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Thursday, June 10, 2021

Kyoko Saito: Her effulgent and quintessential fourteenth post....


 Seems as though it should be more than fourteen solo posts as her first was done three years ago. But then again have noticed Kyoko's posts have been the largest of anyone this past year and she's had eleven since the beginning of 2020, perhaps had too many pics in Hina group posts before that. The more I learn about Kyoko the more interesting she is and she's so close to being my #1 current Idol. She refers to her group of fans as being Kyonkois which is a play on her name and the Japanese word for love, hope she's creating a word that combines her and Nao's name!!!!

 Last year Kyoko finished 17th on the yearly faves list but think if I made one mistake last year it wasn't having her higher. Think it may have been because there wasn't much going on for her or Hina much of the second half of the year. But this is her fifth post since December 1st, one more to qualify for the list which hopefully will happen within the month. At the beginning of the year predicted Kyoko would be my #1 fave for 2021 but don't think she's reached that position yet. She's probably around fourth but with a busy second half of the year think she'll be right there in the running for the top spot.

 Kyoko is one of those rare gals who I was smitten with from the first second and that was from watching Hina's "Re:Mind" drama though at the time they were called Hiragana46. She was ultra kawaii back then which was four years ago but hasn't she grown into such an alluring woman?! She'll be the cover girl for the next issue of CM Now which is why her next post could be very soon.

 Kyoko's first photobook that came out in January has sold close to 130,000 copies and was the top selling solo book for the first half of the year, only a Hina group PB topped it. She posts more blog pics than any Idol I can think of, actually most Hina members are quite good at that. These are from the past two weeks and bet there's a hundred or more from the last month.

 Those two pics with that 'banner' around her are to promote a voting campaign for her 'Kyoccorohee' variety show that airs on Wednesdays, the voting will be for which show of the fourteen was the best. That bottom pic is interesting as it shows how short she is. When I stand at a dart board my nose is even with the bullseye and she's not even close! She's the shortest member of Hina so why not a few pics with Nogi's shortest gal and what a pairing they make, gulp....

 Here's some older pics from a January interview to promote the photobook which hadn't been in a post, these are from the Crank site.

 Have had a video for a few months but kept putting off viewing it until today. It's from a special show called 'Ramen Daisuki! Kyoko Saito desu' which aired on April 15, 2018. But it the subs weren't completed until a few months ago and they were done by Broken Subs, you can find the video there. As many fans may know Kyoko is a fanatic about Ramen and this hour long show was devoted to her second biggest love after Nao. She said she eats it once every three days as not to get tired of it but I had thought going in she ate it every day. She was joined by a pair of Hina mates who will try to introduce her to some ramen she's never tasted. These screenshots are from the first fifteen minutes, will have many more in future posts.

 She has formed a Hina 'Ramen Club' and the group also has one for Udon lovers. Kyoko has been a long time model for the ar magazine, some recent pics from their site.

 Small spread here from the July issue of ar, some pics are the same as the ones above but those are 'clean versions'. 

 Another Hina member has a photobook that's coming out in ten days, the preorders are so high she just may top Kyoko for having the best selling solo book of the year. Have some more outtake pics here from the photo shoot that hadn't been posted before.

 Will end off with some pics from the PB or outtake ones which you've seen before but can anyone possibly get enough of Kyoko?!?! Can never find many decent solo videos for '46' members, so after the pics have a group CM from 2019 for Mechakari which is somewhat entertaining.

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