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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Monday, June 28, 2021

Minami Tanaka: Few recent tidbits....


 Getting slightly burnt out which hasn't happened for a while, seeing as how a holiday weekend is coming up sounds like a perfect time for a break that lasts longer than a day. Doing so many drama recaps is one reason for the burn out and should cut back on them a bit. But June was a bit of a slower month for activities with my larger faves so that's why there's been more drama posts than usual. It's also been taking much more work doing posts like this so think many lagers are needed to clear my mind. I could have a few hundred gallons of lager but my mind would never be clear of Minami(!) who is such a mega fave of mine. This is her sixth post since December 1st so she's now eligible for the yearly fave's list and the last three number ones have now qualified. In the past once you were #1 for a year you were disqualified for future lists but think that will be changed for this year.

 Don't think Minami would have much of a shot at being #1 for a second time but she'd still have an impressive position on the list, last's year's number one though could be a repeat champion. Minami was first introduced in January 2019, this is her 32nd post in 29 months and bet only one person has topped that total since then. However her popularity has really waned the past year, at one time her posts were among the heavily viewed. But while almost everyone has seen a big increase in how many views their posts receive not her as they get about half of what they once did. Hope it's not because of her age as Minami is the oldest gal who gets a lot of posts, she'll be turning 35 in November. 

 Whew, Minami may be close to 35 in age but how many a decade younger can top her?!?! Going to make this a medium sized post, could have been a huge one but think it's wiser to hold on to a few things for her next post. Kind of a slow period lately but it may be worse with the Olympics beginning soon but hope I'm wrong with theory. Let's get to some new things and Minami has been one of the 
co-hosts' of the 'Gout Temps' women's talk show since January 2019 along with another #1 yearly winner, some pics from a few recent shows.

 Minami also co-hosts another show but doesn't do news anchoring these days which she did for six years, guess she can always do that when she gets a bit older. Actually it's better that she doesn't too much announcing these days as it gives her much more time to do the pics which all normal men swoon over. Perhaps not regular modeling pics like these but they all look so superb to me, such as this batch of new pics for the Snidel Spring/Summer collection.

 More new modeling pics from Vis, will be ending the post off with some sweltering ones.

 Pair of way too small mag spreads, two pics each from the April and May issues of Smart.

 Minami does have a larger spread for the June issue of Voce but will hold on to that for her next post though have some terrific new pics from their site.

 Minami's acting career is really on the upswing, have seen her in a few dramas and she's a decent actress. On June 27th there was a press conference for her next series which is titled "Boku no Satsui go Koi wo Shita", it begins on July 4th. At first I thought this was going to be a lame rom-com but it's far from that as the story is about a man whose father was a contract killer. It will be a semi-romance show but this man takes over his father's profession and will be checking that drama out. Here's a short video of her from the event: Drama press confrence

 Most Peach John lingerie models are only with the company for six months but not Minami who has now been with them for a year and why not as who can top her? Very few if any women can and will end off with some seductive new pics from PJ, whewwww! Okay, back from my cold shower(!) and after the pics is a Peach John promo video that came out in May, whewwww(!) again....

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