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Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Miru Shiroma: Her new breathtaking 'Big Comic Spirits' mag spread though.....


 .... not all that much else but may have about forty new sweltering pics. Hmmmm, the saying is an apple a day keeps the doctor away, hope that also doesn't refer to hotter than hot Idols such as Miru!!!! And these days can't think of anyone hotter than she is, when I eventually get around to doing that 'Top Hottest Idols of All Time' list would have to say she's got an excellent shot at being #1. What a shame it will be then after July if we don't see any more alluring  pics from Miru but don't think she would go cold turkey from doing gravure spreads. This is her third post in less than a month which may be a record for her.

 So that's the main reason for this post not having a huge amount of new pics. But with Miru graduating soon there certainly won't be too many things to post about after that so trying to have as many as possible before her NMB departure. She's their last first generation member and is it a wonder why I'm not as big of a J-Pop fan as I once was? The amount of first generation members that have left Nogi/NMB/SKE and Hello Project groups the last 3-4 years is staggering and know there must be many others who miss those 'older gals'. Personally don't care for all these less talented teens replacing the faves that got me interested in their groups and there has been a big decrease in Idol posts this year outside of Hina. Miru has said she'd like to continue with a singing career and two other ex-NMB members have been semi successful so why not her?

 Will try to make sure Miru hits the six post mark for the year to be eligible for the yearly fave's list. She was fifteenth last year and while she didn't make 2019's list she should have and that's been one of my biggest omissions ever. Miru's farewell concert was supposed to be held in her hometown of Osaka on May 30th but because of the health restrictions had to be postponed. No word yet on when that will take place so perhaps Miru will be sticking with NMB until a concert is possible and there's no way they can let her leave without a grand farewell. She's been doing many interviews lately for her graduation and also NMB's new single which comes out tomorrow. Of course she's the center for the new single and these interview pics are from the Townwork site, also it's link: Townwork

 Another set of interview pica and a link to it for Oricon. Both of the interviews were informative and besides having such a perfect figure Miru is also quite a funny and interesting gal: Oricon

 In two days the next issue of BLT Graph will be coming out, Miru will be featured in it and will have those pics next time around. In her last post had many overly seductive pics from the photo shoot and can the spread these pics?

 Least Miru will be getting a graduation photobook and it'll be coming out on July 7th. Title for it is "REBORN" and it's going to be tough to top her "Love Rush" PB from 2019. Had some advance pcs for it in that last post and have some even better ones for today.

 Would think we'd be seeing a few more mag spreads to promote the photo book. Will be ending off with what was mentioned in the title which is the June 28th issue of Big Comic Spirits. Miru is their cover girl and this is a mag she hasn't appeared in that often over the years. As a bonus have two short videos following the pics from the photo shoot.

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