seems we've been seeing more of Doo-Na as a ghost then we saw her as a living human, she doesn't always have to possess the body of her twin sister to get her revenge.
 Above you can see Jong-Chan driving his souped up car on his way home at night on a deserted road. About a hundred yards in front of him Jong-Chan had noticed a figure standing in the middle of the road, he desperately tried to stop his car but he couldn't as he plowed into the person(?). It wasn't a live person but instead it was the ghost figure of Doo-Na that Jong-Chan had run into. Once you're a ghost you can't be killed again so the fallen figure of Doo-Na arose and approached Jong-Chan's car as he screamed in terror.
 The next time we saw the scoundrel he was tied up in a building, exactly the same scenario that him and his cronies had done to Doo-Na. She was going to have Jong-Chan relive her ordeal and perish in a fire, she also set it up so he could witness in a nightmare the tragedy Doo-Na went through. That character is definitely becoming more mysterious by the episode, some of her actions are hard to explain and hope they get answered soon such as because Doo-Na is a ghost so how can she do all these things in the real world?
 Doo-Na was prepared to have Jong-Chan relive her death exactly and as it happened to her she started a fire to have him burn up in. Of course Jong-Chan is panicking beyond believe and that fire was spreading rapidly as Doo-Na was about to take her leave. But in another unexplained event just before Doo-Na could flee the burning building Ryu popped out of nowhere, as a ghost why couldn't she just have disappeared? Ryu didn't tell her to stop the fire of save Jong-Chan but he set it up so the door wasn't locked and a security guard was notified. Jong-Chan was so badly hurt living would be more of a nightmare than death.
 Jong-Chan was saved by a guard and was sent to a nearby hospital. His wounds were a bit severe though not life threatening but Jong-Chan's mind seems to be permanently gone. That was towards the end of the show but we see much more of Jong-Chan and his father in the next episode, he's in such bad shape death may have been a better ending for him. The final scene took place in the last two minutes, it was an intense showdown between Ha-Na and Ryu. She's finally realized what Ryu has been doing to her which is hypnotizing Ha-Na and having her kill people on his 'revenge list'.
Ha-Na is naturally upset and angry at what Ryu has been doing to her but then again she's not feeling all that guilty about the crimes. Least all of the victims have been low life people who had been represented by the lawyer Do-Sik in court. That little spat between the two didn't resolve everything but at least for now Ryu says he'll consult her first before anymore killings.

 This drama has changed abit since the first episode. It started out as a horror show, still has some of those elements but seems to have turned into more of a psychological thriller series. Nothing wring with that as every episode has been a winner so far, there's also been zero filler as it being a ten episode series there's no time for any. This is the halfway point of the recaps and the one for the next episode is the following post.

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