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Thursday, June 17, 2021

"Kyoufu Shinbun" drama: Episode two recap


 Air Dates: August 29th until October October 10, 2020 Saturday nights at 11:40 pm on Fuji-TV
This series also goes by the name of Terror Newspaper and subs were done by HPriest

Main Characters: Setting is the city of Kyoto. Shizuku receives the haunted newspaper every day at midnight and their tragic stories always come true. She's not the only one though to get this Terror Bulletin paper but only the person that receives it can read the stories.

Sei Shiraishi as Shizuru Onoda.... Second year student at Chuo University in Kyoto. She's lived in the city with her parents but moved out to her own apartment at the beginning of the first episode. After Shizuru's first night at the apartment she began to receive a 'Terror Newspaper' at midnight each night and quickly her life turned upside down.

Hitomi Kuroki as Utako Onoda.... Shizuru's mother

Eiji Yokota as Kuranosuke Onoda.... The father of Shizuru who ran a coffee shop/mini restaurant but he was killed at the end of the first episode!

Taiki Sato as Yusuke Matsuda.... Shizuru's new friend and he works at Hannari Delivery as a bike courier which is how he met Shizuru.

Yuki Katayama as Momoka Miyazawa.... Shizuru's best friend

Taro Suruga as Rintaro Shinozaki.... Detective for the East Kyoto police department.

Ryotaro Sakaguchi as Tomowo Katagiri.... Young man who is Shizuru's neighbor. He lives with his mother and is quite odd but not sure to what extent yet.


 Sure you read the above post and that's how it ended with the gruesome death of Shizuru's father. However he wasn't dead at that moment and didn't pass away until he was in the operating room. On his way there the final words he ever spoke to his daughter were what she's saying above, Shizuru had always thought her father despised her and she was 100% correct. There's a few things we learned about the father in the beginning and will get them out of the way now before the main recap starts. Her mother Utako had told Shizuru when she was pregnant the father would go to the local shrine every day and pray for her. That was true but in a flashback we saw what he was really praying for and that was of Shizuru dying at birth!

 Plus for twenty years he's been visiting that shrine with a special amulet he gave to Shizuru last episode. They're usually supposed to be a good luck charm but am wondering if the amulet Onoda gave his daughter isn't a cursed one?! Though he's dead sure we'll be hearing about the father throughout the series and could he have been involved at all with this Terror Bulletin newspaper? Didn't go further than that but the top screenshot was a shower scene reminiscent of a Ju-On movie as all of a sudden the heroine Shizuru had a piece of hair lodged in her throat that was about two feet long.

 Now on to the events for this second episode and the ending may be more gruesome than the first one. Naturally Shizuru's mother Utako was so distraught after the death of her husband but more than you would have thought and seems she may be falling over a ledge. To date her role hasn't been large or that important but have a feeling it will be. Another character whose importance should be increasing is Shizuru's next door neighbor Tomowo who is certainly one odd young man. He talks in riddles and but seems like a decent guy and though his role has been minor to date like Shizuru's mother think he'll be playing a major role in helping her shed he curse of the Terror Bulletin. A person we did see much more of in this show is in the bottom screenshot above, she's the woman on the right. You'll be seeing plenty of her pics in this post and it's Shizuru's best friend Momoka who is played by Yuki Katayama.

 She's a person I know very little about which is a good thing as perhaps I've discovered a new fave? Really like the way she looks and while it won't be easy will try to have a post or two for her soon. Shizuru had been showing her friend the Terror Bulletin but of course Momoka only saw a blank page as Shizuru is the only person that can read it. But she did convince Momoka that what the paper predicts is true and Shizuru will need her friend's help on a plan she's thinking of about the paper, more on that coming up. Eavesdropping on that conversation that was in a cafe was the mysterious man we met in the first episode and is a fugitive being hunted by the East Kyoto PD.

 That unknown man is in the top two screenshots, he says he's been tailing Shizuru to help her but then again he had an odd way of doing it. We learned the man's name was Hirukawa and in the first show had been working with the moving company that helped Shizuru move into her new apartment. When the job was complete Hirukawa had her sign three papers, first two were legit but she didn't read the final one which I think may have to do with the Terror Bulletin being delivered to her! After Shizuru left the cafe stopping her was Hirukawa and she was of course scared to death of him. But he revealed he's just trying to help her and that he too has been getting the Terror Bulletin! In a bit of a shocker the man told Shizuru that when he started getting the paper he was just 25 in age and that was just a few months ago. Don't know how Hirugawa knew, way he looked(?), but he told Shizuru every time you read the paper you age 100 days or a little over a year with four readings. So Hirukawa has gone from being 25 to over seventy in just a few months and seems he's on the verge of dying of old age.

 Just when he was going to explain more arriving on the scene was the detective Shinozaki who Hirukawa had eluded in the first show. Soon after that the boy turned older man passed out, he was brought to the hospital where's he's in a coma and still was at the end of the episode. Above in the bottom two screenshots is a man named Endo who will be a key figure in this show but it's just a one time appearance. He's forty in age and has just been axed from his salesman job as he had been caught having an affair with a minor. That led his wife and son, right above, to leave Endo and never want to see him again. Why he's important is that in the next issue of Terror Bulletin there was a drawing of him and the story said the man committed a murder at a Kyoto park.

 Besides her best friend Momoka believing Shizuru about the Terror Bulletin paper is the young man in the above top screenshot. His name is Yuzuke and like Shizuru works as a bicycle delivery person for Hannari Delivery, in my eyes he fell head over heels for her since the first second they met. His suggestion was that if Shizuru knows the detail of an upcoming tragedy can't she stop it? That was an interesting piece of advice but Shizuru wondered could she really change the future? So their plan will be to stop the stabbing but the problems are the article didn't say the person's name or who would be killed. Plus there was no picture of the man though there was a drawing which Shizuru drew out for her two mates but she does know the park name and that the incident will take place at 3:00 pm.

 You can see above that the man Endo fits the drawing perfectly and he's on his way to the park as he knows that's where his wife and son will be at 3:00 pm, are one of them the victim? So it's a trio hunting down Endo, Shizuru along with Yuzuke and Momoka though they have no definite plan what they'll do if they spot the man, hopefully a police officer will be in the area. The trio split up to hunt for the unknown man as it was a huge park and Yuzuke in his area was being hounded by this nineteen year old girl. She kept pestering him for how to solve her life problems but he kept trying to shoo her away, in a few moments he may have wished he kept her near him. It's approaching 3:00 pm and the first person to spot Endo was Shizuru who was perplexed on what to say or do. She rushed up to Endo trying to stall him until her friends arrived but he just shoved her aside to the ground.

 Endo saw his wife and son so was rushing over to them, what Shizuru thought was going to happen was completely off base. Before Endo could reach his family running past him was that crazed girl who had been pestering Yuzuke, she didn't waste any time and stabbed the wife Yumi to death which you can see above. A few seconds later this unnamed girl did the same think to the son Kenta and just like that Endo's family was gone. It turns out this nineteen year old girl was the one Endo was having an affair with, she was insanely jealous of him reuniting with his family. After those words and with the detective Shinozaki about to nab her the girl took the knife and slit her throat to make her the third victim. So it turned out Endo wasn't going to the park to kill his wife and son, it was actually to reunite and did the Terror Bulletin lie about the tragedy?

 No it didn't according to Shizuru who pulled the paper out of her pocket. She read the story again and the events had all changed to what really took place. So to Shizuru and her friends though she knows what sordid incident may happen in the future she's powerless to stop it or in other words can't alter the future. That was the last main scene of the show, in the final minute Shizuru was being interviewed by the detective Shinozaki on what really took place and why she was there. She explained everything about the Terror Bulletin paper and while Shinozaki may not believe her 100% about it's predictions he's agreed to help her and that partnership should begin in the next episode. That wraps up this recap and have to say I'm kind of surprised at how graphic, dark and gory this drama was in the first two shows. But then again do enjoy these horror dramas so am glad there's been no wimping out. Will have the next pair of posts in about a week as I'm also recapping another series at the moment. Took a massive amount of screenshots and they always help you follow the story better.

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