Welcome to this Baka's blog on his fave Japanese Pop Culture interests.
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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Friday, June 4, 2021
Momoka Ito: Her historical second intro post....
Have to say she's been my top discovery of the year or perhaps even going back much further than that. It's not that I missed out on Momoka many years ago as I did know Fairies to a certain extent but can't say I followed them all that closely as besides their music there wasn't much to post about. At least on a consistent basis for even if Momoka was introduced 3-4 years ago there probably wouldn't have been many posts. But at least now can go back to 2015 for things as when you compile all of her happenings from that span until now there should be enough for at least five or so posts.
Hopefully at least six posts to make Momoka eligible for this year's faves list. Will make sure that'll happen and know it's kind of early but can see her making a run at being #1 for this year, that's how much I've fallen for her. I'm not he only one, her first post was a week ago and in that stretch only one other post has received more views. These first few intro posts will have a lot of older activities, many new things plus will be having some Fairies tidbits in these posts and all should be enjoyable.
Just viewed my first Fairies concert and will be watching another one in a few days. They're not affiliated with Hello Project but they really reminded me of their groups. Momoka was really quite the J-Pop star and she truly carried the group, think she was the center for all of their singles. But sadly in June 2020 they disbanded even though they were still very popular. They had been together for nine years and guess after a while that kind of life can get a bit tiring. The group's last single was "Metropolis" which hit #6 on the charts, the covers for the single.
The single came out on July 17, 2019 and it was a surprise to all fans when it became their final one. Here's some interview pics for the single from the UtaTen site and you can also view them singing the tune by clicking the link, Sound is a bit low but nice to hear a group sing live: Metropolis
Yesterday posted the recaps for the third and fourth episodes of the "Girl Gun Lady" drama. Started out as a wacky show but has really turned into an intense drama and I'm really enjoying it. Momoka has one of the bigger roles playing the character of Natsuna who is a fierce fighter but if she doesn't watch herself could be 'erased' from the world! These pics are from Hobby Japan to promote a model of her character and highly recommend viewing this video promoting the model. I like her a tad better with this lighter hair and to me looks so much like Hinako from Nogi: Hobby Japan video
Momoka's third photobook will be coming out in ten days, have the two covers plus a pair of promo pics but am holding back a few. The bad news is there was supposed to be an event on June 13th that had to be postponed and really hope she's able to have one. Her other two books were terrific but these days her looks are kind of out of this world....
That bottom pic you'll see again in the spread that ends the post. Photobook #1 came out on August 20, 2015 and had the simple title of "Momoka", few pics here from the PB along with some from a fan meeting session held on the 17th.
In Momoka's last post had some of the most scorching pics ever and do have them again though they're slightly different. In 2019 Momoka had a biggish role in the very odd drama "Toritsu Mizusho!". Said I would try to find a subbed version, did find the series but it's never been subbed. The title means 'School of Water Business' and what a strange show it is, though not subbed could follow it well enough. Her character is named Seina who by day attends the school but by night is in training to be a hostess! Lot of the students look up to Seina and are also a bit frightened of her. The main character is the teacher Ishiwata who had no clue what his students were learning to be at night. That is until the seventh episode when he was brought to a karaoke club by Seina who turned on her charms and she definitely left me gasping for air, perhaps you will too....
Though the drama isn't subbed it's kind of odd how the opening credits are in English. Have to watch the size of these posts, even though there were many things from 2015-20 most were with her mates from Fairies. Am holding one older mag spread back and will be ending off with a hotter than hot set from the June 18th issue of Friday that has some outtake pics from Momoka's upcoming book. Lack of solo videos but have a solo Momoka CM from 2018 for Waseda after the pics
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