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Friday, June 11, 2021

Yume Hayashi: A little bit of this and that....


 Was going to take the rest of the day off after doing that below post but thought I'd squeeze a mini one in as weekends are kind of slowish for happenings recently. Another reason though is because it's rare when I can do back to back posts with women who have the first name, Yume means Dream in Japanese and hopefully one today's two gals will be in your dreams tonight! It's also been a while since the last Yume post, March 24th to be exact which isn't an eternity but that had been her only one for 2021 plus she has become such a huge fave of you viewers.

 It's not easy for a gravure model to have six posts in a year and qualify for the yearly faves list. But Yume did last year and finished in the sixteenth position, doubt if she'll hit the six post mark this year but her best mate who was ninth on last year's list has already qualified. Not a huge amount of new pics for today, perhaps a bit over forty but most will definitely make your blood boil and the majority of pics will be promoting her first ever photobook.

 More info on the PB later on in the post, it was released last Friday. Have some fine looking Yume IG pics here from the past ten days but there were hardly any for April or May.

 Yume will be turning 26 in October but she has the looks of someone who should be a few years older. Besides being an actress and model she still works as an OL and in April was appointed as the 'Tourism Ambassador' for the city of Furano that's located in Hokkaido. Hopefully that'll mean some events or such and that's her hometown. Have a trio of spreads promoting the book but am surprised there weren't more, Yume has always appeared in many magazines but when she has a PB they decrease? This first mini spread is from the May 29th issue of Shukan Gendai.

     Another way too small spread that's from the June 8th edition of SPA!.

 Final spread promoting the book is from the June 14th issue of WPB.

 Will end off with some promo pics for the photobook, some may be in the above spreads but these are all 'clean versions'. Yume travelled to Okinawa for the photo shoot, the book came out on June 4th and was the fourth best seller in it's first week out. It sold close to 3,200 copies which isn't that bad as the PB came out on a Friday so only had three days to accumulate those sales, she's had a few digital books but this is her first regular one. Title of the book is "Yume Migokochi" and these advance pics from it are certainly sweltering. On July 4th there will be an event for the book, shame there's no video for the photo shoot so instead have the link to Yume's YT vlog: Yume's Vlog

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